Monday, April 30, 2012

Give It Back!

Saturday night we attended the 31st Killin Auction, Dinner and Dance.  It's the big fundraiser for EWU Athletics... lobster, prime rib, good music, fun with friends.  So that's all swell.

The Dad advised me to bring extra money this year because he said there was probably going to be something I was going to want to bid on this year.  This WOTY highly doubted it.  

And as usual - I was right.  Except for this one thing.

They happened to have all of the game worn jerseys up for auction from the Military Appreciation Day game last year.  The one below...

See how the wrist tape and up at the shoulders and down the mid side seam is camoflauge?  

So these were all up for auction and #7  just happened to be on top.  There were no bidders on the #7 Bid Sheet and this particular room was set to close in 8 minutes.  So we bid.  All of the others had been bid on by their family members and only had ONE bid on each of them.

Away we go to the next room... nothing I had to have.

Then the next room... also, absolutely  nothing I could live without.  

Off to the dinner, dancing, chatting, laughter and excitement with friends surrounding #7's friend being drafted in the NFL draft the day before!  Fun fun fun!

I told The Dad it was getting close to my bedtime and wanted to leave the event with little fanfare.  Last year - after surgery on the Wednesday prior, a pain pill and a few glasses of wine in me... well, I'm not going to elaborate.  I spoke my mind, because I know ALL about football, ya see.

So The Dad went to get our "prize" from the "prize pick up tent" and he was told we did not win it.  


Judy was nice enough to show The Dad the bid sheet.  He, in fact... I, in fact,  DID NOT WIN - my son's game worn jersey.

Seriously?  Who DOES that?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Saturday's Surprises!

It appears today will be a 2 post day, due to a pretty busy Saturday and no time to sit and make a post.  I know, I know... this hurts me more than it hurts you.

So let me just say - we started out by working out (the usual), then I raced home before The Dad so that we couldn't get home and just be lazy for a bit, which would have happened had I not come home, showered, started laundry, stripped the bed, yada yada yada.  Then it was off to Coscto, Rosauers and Albertsons - home to unload and knew full well that by the time that was all done, it would be time to head out to Cheney for the annual Red-White Spring Scrimmage to watch #7.  Our last Red & White game.  :(  As parents of a player anyhow.  

See here:  See # 7 here!

But when we got home and I opened up the fridge, water poured everywhere.  Well, that's an exaggeration, but not... really.  Kind of.

Let me back up and tell you a story that you may not already know 

"The Story About A Refrigerator".

Once upon a time, a WOTY/MOTY and her husband, aka "The Dad" had a major kitchen remodel.  They planned and they shopped (and by "they", I mean "she") and found all of the "necessary" items to go into that new kitchen.  New plates and silverware (thanks to The Dad leaving them at places of work over the past 22 years, these were "necessary" purchases) and appliances had to be picked out (and though we were shopping for KITCHEN appliances, The Dad wasn't with WOTY when she finalized this deal so a new washer and dryer got added on - also "NEEDED") and so on and so forth.  The WOTY wanted an uber oven since she hosts a lot of family holidays, parties, etc and with that a monster refrigerator.  So she got them.  I am going to leave out the brands for reasons you will soon read about.  

So less than a year into the new kitchen and appliances - the ice maker in the uber expensive, super large refrigerator stopped working.  Puddles of water were dripping down the front of the water/ice dispenser and not once, not twice, but three times did the refrigerator maker send out the local store repairman to replace this "board" in it.  It never worked.  So then we were told - well, they could ship us a new refrigerator, the same one, only in stainless (not an option) or a smaller, somewhat like item and they would move the old (9 months old) one out.  The stainless wasn't an option for two reasons - WOTY had just gotten rid of their old stainless and went to black and ALL of the other appliances in the new kitchen are... yes, black.  The second being, well, the same as the first.  The smaller fridge was also not an okay solution since the kitchen was designed around the specs of the freakin appliances.  How stupid would that look?  I'll tell you... STUPID.  So the final option, which had to go through all of this approval, scrutiny and yet another diagnostics test by the company - was, a refund of the cost of the refrigerator, they will not move it out if we bought a new one and their warranty ends.  (Though WOTY bought the 5 year deal at the retailer and THAT is still in tact.)  So...  the family used that money to go to Cabo with last year.  Duh!  And they just buy a bag of ice that goes in the really big freezer.  They tried putting the ice in the ice maker, to just pump it out, but it melted.  So that was no solution and getting ice from a bag isn't that big of a deal. Remember how we got it when we were kids?  Ice trays.  

