Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Most Glorious Day!

For a Tuesday - I can't complain.  I got a decent run in this morning on the treadmill and I hate running on treadmills.  Got home, made the bed while Gag made Zach's lunch.  Boone was off to the races (aka the vet for another shot :( with the dad), the dad was then off to the races (the human doctor), Zach was off to his last 2nd semester of high school and I was off to work.  A Starbucks pit stop and 58 seconds later, at work.  It was a quiet day - surprisingly because yesterday I couldn't catch my breath.

Today was my first day in a month that I had time to collect thoughts, discern what needed to absolutely come first and even write a few emails that were certainly work related <shaking head>.  

I found a great item for an upcoming event and the biggest, best part of the day was my every 6 week appointment today!  So I have "fresh" hair, brighter, shinier and totally ready to take on Wednesday!  Dinner is in the oven (after two nights of crockpot dinners) and will be ready in time so that Jeff doesn't have to scarf it down before I gently remind him "Hey, we have to go to the senior all nighter meeting in 9 minutes.  Are you ready?"  And then "You're not wearing that are you?"  Followed up by "Thank you.  I can't believe you were about to head out tonight in flipflops, your undershirt and shorts with no underwear.  That would have been just a skoche tacky, don't you agree?"  At this point, I would run downstairs to check the laundry so I can't hear his pissing and moaning and crabby diatribe - only to return to that "Jeff" look and off to the races.  (No, not the doctors... the "My Baby's Going To College and this is going to suck ass, party planning" races.)

Laundry is started, put away and a candle is lit.  (Because the ambiance will help him not be soooo crabby when I announce the meeting we have to leave for.) And then... when we get home...

There's a FRIGGIN MICHAEL JACKSON "Glee" on tonight and thanks to Leap Year - there are 329 shopping days left until Christmas!

Most glorious day, indeed!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Crap, It's Monday

Now that I'm working again - my weekends are going just that much faster.  I don't dread working - I'm fortunate to have another great job.  Now you might ask "If the school district was such a great job, why did you elect to leave it?"  Well because it was a 10 month position - which was great when my kids needed me home after school.  Actually, it was great even when half of them were off to college and the last one was driving and more capable than the other two - to fend for himself at home if I weren't here.  But once my summers were no longer filled with running this way and that to sports and practices - summer became a little boring for me.  On top of that, who cares to be home when summer begins mid July and ends mid August?  So for a few years I'd been looking for something that I'd like year round.  And I feel like I struck the lottery - so that's good.

The thing I was looking forward to most was knowing how much more organized I am at home - when I'm working.  So there's that.  

So because of that - the good news is - I am fully aware of Zach's dental appointment tomorrow, Boone's second shot, my hair appointment*, Jeff's doctor appointment, the SAN meeting, "event planning" for the next care package party, cards I have to get out next week, dinners are planned.  Good stuff indeed.

Yet today - as I was waking up I had that whole "Crap it's Monday" feeling.  That kinda bites. 

Okay - new topic.  We watched "50/50" yesterday and we all really enjoyed it.  In fact, as I sit here - my 18 year old is re-watching it.  (District Semester Break day).  Lots of profanity, but really an endearing movie about friendship and family relationships.  So 3 thumbs up from Zachy, C.I.O. and me.

The one thing I will say about THIS particular Monday (yes, I switched topics again)... is that with all of the rain last night and the warmer temps today and predicted at 45 on Sunday!  O.M.G...  I just want to take a moment and give a shout out to Mother Nature for this amazing heatwave!  muah!  muah!  Big kiss hon!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Changes A Comin'

Today was laundry day.  Scratch that.  Today was "Lots of Laundry" day.  Bedding, bath mats, living room blankets... oh and let's throw some clothes on top of that.  And not only was it laundry day - it was also the EWU Football Banquet day.  I tried to get as much of the laundry done before we left for the banquet - and managed to get much of it done, but the bedding is still going.  What this means is that the sheets will be clean and I'll have blankets to cover me, but the comforter will go in as I'm heading to bed, which means that one of us is going to need to sleep fully clothed tonight since I'll be hogging all of the throw blankets. 

The banquet was the best one ever.  This is an inside joke and our friends the Haehl's and Williams know exactly why I say that.  In fact they went from prime rib to flank steak, ran out of mashed potatoes and Coach Hansen was missed when it came to the Senior salutes.  I was thankful when it ended (as were most of the boys who wanted to get home and study for tests, etc).  But I did spend some time, thinking about 12 months from now and what it is they will say about my boy.  And knowing that 12 months from now sports is all over for us until we are grandparents.  

We've changed jobs, where we live, added dogs, painted walls, torn down walls, won some and lost some and all of those things meant change.  Sometimes change is easy, other times hard and in 12 months - we will undergo a second major change in less than 5 months.  We will become "empty nesters" in September and then, just a few months later, will go to a final sports banquet.  


