Saturday, January 7, 2012

At The Club...

There's this gal that comes into the club that looks about 47... but she brought in her child one time, so she might look 47 - but is probably 39.  I know it doesn't always work that way, but she never smiles, she walks slowly, she has this icky air about her... 

Not only THAT, but everywhere she walks she's looking down. at. her. chest.

So she was probably lacking in the self esteem department and bought herself some tah tah's.  But this isn't a recent purchase... she's probably new (ish) to the area as she's only been coming for about 4 months -- off and on.  She wears an "outfit" usually and has her hair up.  She's not one of "those ones" that wears full on makeup to work out in - so there's that, but she does wear some. But the whole staring at your parts as you saunter - and yes, she "saunters" to her machine that she walks on, starts the machine, looks ahead with her chin tilted upwards... and only changes position to check on her parts again.  Ewww. 

Jeff finished playing racquetball and we met over at Starbucks.  In our conversation I told him "Boobs" was back at the club this morning.  Here's the thing... he knows who I'm talking about... and yes, I know... guys love boobs.  They not only love boobs, they get excited when someone says the word "boobs".  But Jeff and probably half the other guys there don't really appear to notice her when she's there and I think it's because of her pointy nose (you bottom dwellers thought I was going to say boobs huh?) and the air about her.  Chin up, hair done, perfect outfit, general "I'm better than everyone here" air about her.  I'm pretty sure it's not just me.

We saw her one time at Trader Joe's with a husband sort of dude and he was all roided out with perfect hair.  And likely a teeny tiny little weenie.  So I'm thinking home life is pretty superficial to boot.  But she never friggin smiles.  Ever.  Or talks to anyone.  Not that we go to the club for a chat-fest... well, Jeff does a little (gets him out of some cardio for his body, but sure as heck helps his chops!)  but we've been at that club so long that generally, at some point, you see everyone at some point talking to someone.  But not "Boobs".

Maybe if she spent less time making sure that just enough of them were peaking out from her velour jacket and yoga top and maybe didn't walk like she was royalty she might be more approachable, where people might WANT to say hello and SMILE... and she could smile back.  

One thing is certain:  Her New Years' Resolution was NOT "try being more discreet in checking myself out."


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