So fast forward to Friday night when the couple was sitting on the couch after The Dad got home from the EWU golf fun day with glassy, red eyes that he claimed were "wind burn"... <sigh>  They started a movie and then heard this familiar sound and WOTY looked to The Dad and said:

WOTY:  Did that sound like the ice maker?
The Dad:  No.  Did it?  Wouldn't that be something.
WOTY:  That would be stupid.  Seriously?  No...  
The Dad: <closes eyes again because they were still stinging from "wind burn".  
WOTY:  <decides it's the beverage center under the island that made the noise.>

The End.

So back to yesterday.  I open the refrigerator, water spills out and I look to the ice maker.  There are FIVE ice cubes in there and they are not melting.  So... is there a leak?  What's the story?  I pull out the container thingy, and there is ice frozen... not ice cubes, but like the water that melted underneath the thing that holds the made ice that drops into it that has melted, ice.  So I go to task chipping it out and making it all pretty and non-icy.  I pad the refrigerator with towels and paper towels so we can "test" to see if uncovering spots that were iced over makes it work any better.

We leave for the scrimmage and come home to feed the hounds and nothing.  No ice.  No drips.  No nothing.  So it was a fluke.  Whatever.  Weird, but whatever.

We go to the 31st annual Killin' Dinner, Dance and Auction that follows the scrimmage and come home from that and still, nothing.  Not a hint of a drip.  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada.

This morning I hear "The Drop".  ICE!  Again!  Really?  So I come out and there's water inside the fridge, the paper towels had taken all they could over the course of the night, but it wasn't as much as yesterday.  I open the ice container and "wah lah!" ice.  5 cubes.  Not melting.  Not stuck.  Just minding their own "ice" business.  So I clean up the bit of water and re-stock the paper towels and off to the dog park we go.

Hang on...

Okay, I'm back.  No water in the fridge.  No drips on the dispenser...

AND TEN ICE CUBES!  I'm not going to get my hopes up - but could it be?  Could it be that my refrigerator is "back"?  Could it be that I  no longer have to buy bags of ice or tell the story when guests go the her for ice?  I'm not getting my hopes up, but this is looking semi-promising.  Definitely could be worth the $278 in tax we didn't get back for the refund.

Just sayin.

I will tell you the brand if you ask, discreetly.  Certainly you understand.  :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Letter of the Day is "EFF"

Today The Dad is golfing in the EWU football thingy majig, fund raiser, blah blah blah thing.

I worked late yesterday, on purpose, felt like I was finally, finally, finally making headway on my pile.  Felt really good.  Knew I was behind on a few things, and really like it there after everyone else has left.  So quiet.  I knew that I had 3 "projects" to tackle today, so cleaned up all of the "other" stuff.  

Boom!  I feel good!  Na na na na na na na...

Get home, make stuff for baked potatoe bar.  We eat.  Watch "Grey's", my dvr'd "Private Practice" and "The Office".  So I caught up on most everything.

Woke up.  Worked out.  Life is good.  Know I have to get gas on the way to work.  Get coffee at you-know-where, drive to get gas.  Get gas and realize it overflowed. Say to self:  "Self, just go with it."  Wipe it up, and off to work.  The gas that I got on my hand starts to bother me as I washed three times and put lotion on twice trying to get rid of the smell.  I have an uber sensitive sniffer, and these tactics didn't work.  Then I made the mistake of attacking one of the "projects" and between the smell and the freakin mess this statement came back to me in - well, that sealed the day.  Eff word.  Eff, eff, eff, eff, EFF word.