I'm never going to be ready for this.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vision Quest

"You're on a vision quest, man.  You're trying to find your place in the circle."  
~Kuch (Michael Schoeffling)

So I read on Twitter the other day that Matthew Modine was going to be in town for the SpIFF (Spokane International Film Festival).  I've lived here my entire life, minus a 6 month stint and have never heard of it.  So it's only been in existence for 14 years - but still, I've  been here for the past 14 years. So The Spokesman tweeted it and asked who everyone's favorite Matthew Modine character is/was.  I tweeted back "Louden Swain of course! Vision Quest baby!"  So last night, on our way out to get tickets to the special showing of "Vision Quest" at The Garland theater - I saw that Matthew Modine HIMSELF, "favorited" my tweet!  That ranks right up there with Jimmy Fallon "following" me after my tweet response to one of his songs 8 months ago or so.  I told Jeff then and I said it again last night... "OMG... we are so going to be besties!"  I love to make him laugh, but I love just as much - that Jimmy Fallon is following me and that Matthew Modine "favorited" my tweet.  I only found out about Vince Vaughn being out at Northern Quest last night after we had made plans for the evening.  <sigh>  I could have a whole other new "bestie" if only I had known.  <sigh>

An acquaintance of ours - and someone I worked with when I was at Hoopfest, National Book Award Finalist, Jess Walter, coordinated with Matthew and The Garland for the showing and a Q & A after the movie tonight.  I sent him a text thanking him for bringing this little event to fruition.  When we were up buying tickets last night, there were a few  other 40-somethings doing just what we went "up North" to do - and that was to make sure we had secured tickets to tonight's little soiree.  What totally cracked me up is the look on both of the girls faces working in the booth and inside behind the counter.  They were giving us the "OMG, who are these people flocking to buy tickets to a movie we've never heard of, like as if." kind of look.  And I'm not kidding...  they were totally perplexed by us being there the night before this movie.

If you've lived in Spokane and are a certain age - you KNOW what "Vision Quest" is and you assume everyone knows what it is.  And then my 18 year old says "What's "Vision Quest?" and I knew then I had failed my kids.  For the love of god - their school is in it and someone that Jeff and I went to Ferris with as well.  For shame.  And so the next family weekend we get - That's right, "Vision Quest" will be on the big screen downstairs, popcorn, milkduds, skittles... you name it.  It's on!  And they WILL watch it.  And they WILL like it.  

And then I remember... they are 18, 20 and 22.  Making them do anything is going to be tough.  I see another bribe in the future.  (Shhh - don't tell the dad.)

I'm an 80's girl through and through so going to see "Vision Quest" on the big screen in 2012?  No brainer!  The idea and efforts to help raise money for The Milk Bottle and Ferguson's to rebuild after the fire in late September is noble and I'm certain there will be a packed house tonight.  

Dream alert!  Dream alert!  Wouldn't it be way cool if Michael Schoeffling showed up?  Who doesn't love Kuch/Jake Ryan (16 Candles).  I read somewhere he's happily married and makes upper end furniture in the New York area.  Stud.  

Oh Jake Ryan...

So the soundtrack is great, the story is good, where it is filmed is fantastic - and us 40 somethings' all get to go back in time a little tonight.  Something different and unexpected to look forward to.  

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Jig Is Up!!

Well, really... it's really "The News Is Out!"

And it's great news!  Well, except for it further delays my "We're Moving to Cabo"  postcards that I would like to send out one day.  

The "wanted man" in the song is my husband... He is an I.T. mastermind at work and constantly juggling the wants and needs of nurses, admin, his I.T. "guys", vendors, and anyone that has some sort of computer, network, phone, fax... issue.  He is loved by many.  He's been on call on Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Years, Easter, Fathers Day, Mothers Day and many other days over the course of his time at Family Home Care & Hospice.  And that will continue, only instead of call rotating amongst 4 people, it will now rotate amongst 6 or 7 (I should really know this part).  And the reason it's changing is because....

The one and only Jeff T. Minnerly is being introduced at Family Home Care today... as the new C.I.O. His very recently made name badge, key thingy... with the new logo and "I.T. Manager", will now be replaced with one that says "C.I.O".  His office, which was just "reorganized" the other day, will now be moving to the other side of the building.  

This is a happy guy!  In a company that continues to grow with much more on the horizon, a company he believes in - has shown they too, believe in him.  The boys and I are so excited for him and this new adventure!  Sure it's at the same place he's been for nearly 7 years now - but in a somewhat new capacity.  

So while this puts off my "permanent residency" in Los Cabos for yet a while longer, I can live with that.  My next question is "Soooo....  honey....   about this job I recently got..."

Just kidding!  I'm excited and loving my time and work at KAYU TV!  

