Dear Santa - Updated 12/26/11

Dear Santa:
All I'm saying is that this would not suck, to get for Christmas.

I'm pretty certain this year I'm not on the "naughty" list.  I'm just saying...

Dear Santa:
I'll still take one twinkly eyed Ryan Gosling for Christmas, but today I'm adding to my list in the event that you run out of Ryan Goslings.  Once upon a time, all I wanted was an Easy Bake Oven... since I never got that, I don't think asking for a Ryan Gosling is asking too much.  But just in case - next up on my list is:


Dear Santa:
I've been busy "crafting" today, something I rarely ever do because my HDD (I can totally pay attention, is my hyperactivity that gets in the way!) won't allow me to sit for that long on tedious tasks.  A lot of it I stood for today, so my feet are feeling the brunt of the crafting today - well, and my brain because you have to have patience to craft and I  was having an ongoing argument with myself about what a good thing I was doing and then "MY GOD, this is taking forever.  Put it down, come back to it later."  But I knew if I stopped, I'd never return to it.  Anyhow - back to the achy feet Santa.  I was thinking these looked kind of cool.  What say you?

Craftilly yours,

Dear Santa:
How about, as a precursor to the 12 Days of Christmas, we start off the 14 days of Christmas with this little "gift". A...

Win...  :)  

Dear Santa:
I just want to tell you "Thank you" first and foremost.  You're making believers out of the Broncos and Timmy Tebow.  I will say that what's most inspiring - to me, is that you've even got his special teams and defense starting to believe and you are, in effect, helping to create a "team".  So thank you for the win.
For the 13 days of Christmas, I'd like to suggest a winning lottery ticket.  And the job I'm interviewing for.  Scratch that... OR the job I'm interviewing for.  Oh, and maybe an additional couple of shopping days til' Christmas.  Oh... and no more dog farts.


Dear Santa:
I guess it's official... the 12 days of Christmas are upon us.  I suppose todays' Christmas wish should tie in with today's post.  I mean, after all, whilst I sit around the house, job searching, decorating, doing laundry, baking...  it seems important to keep my mind fresh.  We can't afford for me to be out shopping and galavanting around every day, I don't play tennis and I'm not on a swim team.  My friends all work and can't talk on the phone much... so what could be better than Siri?  

Nothing.  That's what.


Dear Santa:
I've cleaned all of the bathrooms today, swept and mopped floors and vacuumed the rest of the house.  I've folded and washed 3 loads of laundry thus far with three more to go.  I've got a trip to make to the store, but most important of all - my hair appointment at 1:30!  Santa, all I'm asking for on the 2nd day of Christmas... or is it the 11th day of Christmas? - I'm simply going to ask for peace.  Oh... and my husband to notice my hair when he gets home today.  Which, if you think about it... will give us, our dogs, our neighbors and my "followers"... peace.  I got your back big guy!  Ho! Ho! Ho!


Dear Santa:
I would like to meet Michael C. Hall in 2012... preferably in Las Vegas at a "Dexter" convention.  In May.  Or June.  When I can soak up the sun.  

Dear Santa:
You're sort of a know-it-all, so I probably don't have to tell you this - but living in Spokane all the days of my life - I grew up accustomed to snowy weather and christmas vacations spent sledding, getting new sleds for Christmas, etc.  Even as I passed up that fun, innocent age and time in my life I have cheered for the snow to start as soon as Thanksgiving is upon us.  As a kid - we could count on it.  The older I get, the more global warming, el nino's and la nina's - it has become something that mostly just doesn't happen in time for Christmas anymore.  So here's what I want NOW... Now that it's December 22nd and the stupid air stagnant weather alert lasted 16 days longer than the news said it was going to...  There's no snow in the forecast for the next 6 days (according to which gets us past Christmas and a need for a snowy, white, wintery wonderland.  

So Santa - I'd like to put in a special request for no chance for snow this year.  At all.  Well, except for in the mountains because we need that spring run off.  And when I say mountains, I mean REAL mountains, not Tower or Brownes.  Just in case that needed clarification.


Dear Santa
December 26, 2011
I got everything I wanted...  all my boys, in the same room, taking in the meaning and spirit of Christmas.  Understanding what it means to be a family, going the distance and making connections.  My boys are all strong, healthy, courageous young men and their hearts are bigger than even they know.  Today, the best gift, was seeing them find that out.  Thanks Santa, for a Christmas holiday like none other we've ever had.


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