With that - I knew The Dad hadn't left the house until around 11 so I knew the hounds didn't need immediate releasing.  I went to get a pedicure... and halfway through she asked if I wanted a manicure which I usually turn down.  But it had been an EFFED up morning, so I took her up on it.  Oh my.  She gave me a neck massage and shoulders and rubbed my hands...  I relaxed, but my mind was fried.  I managed to make SOME headway on that account prior to the end of the day, but it's going to require more.  THIS, I should say, is the VERY SAME ACCOUNT that gave me fits a few months ago.  New quarter.  New Order.  Not even half way through it and they've got it all EFFED up.

So tonight I get home, feed the dogs, let them out and The Dad is still golfing.  I have sat here in this chair for an hour doing nothing and it feeds so good.

Fast Forward to just now when The Dad walks in and tells me that #7 got rearended on the way home from the golf outing.


I think I'll go to bed.  

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Oh Jimmy Fallon... I've Totally Fallen For You!

Last summer I sent a tweet to Jimmy Fallon in response to a song he had sung on his show the night before.  It went a little something like this: <the tweet that is>

"I'm happily married.  You're happily married.  Therefore, I think it's safe to tell you I love you!"

Two days later I had a notification in my Twitter that the Jimmy Fallon was "following" me! It's for real.  The real deal.  

When I can stay up, I'll watch the show.  I used to dvr them all but didn't have enough time to watch them and my box was filling up.  So now I mostly check to see who's on and if they interest me - we record it.

So fast forward to two nights ago when Jimmy had Barack Obama, THE President of the United States on his show.  

And it was great.

But the very, very, very, very, very, very best thing - was when Jimmy told the President that he thinks it's funny when people trip or fall down.  The Dad's eyes got wide and he looked my way.  THAT IS ME!

I openly admit it.  It was posted on the "about me" area on my old Facebook page.  I think it's funny when people fall down. I remember the time a woman was leaving a Ferris basketball game when I was in high school and she fell on the ice.  She landed on her rump and wasn't seriously hurt - and I laughed.  The Dad has taken a few spills, some of them that could have been avoided - which probably makes it all the more funny.  I advertise it...

And so did Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday!  

Oh Jimmy Fallon... I still love you!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thank You!

Thank you to Northern Quest Casino for retweeting my link yesterday!

Thank you to Tuxedo Gallery for making Zach Attack look so dashing last night!

Thank you to Alaska Airlines for getting The Dad safely to Seattle today!

Thank you Starbucks for a perfect latte today!

Thank you Adam Levine & Maroon 5 for this awesome song! <Payphone>

Thank you to the University of Washington Admissions crew for making Zach's college dream come true!

Thank you to Jack, Dan and Boone for not eating Zach's lunch off the counter this morning while I was driving The Dad to the airport.

Thanks to Mother Nature for the mix up in weather today thus far.  So far, so good!

Thank you to all Administrative Professionals today - you know who you are!

Thank you Jimmy Fallon for hosting THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on your show last night.

Thank you to THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA for being on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" last night!

Thank you God of the Creatures for taking care of the poor snake I scared yesterday and making sure he could slither off.  (And of course you saw me diligently check all areas around the mailbox as I drove up today!)

Thank you for a baby shower this weekend and getting to see my favorite from Vancouver!

Thank you for Cuatro de Mayo!

Thank you for the EWU Football Scrimmage this weekend!

Thank you for the Haehl's who secured our tables for the Killin Dinner!

Thank you to The Dad for putting up with me.

Thanks to Ryno Minn, #7 and Wack for your patience, laughter and continued passion for football, writing, friends, guitar - and determination to succeed.  I wouldn't advise you to do it "my way", but I'm glad my way gave me you.

Thank you for flying bees.

Thank you for Apple Tunes.

Thank you to Hoopfest for bringing my family all together for a fun weekend!  Can't wait!