As my boys would say:  "Let's goooooooo!"

Congratulations to JTM!  You are a - 


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Notes & Names

I'm going to go with "Names" first.

I'm not super good with names.  I recognize faces, but names I'm not real good with... so starting a new job with 45 people is going to take some time.  What sucks is when they know your name and use it in a daily salutation!  I've been so consumed with learning the job that names were completely put on the back burner.

But today I got lucky!  I now have two new names learned.  

Story 1:  The fun spirited, a bit sarcastic like me, gal came to talk to my roommate at work and I (from the other side of the wall) made a few snarkey comments to which this gal needed to come to my side and reply to.  When she got there, we bantered and then she honestly said "Hey, I'm not super good with names and I know you've been here like 3 weeks or a month or something, but...".  So I - as quick as they come to me said "My name is Jenny."  I just so happened to have the 80's station on Pandora playing so she said... "Oh, I can totally remember that.  Like the 80's song.  I got it!"  And she was so enthusiastic about it.  At this point I really did try to interject to tell her that that really is NOT my name but she had walked back to Meg and was still chattering along.  Finally, when she came up for air I said across the wall again "Uhhh, my name isn't Jenny."  Quiet.  More quiet.  And then Meg laughed.  (I really can't believe she held it in when I said it in the first place.)  So right about now, because everyone thought that was a hoot and saying that I fit right in - it is safe to say I am not a Top 10 favorite person of Ronell's.  In fact, she says she's going to call me "Jenny" from now on.  Thank god I picked Jenny and kept a straight face.  I'd be kicking myself if I'd have picked Bertha, Gertrude, Aunt Jemima for sure.  At least "Jenny" could fit if I have to wear it.  And it appears I do.  So anyhow - I didn't admit to Ronell that I didn't know her name at that point - so the most fabulous thing about this is - that the story was told several times over throughout the morning in the hall and her name was, of course, always mentioned.  So... now I know who Ronell is.  Check one.

Story 2:  Another new co-worker of mine stepped into my corner and said "I know someone you know!".  This is a double edged sword - I know a lot of people and a lot of people know me and it's safe to say we don't all like each other or REALLY know each other...  so then you wait and cautiously ask, eyebrows up, semi-concerned, semi-intrigued "Oh yah, who's that?"  So she told me who and how they know each other and I couldn't help but wonder as she was speaking how "that person" knew that I was working at KAYU now.  And I realized I "woke up" from that as soon as she said "And I said to myself, Kim, you should know his name."  HA!!!  Kim!  So now I know Ronell and Kim.  I might be able to pull one more name out of my ars this afternoon.  Maybe even 2.  But - let's not go overboard, shall we?

And then there's NOTES:

When I pulled up today to get the mail and spend some quality time with my amazing hounds - I found a card from the gal I replaced at EWU for my short stint.  She rocks!  Anyhow - we've become friends after all of that hullabaloo out there and have a mutual friend or 3 - but our "lives" won't really intermingle all that much because we are just in different "phases" with kids, travel, jobs, etc.  So I get this note from her.  I'm thinking as I open it that it's probably a late Christmas/Holiday/New Year greeting, in reply to the card I sent at Christmas.  But as I open it - it's simply a hand written note card.  Which I totally, totally LOVED!  It's just like she said - and it's not that I haven't thought it before:  We live in a texting/email world and sometimes it's just nice to get something in the mail.  And so it was.  And part of me wants to pick that up and run with it as well.  But a year without facebook, a daily blog, remembering (or trying) everyone's birthdays... Can I really take on another gig?  Will it help me with my Cabo Diet results?  That's the main thing...  

So shout out to Stacy - you are most fabulous!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Momentarily Inspired to Get Organized

And in the time it took me to type that title - that moment has passed!

I think getting a paycheck after all these months kickstarted me to just do some shhh... stuff.  I started out by buying things and bribing kids, finalizing Cabo plans, seeing movies and having a few beverages with some awesome members of my family last Friday.  But that couldn't last forever so I had to bring some of that motivation to things that needed some attention around here. 

Say... like the pile of stuff on the kitchen table that Ryan needs down in Pullman.  Or the box of shirts that needed sorting, folding (The Hoopfest way, so that would be rolling) and inventoried and then mailing off a portion of them to Demingham.  The PILES on my desk at home that needed organizing, bills paid and clearing out 2011 files and creating 2012 files.  Then actually TAKING the boxes to the post office...  I hate going to the South Regal, Spokane post office located at 5428 South Regal.  It does not matter what time you get there.  You ALWAYS wait.  Dumb.

Then there was this "thing" that I had been wanting to order (this would actually fall in line with the "buying things" comment from the first paragraph - but it was going to take some time and creativity) and knew I couldn't attack that until I had some semblance of "order" on the desk.

