Monday, January 23, 2012

Hair B Gone!

This is really more of a "Before & After".

My oldest has been growing out his hair for 18 months.  It started as a $10 bet amongst 3 teammates.  I bribed one of the teammates and my son quickly told that young man "All you've got is your pride." and my offer was declined.  I couldn't bring myself to offer Ronnie, because Ronnie has prettier hair than most women...  I just couldn't ask him.  I tried bribing my son as well - to no avail.  And then came the day that he said he was going to cut it after the end of the season...  

And then someone braided his hair in cornrows and he kicked a** in his football game that weekend.  So now... the braids apparently have "power" and the hair had to stay.  So I came to "terms" with it and it helps that he doesn't live in the house except for vacation stints and occasional dinners.  

But then there's Wack.  He's been growing his hair out for 8 months now and it's just driving me freakin' batty.  The last straw was Saturday night at his basketball game and I was watching all of these other boys on his team and on the team he was playing against - with clean cut haircuts and I was done.  Fed up.  The End.

We went to work out on Sunday morning and when we got home I quickly started making breakfast so that if he awoke, he wouldn't come up and just settle for cereal, all the while, making that disgusted sound that comes with the whole "There's nothing to eat in this house." comment.  

He came up and sat at the table as I finished preparing breakfast and I stopped dead in my tracks, and without having consulted with my husband first, said (another one of my finer parenting moments) "What would it cost me to get you to cut. your. hair.  Today."

Z- "$100 bucks."
MOTY (mom of the year) - "Done."
Z - "I mean... $150"
MOTY - "Great.  Done."

Jeff - (Not really paying attention starts to clue in) "WAIT!  WHAT?!?!  HOLD ON!"
Z - "I'll have to think about it."
MOTY - "You have 2 minutes."
Z - "I need 10"
MOTY - "You have 2"
Z - "I need 10"
MOTY - "Fine.  10.  Clock started 2 minutes ago."

Jeff - "Did you think about consulting me on this?"
WOTY - "Not really."
Z - "I just don't know.  I've been growing it for 8 months."
Jeff - (later saying he "had my back") "I'll sweeten the pot a bit.  I'll fill up your gas tank."
M&WOTY - (turns toward sink crossing eyes, fingers, toes...)
Z - "I'll do it."

After a few minutes:
Z - "Just so you know, I was thinking about cutting my hair today anyhow."

<LOVE that kid!>

Here he is over Christmas:

Here he is now:

Totally... totally worth Jeff's money!  :)  After all, I had a purse to buy!

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