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Day "Getting the Mail" Changed Me.


Get up.
Go work out.
Come home.
Dishes, lunches, eggs, morning stuff.
Get ready for work.
Leave for work.  (This is not "go" because after I "Leave for work" I...)
Drive to Starbucks.
Order tall, non-fat, with whip cinnamon dolce latte.
Drive forward. 
Idle chit chat.
Drive to work.
Park car.
Walk into work.
Turn on computer.
Check email.
Sip latte.
Start a plethora of programs.
Check email.
Print off premptions.
Sip coffee.
Start and finish paid programming.
Start some make goods.
Talk to Meg.
Check email.
Wait for lunchtime...

Grab purse.
Grab keys.
Unplug iPhone with the nearly broken "menu" button.
Place in purse.
Walk down hall.
Walk down steps.
Walk to car.
Get in car.
Drive home.
Pull up in driveway right by mailbox.
Get out of car.
Get mail.
Get in car.
Pull into garage.

And so on and so forth.  I am going to copy and paste and insert a few lines from LUNCH TIME! down.  See if the new line sticks out at all.


Grab purse.
Grab keys.
Unplug iPhone with the nearly broken "menu" button.
Place in purse.
Walk down hall.
Walk down steps.
Walk to car.
Get in car.
Drive home.
Pull up in driveway right by mailbox.
Get out of car.
Step on snake.
Get mail.
Realize just stepped on snake.
Realize just stepped on snake in SANDALS.
Look at the snake coil up.
Apologize to the snake - even though he was slithering his tongue at me.
Apologize again.
Walk around the mail box and slowly towards the car.
Apologize to the snake again.
Get in car.
Close the door.
Hit "window down" button.
Look at snake.
Realize he's a good size bigger than the ones I've seen when mowing the backyard.
Apologize "Sorry snakey" again.
Wait for him to slink off.  He doesn't.
Pull into garage.
Check rearview mirror to make sure he isn't slinking down my 50 foot driveway my way.
Get out of car.
Walk out towards driveway, leaning to see if he's still down there.
He is.
Turn around.  
Walk inside.
Take off shoes.
Go to window.
Snake is gone.  
Look towards street.
No snake.
Look towards driveway.
No snake.
Check to make sure garage is closed.

<breathe a sigh of relief>

From now on, I will check around the mailbox before just getting out of the car to pick up my mail.

Sorry snake.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunshine - Part II

I am not, I repeat, NOT playing hookie from work.  I DID, however, wear shorts to work and thank goodness I did.  Our building is either really cold or really warm... and those correlate to the weather outside.  If it's warm outside, it's warm inside. If it's ass cold outside, it's about the same inside...

Shorts it is!  Well... and I'll be taking off early for Zach's tennis match!  Go Wack!

I went to bed early last night and it felt good.  I remembered what happens to my body after a day of weeding and churning the dirt in the flower beds and boxes.  Most muscles HURT the next day.  It's kind of like going to the dentist, it's a bit sore, but it's a good "sore".  So the extra ZZzzzz time was good, I think.

Yesterday - The Dad came out to see me on the front porch as I was admiring my weeding job and enjoying the "cool" on the front porch, versus the late afternoon sun that beats on the back of the house.  I noticed a carpenter ant and was a little concerned.  When we bought this house there were carpenter ants in Ryan's room, the kitchen... and that was most unfavorable.  So we did like George Washington and we cut down the cherry tree.  The pear tree, the maple tree and all of the other trees.  Leaving only the walnut tree...  more on that in the fall.

So where this carpenter ant was coming from bothered me.  Jeff noted that it was also a breeder.  (This comes from his days as some sort of "bug" expert I guess) and then this happened:

The Dad - "Oh!  What's that!"
WOTY - "What??!!" <slightly panicked>
The Dad - "Oh... a flying bee."
WOTY - <you can guess....> "Ummm... as opposed to a non-flying bee??"
The Dad - "Fuu....  Dooooonnnn't...."