The desk is kick ass.  It is.  It was my grandfathers desk and is just ginormous and heavy as heck.  Fo' sho!  And beautiful.  Anyhow - I knew that this project was going to need my mind to be clear to figure out exactly how it should be laid out, what it should say, where it needs to go, when...  I've been sitting on this idea since just before Christmas and it took my paycheck to bring it to fruition.  I can't speak much more of it - as it's a gift and likely "these" will be the gift of the year.  When the first one is "out there" I'll post it on here along with a link n such because it's just... cool.  

So over the past couple of weeks my mind has been cloudy trying to learn "availz, rep firms, 28:30, :30, bookends, :10, rotaters, missing instructions, wide orbit, format grid, inventory, preemption (endless)," and on and on.  I have always been quick to pick things up and run with them and there were some times I thought that that might just not be the case for me this time.  And then today happened.  Ryan's package off in the mail at lunch, laundry started, AARP securely placed in my wallet (j/k) and I got back to attack the make goods on the national side.  And then something happened.  I printed off the confirmations from the reps on make goods and I "saw" it.  They kept telling me that once I "saw" it - it would just naturally click then.  I had the best day today.  As it is though, even through learning all of this - every day has been great.  I can see now that while the procedures will always be what they are and live TV entertainment is never ending, I am busy ALL OF THE TIME.  That's the best.  Perfect for my ADHD!  There's something about it because aside from the new Program/Regional Manager dude - and me, we are the "newest employees" in YEARS.  That says something.  

Let's gooooooo!!!!

The AARP & Me

I can rest easy the rest of today and TFN.  My AARP cards arrived in the mail today!

I was pretty excited about it, considering my arteries are likely clogged from the healthy cod and asparagus I had last night - swimming in hollendaisse sauce!  So just to make sure that card is in the right hands, I put a piece of cod on a plate and ate that up for lunch!  It was okay - not quite the same as last night for sure.  Good news is, with fish, you don't need your dentures in.  Oh right... I don't have dentures.

I'm 42.  And for probably 2 years now, I get AARP stuff in the mail randomly.  So how did they get my name first of all?  What database were they searching when they got a 40 year old woman's information to get on their mailing lists?  I know I'm not the only one - but shouldn't there be rules?  Guidelines?  Uhhh... let's start with AGE of recipients.  Anyone?  

Why don't they know that I carry cards around like... a Starbucks Card.  A AAA Card.  An American Eagle card.  An athletic club card.  Lord love a duck... I'm FORTY TWO.  I don't ask for the senior citizens discount yet.  Heyyyyyy... heyyyy.....  

It's time for me to get back to work... but not until after I dig the AARP cards out of the trash.

Over & out!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This Wind Blows....

We were the recipients of a "nasty gram" from the USPS.  Apparently we had too much snow around our mailbox.  Snow that the county PUT there.  Unfortunately weather issues and mail service were not talking points in the State of the Union address tonight, so I had to send Jeff out to "clear up the situation".

But the good news is that the weather has warmed tonight, the wind is a blowin' and the forecast shows that it's going to stick around for several hours.  

I'm not fooled though.  It's gonna snow again.  And then it's going to rain again. And then probably snow again.  Then more rain.  And so on, so forth... Then sometime around mid-March or late April we'll get a burst of sunshine and we'll all think that spring has finally sprung and that summer is on the way.  But me?  I've lived in The Can long enough to know that that is just a teaser week and summer usually doesn't start until Hoopfest - the WORLDS largest 3-on-3 street basketball tournament, a company and event I am fortunate enough to have been a part of once upon a time.  But that's off topic. (But yahhhh Hoopfest!  Tis' the season.)

I thought earlier that I had several things to touch on today but now it's past my bedtime.  But I'll touch on a few of them:

1) To the guy that practically turned in to my car at the post office because he couldn't see past his stomach in the front seat - I saw tonight that the Biggest Loser is looking for contestants for their next go-round.  If I were you, I'd consider applying.  This is brutal I know, but when you have to remove your front seat completely to fit in the car... that's a problem.   So annoying.

2) I made a really decent dinner tonight.  Baked cod and asparagus.  YUM!  Right?  Right?  Well, you would agree if you too had poured a giant vat of hollendaisse sauce over both the cod and the asparagus like I did.  Though the asparagus was perfectly seasoned and didn't need the buttery, creamy, calorie filled sauce.  Urg.

3) Zachs medicine is no longer available through Shopko.  It's also not available through Group Health.  wtf?  I spent an hour and a half doing the work I think the doctors assistant should be doing in trying to find a pharmacy that will order it, that happens to be on our medical plan.  I found one - I hope.  The gal I talked to put in the order as I was talking to her, but she wasn't sure if her warehouse actually would send it and I'm to call back tomorrow after 2. This new job doesn't really allow me ANY time to do those kind of things so it was important to enjoy some time with Char after work.  Some of you know her... Char Donnay?  I don't know who came up with "an apple a day..." but I'm certain that wouldn't have helped me today at all.

