Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To Whom It May Concern: (Starbucks Employees' Take Note)

A while back I bought about a dozen Starbucks gift cards with $5 on each of them and $10 on two others.  These were for all the birthdays I missed after we got the news on July 23rd, that The Dad would soon be unemployed.  

These cards and a plethora of Hallmark greeting cards traveled with me to work, home, back to work, home... day after day after day - as I thought I would make time every once in a while to fill them out and send them - late, of course, but not so so very late...  like I did.

So I bought them the end of September or beginning of October.  It's been a little while.  But I finally got around to quickly penning a little "Happy WAY Belated Birthday to you!" and scribbled down something that didn't really look like my signature at all.  I tossed in a Starbucks card into each envelope and stuck stamps on them and out they went.

Fast forward to today - Wednesday, November 14, 2012:

I got to work, unloaded my new purse (and she's a beauty) and saw I had missed a call from my friend KM2.  She had left a voice message and asked me to return her call on her cell - which I then did.

KM2 - "Hey, you know I got your card last weekend.  Thanks for that."
FOTY - "Oh gosh... well, better late than never."
KM2 - "I usually can read your writing, but I was really struggling with...." (let's just say I wrote terribly)
KM2 continues - "So I went to use the card today and I order probably the most expensive drink and as I hand them the card, I say - "I probably owe some more on it." to which the barrista says"
Barrista - "No.  Your balance is $55.37"
KM2 says to me: "So I'm thinking there was a mix up."

The wheels in my head spinning and I start to think about how many cards I sent out... Obviously when I bought them, they  messed up and put the ENTIRE amount on one card.  The one card that KM2 ended up getting.  I can't even tell you who all I sent them out to last week - but I can tell you, that my guess is they think I played an April  Fools Day joke on them - in, uhhh, NOVEMBER.  Then again - maybe they all got $55 or $60 on them?  I know I didn't pay that, but I, as I often do after I purchase those cards - tossed the receipt.  

I sent a text to one of the other gals I know received a card and she hasn't tried to use her card yet.  I asked her to please, please, please let me know if her card allows her to buy a drink  or not and she will.  

So there's that for today.  Unbelievable.

The moral of the story:  If you want to make a friend feel really special 4 months after their birthday - play Russian Roulette with Starbucks cards. Or... not.  Maybe just get a card off to them, regardless of what life is throwing your way - within their birth month!

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