Friday night, I'm sitting on the bed, chatting on the phone when The Dad comes RUNNING down the hallway to say "He's starting!" It was out of context for me, so I responded "What?" He responded that #7 would be starting the game on Saturday.
While I'd been hoping all along he was healing up - I was, at that moment and every moment until the game was over yesterday - not sure I was ready for him to be back yet. I remember what the doctor said and this was supposed to be an easy (ish) game. He played a few plays and while it was great to see him on the field, I wasn't near as excited about it once the plays started! But I'm ahead of myself...
Friday night, Ryan was home and chit chatting with The Dad. Wack had come in on Thursday night and we got that same opportunity. Next thing I knew it was time to get up and start prepping for the tailgate. The tailgate that usually has good numbers, was just family this week. With it being "Senior Day" and, ohhhh... 27 degrees... it was us, the boys, our nieces and soon to be nephew and a few other parents of seniors. Before the game. At halftime and after it was just the family and that was mostly expected as the plan was to take #7 and our family out to dinner after the game. Oh... and did I mention it was flipping FREEZING!!
We made it to the Senior Family meeting area and talked with some of the other parents, introduced ourselves to some we hadn't yet met. The team ran out and then the senior players walked back to meet up with their families. It was as I saw #7 walk my way that my lip quivered for two reasons. 1) He was suited up. For him, this was the only option. He's a competitor through and through and broken bones or not, he WAS suiting up for this game. And 2) My baby boy, weeks away from 23, was playing his last regular season HOME game on the Inferno. Shit. But much as I wanted to weep in the moment, it's these very moments - moments where ALL of my boys are with me and there is just... nothing... any... better than this. They flip each other some brotherly "love" and while mostly inappropriate - it's what you want for your kids.
Then it was game on and the four of us NOT playing football took our seats in Section D, Row 27. It was then I look to my lovely new iPhone 5 and have a text from the very best AOTY (TK) "Go Eags"... It was a barn burner and because Blue Eyes had asked for the Apple Cup off from work - he had to depart at halftime to get back in time for the WSU football game. I got the text I had asked for, letting me know he was back in Pullman safely, our game ended and out to the tailgate we go. The boys seemed slow to come up so I told Jeff to wrap it up and lets' get to the restaurant. Fortunately, I had asked The Dad to stay behind in case #7 hadn't driven to the facilities that day. After A, B, Z, N and The Dad had broken down the tailgate, I took the girls and Nicholas to their car and we drove on to El Rodeo for dinner. Soon, The Dad, #7 and Wack walked in and dinner was served. We laughed, laughed and laughed some more. Dinner was good, my margarita was good... but too much for me so #7 helped me finish it off.
Before I got home I had texts from the girls thanking us for dinner - but it is I who should be thanking them. They helped clean up the tailgate while I walked to get my car, returned to the upper lot and then sat in it to warm up my frozen bones. They introduced us to a place we never knew existed in Cheney... and, as usual, they were there for their cousin... and aunt and uncle.
Blue Eyes and Wack also both gave up some time from their usual weekend and friendships to be home for their brother... and more likely... their mother who would have gotten her serious pout on had they not come. I would have understood, but still would have pouted mightily.
So I sit here now - after dropping Wack off at the airport a few hours ago - my eyes still stinging from the tears he didn't see. All of my boys will be home in 12 days - but still I wept. I good and wept. I bite my lip every time Ryan leaves... but to send off the youngest, on a plane, back to the town he loves and calls "home", proved to be the dagger.
I'm sure I can find a way to blame this all on The Dad to find a way to feel better, if even just a bit... In the meantime, we'll be taking in our second "Sunday" movie. Last weekend was "Looper" (FANTASTIC), this week is the one he wanted to see last week... "Flight".
And then perhaps some retail therapy to heal the mothers bleeding heart. <sigh>
Oh... I almost forgot. It was this day in history (or will be anyhow) that poor Blue Eyes learned that his grandparents were getting divorced. He hadn't seen the Bookface posts back in September. AND, thanks to the girls, they helped him wrap his brain around it. Somehow, The Dad and I figured that the boys had all filled each other in. Apparently not. It was around the same fire pit that Ryan came to know of this that Wack announced we are all just "acquaintances" now. That comment made it to the dinner table and we all, knowing this just isn't the case... howled with laughter. Oh... how I so love this family!
1 comment:
Loved the clip! Your #7 seems to be pretty special...if you know what I mean. ;) I'm so happy you have such a close relationship with your's great to read everything you have to say about them and it's very cool to see much they love their mommy.
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