4)  Go George Clooney and "The Descendants".  And while on the topic of movies.  Jeff and I saw "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" the other night.  I was stunned this morning that it was like 7th on the money making list after this weekend.  I think people think it's about 9-11, and it's just not.  Certainly that plays a part, but not how I think people are thinking it does.  It didn't grip either of us for most of the movie - but it wasn't a yawner - it kept you wondering a few things and how they would tie it all up.  And then it happens - and it all makes it worth it.  Really.  Really worth it.  Give it a chance.

And tomorrow... is Wednesday.  Silent cheer for Wednesday!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Hair B Gone!

This is really more of a "Before & After".

My oldest has been growing out his hair for 18 months.  It started as a $10 bet amongst 3 teammates.  I bribed one of the teammates and my son quickly told that young man "All you've got is your pride." and my offer was declined.  I couldn't bring myself to offer Ronnie, because Ronnie has prettier hair than most women...  I just couldn't ask him.  I tried bribing my son as well - to no avail.  And then came the day that he said he was going to cut it after the end of the season...  

And then someone braided his hair in cornrows and he kicked a** in his football game that weekend.  So now... the braids apparently have "power" and the hair had to stay.  So I came to "terms" with it and it helps that he doesn't live in the house except for vacation stints and occasional dinners.  

But then there's Wack.  He's been growing his hair out for 8 months now and it's just driving me freakin' batty.  The last straw was Saturday night at his basketball game and I was watching all of these other boys on his team and on the team he was playing against - with clean cut haircuts and I was done.  Fed up.  The End.

We went to work out on Sunday morning and when we got home I quickly started making breakfast so that if he awoke, he wouldn't come up and just settle for cereal, all the while, making that disgusted sound that comes with the whole "There's nothing to eat in this house." comment.  

He came up and sat at the table as I finished preparing breakfast and I stopped dead in my tracks, and without having consulted with my husband first, said (another one of my finer parenting moments) "What would it cost me to get you to cut. your. hair.  Today."

Z- "$100 bucks."
MOTY (mom of the year) - "Done."
Z - "I mean... $150"
MOTY - "Great.  Done."

Jeff - (Not really paying attention starts to clue in) "WAIT!  WHAT?!?!  HOLD ON!"
Z - "I'll have to think about it."
MOTY - "You have 2 minutes."
Z - "I need 10"
MOTY - "You have 2"
Z - "I need 10"
MOTY - "Fine.  10.  Clock started 2 minutes ago."

Jeff - "Did you think about consulting me on this?"
WOTY - "Not really."
Z - "I just don't know.  I've been growing it for 8 months."
Jeff - (later saying he "had my back") "I'll sweeten the pot a bit.  I'll fill up your gas tank."
M&WOTY - (turns toward sink crossing eyes, fingers, toes...)
Z - "I'll do it."

After a few minutes:
Z - "Just so you know, I was thinking about cutting my hair today anyhow."

<LOVE that kid!>

Here he is over Christmas:

Here he is now:

Totally... totally worth Jeff's money!  :)  After all, I had a purse to buy!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Isn't She Lovely?

Look at her.  Isn't she beautiful?  (Can you just hear Steve Irwin - the late Crocodile Hunter, saying that?)

I've been carrying around Miche Bags for a few years now and if I'm being completely honest, was often pissed off at the bag (not the bags fault) because I would turn a corner  while driving and because they are a hard, boxy purse, it would fall over and flying throughout the car were my lipgloss, pens, wallet, hallmark gold seals, personalized Starbucks card and on and on.  YES - this could have all been avoided if I zipped up the bag, but I often need to just reach in to my purse for these things so having easy access is preferred.

So while we were out the other night with our family - one of them told me that they had a slew of shells that she would give me because she had bought (invested) in a new Fossil bag (satchel!) and wasn't using them anymore.  I mentioned back that I had recently sold about 8 shells that I had because I only use the purse because it's all I've got.  Granted I have one each in black and brown and then various shells and handles/straps.  

So Jeff and I decided on a movie last night and before we went to the movie, I needed to stop at Macy's for cover up and blush - of which the downtown Macy's didn't have.  I keep striking out down there... so the Valley location is really my favorite... but last night, even though I struck out with my makeup...  I was successful at "locating" a new purse.  Oh my goodness.  And look at what she looks like inside:

It's been a long while since I've had a Dooney & Burke in my life and I'm really excited to have her.  She and I are going to Costco today, then Rosauers, Petco and she might even come with me to get an overdue pedicure.  But I've got to get a move on because I'm totally jacked to watch the Giants game...  

PS - My Miche's are up for grabs.  Holla! (If you want them!)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

February Birthdays...

