Monday, January 2, 2012

Starbucks, "Dexter", Laundry... Oh My!

I didn't pick up my daily Starbucks yesterday... Jeff did that.  He went to the club to play raquetball and while I was much much MUCH better after the effects of the Thursday, 5:30 AM weight class - I decided to finish cleaning up after our New Years' Eve soiree.  

So today - after my workout, I went through the Starbucks drive thru.  Ordered my usual and  inched forward as one by one, the cars ahead of me got their drinks.  When I got to the window, I asked what the person behind me ordered and was told the two drinks they ordered.  Then I asked what the person behind THEM ordered and was told a grande chai tea.  That ended up being wrong... but I didn't know it at that point.  In fact, in looking in my rearview mirror and seeing at least three people in the car, I was surprised.  Just the same, I told my little Starbucks gal I was going to pay for both cars orders.  She asked if I knew them - "Nope".  I just like to do this from time to time.  Usually not two cars deep, but it's a new year, why not?  

It did turn out though, that when she thought that the second car just had the one drink, well - that was actually an indoor order.  The car 2 back actually had a $13 dollar order.  BUT, thanks to me being a Starbucks Gold Card carrying member... it was more like $10.56.  It's a new year and that always feels good to do!  

On to "Dexter".  We finished the 6th season last night.  First we went to see "We Bought a Zoo" and when we got home we plowed through episodes 7... 8...9...10...11... and 12.  People... these are 50-53 minutes long each.  But the further we got in, the more we had to continue on.  Fortunately for me, I didn't have to go to work today.  But Big Papa did.  He said a few swear words this morning when the alarm went off... and then again when he woke up again LATER and realized he was now running behind.  I simply can't believe we have to wait for Season 7.  I can't believe the ending of Season 6.  I was not so gung ho on one part of this season with regards to Dexters' sister.  But I know at least 5 of you are still playing catch up so I won't say more.

You can buy Dexters KILL uniform on  Friggin' AWESOME!


Ryan came home from snowmobiling... Zach heads back to school tomorrow.  Ryan needs clothes ironed, bought, etc for his trip to St. Louis.  So much to do and about 18 piles downstairs to do.  Ugh.  Laundry.  Hopefully I'll finish it in time to write something here on January 3rd...  I'm serious.

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