I repeated the conversation a dozen times to see if it lost it's humor and it didn't.  The Dad knew it was going here.  He also asked "Why do you gotta make me look foolish?"

Hmmm... me?  I wasn't the one that exclaimed I just saw a "flying bee" or that I downloaded something on "Apple Tunes".  <snort>

God I love him.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hot Topic!!

It's been spoken of before.  It will get spoken of again.  Some curse it, others (like ALL of The Can, WA) praise it and because of it,  I would count on a lot of "sick days" being used up tomorrow.

The Sun.

Yes... a hot topic to be sure!  And lord if I'm not going to soak it all in while I can.


Here I am in the sun... the little white and red striped towel at the top of the monitor is a cold, wet towel over my feet.  To help Miss MissingMyOvaries heat levels.

And then this...

Is The Dad... asleep in the sun.  Snoring.  I'm NOT kidding.

Fortunately, he set up these:

So my iPod is plugged in and my outdoor speakers are blasting my newest playlist, which, for one reader, has Rick Springfield on it.  And now Adele.  And it drowns out the snoring and the barking yip dog down the way.

Rumor Has It the sun is going to be out again tomorrow in full force!

Until then.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"We STILL Have Kids..."

Tonight, after The Dad and I went to the Apple Store in Riverpark Square to find out "WTF" (Why the face?) my "menu" button on my friend, iPhone, doesn't always work.

Let it be known that the "menu" button can "go out" and if that happens you don't get much of a break to "fix" it.  It means a new phone and if under warrenty it's only $140 at the Apple Store.  I do have insurance through Verizon, so will go that route, but... while it's oft times annoying, it will do until July when we have our next upgrade AND surely Siri is as excited as I am about my having the opportunity to upgrade to her.  So... I can wait.  Unless... Verizon decides my insurance "deal" will work for Siri, if even for just un poco dolares!

ANYHOW - The Dad and I decided it wasn't a "movie night" and started home.  We took a detour and decided to have an appetizer and cocktail at a local spot up here on the South Hill.  While we were eating this went down:

MOTY/WOTY - "Well, next year... when we don't have kids..."
The Dad - "Uhmm. <clearing throat>, ya... we will still, very much... have kids next year."
MOTY/WOTY - "Oh, well, ya.  I mean..."  Burst out laughing...
The Dad - "I know this, because a decent amount of each paycheck goes into their accounts every two weeks..."

And so it does.  

And it was funny.

And then I remembered.  

BUT, all was not lost.  It ended up being a fateful night as we ran into someone on a whim and were able to piece together a bit more of this "end of Senior year" stuff for Zach so that was a blessing.  

Today the lawn was mowed by The Dad, front and back.  I usually like to do the backyard, but it was crucial to get all of the bathrooms good and gone over, laundry done, knowing tomorrow is "clean up the flower beds" day, dog park day and get ready for a busy week for Zach day.  Oh, and #7 will be in for dinner.  

I almost forgot.  While we were sitting in the Apple Store, The Dad told me that I could download an app that would allow me to check in for my appointment there (which I had already done.)  He proceeded to tell me how it worked, even though it was a mute conversation.  He ended it by saying - "Just go to Apple Tunes and you can download it."

Apple Tunes?

Oh honey...

Friday, April 20, 2012


Random post today:  I've been so busy at work this morning and didn't allow myself to determine what todays post would be.  I know if I held off, it would be "after work" time on a Friday and then I'd miss, and you all would be so sad, and I hate to see sad people, and then it would ruin my weekend... and as I stated in a post the other day, it's an "all about me" world so... 

How's that for a run on sentence?

Okay - Per my "American Idol" post the other day, I am now DONE watching "Idol" and will resume the:

WOTY: "Call me up/out here when Phillip Phillips is up!"
The Dad: "Why can't you watch the whole thing?"
WOTY: "Because, for the 18th time, I knew when they saved Jessica that they were wasting/using their save too soon. All this proves is that they are trying to give a GIRL a chance to win since it's been several years."
The Dad: <scratching self, eating chips, sitting on couch and now... lets add 'pouting' to this list>
WOTY:  "It's okay honey, I won't tell anyone that you're watching "Idol" all by yourself"
The Dad:  "uh huh, ya sure."