If you have a February birthday and I should *know* when your birthday is, but yet you never hear from me on your birthday - would you kindly send me an email, text, letter, paper airplane... to gently remind me of when that might be?  Heck, let's not stop with February, if you have a birthday in the year 2012, would you send me that date. If you see your birthday listed below, assume I've got you covered.  Gracias.  (Lo siento...  I've got to brush up on my espanol.)

January 3
January 15
January 16
January 17
January 24


March 2
March 10
March 27
March 30
March 31

April 6
April 14
April 23

May 5
May 8
May 12
May 20

June 4
June 9
June 16
June 22
June 28
June 29


August 7

September 10
September 20
September 23
September 29

October 13
October 31

November 5
November 9
November 29

December 3
December 6
December 15
December 16
December 23
December 25
December 29

It's a Gold Seal Day!

Dear Hallmark,

The next time I come in to one of your stores, please don't ask me if I need or want gold seals to go with my cards.  Because even though I have a drawer full of cards, usually I forget to apply the gold seal to the back of the envelope.  So today... while we were cleaning and organizing, paying bills and marking an "X" on the calendar for the "Countdown to Cabo" I came across these:

That's not all of them either.  In fact, I tossed some because they got all wrinkled and were sticking to other "strands" of gold seals.  The point I'm trying to make is - since buying cards and usually never sending them is an illness I have - it would help me if you told me personally that I would have to pay for the gold seals. 

On a good note though - I did manage to buy and send 4 January birthday greetings this month!  Each with a little sumpin' sumpin and I think two even got the gold seals.  And while I know my goal was merely to get birthdays remembered - I've for some reason, got a plethora of Valentines' cards that should probably make an appearance outside of the drawer - so this year is it.  Knock on wood.  Though if cards had an expiration date - these would have expired in 2003.  Early apologies to the receivers of these cards.

Well, big J has been patiently waiting for me to join in the talks of which movie to see this weekend... I want to see "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo", "Extremely Loud and..." or the Marky Mark movie.  HE wants to see the Marky Mark movie, (Who doesn't love Marky Mark?), "Mission Impossible 14" and "Extremely Loud...".  He will never finish a book so doesn't know how great "Dragon" will be.  So chances are, we are NOT going to agree on a movie, even though two of them are the same.

Part II:

Nickelback tickets secured.  Yesssssssssssssssssssss!

Friday Friday Friday....

I missed my first day - dang!  So looks like I'll have to make up for it.  I did make it 59 days before that happened.

But Friday happened and I had such hopes for it too!

Been learning the new job and felt like I was in a good spot going into Friday and then WHAM!  Friday happened.  I was anticipating attacking this new "part" of my job and looking forward to my first paycheck which was refreshing to get... but then some isht crashed in on my "plan" of attack for work.  So the program changes I wanted to hit on first thing in the morning didn't happen until the end of the day and I confirmed something back to a rep firm before I was supposed to through our electronic program - which isn't life or job threatening, it's just I like to do stuff right!

So I was ready for 5p to hit because I felt crushed.  I have always been quick to learn things and yesterday I felt like I wasn't getting it - one part of it anyhow... a part that just happens to be pretty big.  It's like Jeff says though, it's not like I'm trying to learn some secretarial, clerical, reception kind of position.  It's not that kind of position.  It's live media, daily deadlines, keeping track of money, spots, what feels like a gazillion clients and even more procedures.  <sigh>

So the paycheck was nice because at SPS - it felt like they dinged us for everything.  Union fees always went up, insurance my first year to cover the family was $274 out of my check.  By the time I left there it was $784.  Stupid.  Now Jeff covers the boys at half the price it would have cost me at SPS AND mine are fully covered here.  So there's that.  But at SPS we got paid once a month so after that wad of cash came out for benefits, union fees, and all of the other little things that they pulled out - my one check - was less than the one I received yesterday - which is one of two I'll get a month.  So that - was AWESOME!

After work I went to pick up Z-Man's prescription and they said the doctor had called it in wrong.  They said they'd put it back to the doctor for the right name and that came in, but then they spent what felt like 40 minutes "processing" it.  

By the time I got out of there and pulled in to the drive through at the bank (you know the deal where you can't have the first paycheck direct deposited... grrrr) at 5:56 and they all just looked at me.  So I was sitting in my car, knowing they were all inside saying "Really? C'mon lady!"

Jeff called at that moment too, wondering where I was and sounded exasperated because we were meeting people and were now running late.  So that's exactly what I need right now... more pressure.  Neato.

It actually took a few sips from a second glass of wine to finally relax me - a glass I didn't finish because by the end of the day, night... FRIDAY... it was just plain hard enough to raise my eyebrows by that point.  So when we got home - I called it a day.  And at 2:37 AM - Saturday (today) I woke up realizing I didn't post on Friday.  So I'm starting out Saturday with fitful sleeps from 2:37am on.  Fiddlesticks.

<Gasp> Oh... but good news.  Those damn cubic zirconium's are OUT! <sigh of relief>

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Really? 1 to 3 Inches... At Most today?

Okay.  So are ya with me yet?  The "weather people" can NOT predict the weather in The Can!  First it was up to a foot between Wednesday 4a to Thursday 4p.  Then it was 3-4 inches Wednesday with snow starting back up today with the possibility of 1-3 inches by 10p.  

So here's what I can tell you - when I left work today - there was EASILY 5 inches on top of my car.  And it's still comin' down.  Streets were closed, cars in ditches on the way home and yes... we have it.  Snow.  Lots of it.  Well, enough of it that the city didn't get ahead of it (why should this be any different than any other  year?) because they listen to the bleepin' forecasters.  

But me and Black Betty - we got around just fine today.  I love Black Betty.  She glides through the snow effortlessly.  Between her and the Tahoe - which is the best car in the snow by far, we'll make it to where we need to be.  

The only thing Black Betty did wrong today - was get me to the dentist.  Holy Mary, Mother of God - how I hate the dentist.  Well, not Dr. Orsi personally, really it's more like the evil that lives in the people who clean your teeth first.  

They have to have something wrong with them, right?  

Anyhow - this here post is for the one and only:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I don't think so people.  It snowed 3.7 inches and we might get up to 2 more tomorrow.  Big deal.  I would get the local newscasters hype if we were Seattle, Portland, or freakin Las Vegas.  But we're Spokane.  We get snow every year.  We've gotten 3.7 inches in a day before.

In other news:  I fell asleep during the kick off to American Idol tonight.  

And now it's my bedtime.  This whole "working" thing has put a kink in my blogging schedule for sure!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Lovin' On Google Right Now

Wikipedia has done this for the next 22.5 hours... So check out what Google has done!  It's friggin' awesome!

Imagine a World
Without Free Knowledge
For over a decade, we have spent millions of hours building the largest encyclopedia in human history. Right now, the U.S. Congress is considering legislation that could fatally damage the free and open internet. For 24 hours, to raise awareness, we are blacking out Wikipedia. Learn more.

Snowpocalypse Shmopocalypse!!!

The one thing you can count on in Spokane is that the weather usually never is what "they" say it's going to be.  In December, "they" tried to hype everyone (aka the skiers) up for snow after what was supposed to be 2-3 days of "stagnant" weather.  "They" extended the "stagnant" pattern for a few days.  And then a few days more.  And even then... a few days more.

So now the west side gets hit with a storm, the mountains are being blasted and regions that usually might get a dusting of snow are buried.  And most of them didn't know it was coming.

So here we are, in Pos Can waiting for some uber winter storm.  But I've been following weather.com and it's just not showing it coming our way.  In fact, this morning, wondering how to dress for work I pulled up my weather app on my "not Siri" iPhone and it showed no snow most of the day.  As I left for work, there were clear skies on the horizon and I laughed as I walked into work listening to people gearing up for "Snowpocalypse".  I told them "So, I live in the ghetto section of Brownes' Mountain and just FYI, there's clear skies on the horizon."  Two hours later they I heard exclamations in the hall, "Ya, I know.  The sun is shining bright out there."  

36 hours ago it was said we were to expect 12 inches.  As we got to this morning, that was downplayed to 8-10 inches and now?  Now they're saying a whopping 4 inches over the time period 4am Wednesday to 4pm Thursday.  Whoo.  Four inches in 36 hours?  Not sure we can handle it.  Well... let's rephrase that.  Most homeowners and businesses will be able to clear 4 inches of snow over a 36 hour period.  The City of Spokane and their deicers?  Well, them I'm not so sure of.  They've been deicing streets every other day for a week in anticipation of more seasonal temperatures and likely hoping that we were eventually going to need it.  So three nights before snowpocalypse is supposed to hit - they send out the deicers.  But do you think they are out deicing now, what with the "storm" supposing to hit us in 8 hours?  Nahhhh...

C'mon people - weather is only predictable in Phoenix, Arizona.  Right?  Easiest job in the world in Arizona - being a meteorologist.  Actually, easiest job anywhere because it's probably the one and only job that you can NOT be right most of the time and NOT lose your job.

Anyhow - if you're in Seattle... bahahahaha... Y'all don't know how to drive in snow and that's funny as all get out.  If you're in Pullman, good time to get some good boots to walk to class.  If you're north of us, enjoy your winter.  If you're here in The Can - and you think I'm full of hoo-haw:  Just watch this.

Monday, January 16, 2012

January 16th, 2012

Go on and try to tear me down
I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper...

You are missed SFB
12/3/1990 - 9/16/2011
I wish... things were different.  Then.  Now.  

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Don't Have a Daughter... But If I Did

I had three boys.  Correction:  I have three boys.  I gave birth to three boys.  And if I'm being honest - because my younger years with my  mom weren't what so many of my friends had (shopping excursions, hair appointments, girl talk, girl stuff...  heck it didn't matter if I did boy stuff - we just didn't converse a whole lot to begin with.  So to add an activity to that would have been preposterous) I was glad I had all boys.   But when I was pregnant, at least with #2 and #3 people would ask if we knew what it was and/or if we wanted a girl - especially when we got to #3.  But for me - I just didn't.  My mom and I didn't get along most of the time and that was just not my favorite time in my life.  That's not to say boys can't "not get along" with their mom too, we've had some of that, but it's different.  I parented differently.  Most of the time.  And a lot of it has to do with the "gift" I got in "the dad".

Cutting to the chase.  Jeff has been out of town since Friday and I've been trying to get some rooms in order now that I'm back to work and it's SO MUCH EASIER to do when he's not under foot. (You ladies know exactly what I'm talking about... kind of like the sick/pouty thing, right?)  So there's been this giant pile of clean clothes that my oldest left strewn about over break - I washed them, folded them and usually left them on the ironing table by the laundry room so each day he knew where to find some clean clothes.  School started up last week and he had mentioned he would be home last weekend, so I brought it all up and put it on the dining room table.  It sat there all week long.  So this morning I texted him and asked what he wanted me to do with his laundry.  He said he would come in right then.  I told him "No rush, just was checking."  Then I asked him if he wanted breakfast when he go here.  "No thanks."  Hmmmm...  

Usually I don't get responses.  Well, quick responses and coming in at 9:30 after a Saturday  night in college??  So my head got swirling.  Something was up.  The question was:  Could I handle it alone without "the dad" around?  

I left to go work out believing he would be a while still and on my way down the hill I ran into a friend who was walking so stopped and chatted at her for a few minutes.  THEN I see Jeffrey coming up the hill in his truck and right away I can see his hair is out of his face and I am smart enough to get excited only for a moment - in thinking he's finally cut his hair... and realize it's braided again.  Which I don't mind.  If it's going to be long, I like the braids.  I liked them more a month ago...  So he stops and we all three chat for a minute.  And then I see it.  Scratch that.  I see THEM.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddgggggggggge.  Shit.  Damnit.  Shit.  Crap.  WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!?!?!?  He laughs, says "You don't like them?"  

Me: "Did my reaction come across that I might like them?"
JD: <laughs> I'm going to go grab my stuff.
Me:  "I'm right behind you."

Then it gets better.  Because Jeff was out of town I took extra measures at locking doors. All doors.  So Jeffrey hopped the fence because it was frozen shut - at the same time I was calling Zach asking him to let me in.

JD: "Why'd you lock all the doors?"
Me:  "Cos dad is gone."
JD:  "Zach is here."
Me:  "C'mon... really?  He's in the basement, door shut, sleeping and wouldn't hear a thing."
JD:  <smiles>  "Yah, you're right."

Okay.  First of all, being all nicey-nice and agreeing with me is NOT going to make me like them AT ALL.

So here it is:

Me:  "I love you and am rarely disappointed in you, but this I don't like at all."
JD:  "You're disappointed?"
Me:  "Ya.  I'd rather you get a tattoo or (this is where my fine parenting REALLY kicked in) told me you got someone pregnant."
JD:  "Seriously?  I think a tattoo or getting someone pregnant is WAY worse."
Me: (Thanks to his demeanor... he is really good that way) <heavy sigh>  "Ya, you're right.  But shit, I just don't like this.  I'm not racist Jeff, but I hate to tell you this.  You're NOT black."
JD:  "I've got a 3.8+ GPA, I'm going to keep it.  I killed it in the weight room this Thursday when everyone else was puking - because of my work over break.  This is fine."
Me:  "I don't like it.  The hair is one thing.  EARRINGS are quite another."

Yes... earrings.  Gay ass earrings.  And I told him that.  Ugly as sin.  Stupid.  But yes... holes will close up.  A tattoo won't go away, nor will a crying, pooping bundle of joy.  

So... I've got three boys.  Two of whom are growing their hair out.  And I have been pretty good about it - but I don't like it.  Anymore.  And I really don't like the stupid (*&^%#^%(O(&%&##@#Y))&%$ earrings.  Gay as hell. Period.  So they have boy parts, but apparently - I am going to have to invest in more beauty aids, leaving me to believe that they are getting in touch with their feminine sides.

We obviously missed something in the parenting handbook when it came to "How to manage/manipulate your children when they're adults."

Double shit. Shit.

And then I realize... there are worse things.  And while I remember that... please allow me today and the next 88 times I see him... to think:  SHIT!  Stupid.  Dumb.  Ick.