That was the future I just predicted for you.  But it's real life for me.

Skylar only knows how to YELL songs, she should not win.  Hollie is timid and unsure most of the time and while she can sing, her best songs are ballads.  Elise bothers me mostly, but she does kick ass when she sings a good song.  But that pouty/pissy face and comments have to go...  and Jessica.  She has the most potential at being her own artist, but I didn't think she had her best week.  And that's who "the powers that be" want to win.  One of them, namely Jessica.  Sorry - none of them are the whole package and Elise probably comes the closest in all actuality.  

Colton didn't pick the best songs this week - but overall, I stand by it - the finals should have been Colton and Phillip.  The End.

Next up.  I just realized that the site I created Zach Attack's graduation invites on shut down when my laptop did it's little update gig the other night.  I'm not entirely sure I saved my creation.


After "Next Up" - Who's freakin excited to work in the yard on Sunday?  It's supposed to be 81 degrees!!  That's as warm as it was in Cabo a few weeks ago!  Let's GOOOO!

Last:  Don't let the dogs eat 7 Rosauers shortbread cookies.  Unless you want to clean up "matter" from both ends.  

Time to get right back...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's Happening...

Last night I left home at 6:15 to sub for my old bunco group and came home a *new* member of said group.  Due to a member choosing to do what I did 5 years ago or so - and take a break from it, and my time "opening up at home" with kids leaving the nest every 2 years, well, it seems like a good idea.

When I got home, The Dad had been patiently waiting for me so that we could watch "Idol" and at some point, while I was telling him a story my pal KM2 just told me, Zach came bounding up the stairs.  He was printing papers here and there, needing the stapler, needing the 3 hold punch that one of his older brothers used 2 years ago about this time of year and didn't return it to it's home in my desk.  It has yet to be discovered in a room...  

I asked The Dad  what "we" were working so feverishly on and he said "He's presenting his Senior Project tomorrow morning."

MOTY - "WHAT?  Tomorrow?"
The Dad - "I guess so."
MOTY - <thinking...  'You think so?'>
MOTY - "Is he ready?"
The Dad - "Well I've heard him down there playing, so I guess."

The Moms and The Dads are so much different.  If The Son told The Mom that he was presenting his Senior Project, surprisingly, the next day... and The Mom knew The Son was playing the guitar, self taught, SHE would make a few excuses to need to do the laundry, or pick up the downstairs bathroom so that she could be a part, or know in her heart that The Son was ready, by sneaking a few "listens".  Or at least know if she needed to say extra prayers that night in the hopes The Son did well enough to pass.

The Dads scratch their bottoms, eat a few chips, watch SportCenter, go to the bathroom, come out of the bathroom, let the pets in, watch The Son run up and down the stairs, inquire "What's going on?" and when The Son replies "I'm doing my Senior Project tomorrow", says "Cool." and resumes the scratching, while sitting on the couch, watching SportCenter.  With chips.

It's true.  You know it is.

I didn't go to the club this morning.  Instead a ushered The Dad out of the bedroom to make a "good" lunch and I made The Son some muffins, got a plate, butter and all the "goods" out for him because this is "kind of a big deal."  He came up and grunted a few times, but I leaned up (okay, tiptoed up) to give him a good luck kiss on the cheek and told him "good luck."

And off he went.

I got this shortly after getting settled in at work today.  

He passed.  I wondered if he had played the song I heard him teaching himself a while back.  And I knew the meaning behind it.  And then and now it brings tears to my eyes. 

I don't know, and though I've asked (texted him) to inquire, he doesn't respond.  Perhaps that is my answer.  The unspoken.

It doesn't matter.  He taught himself the guitar, he worked hard, he changed while doing it.  He passed this "big" project that allows him to move on to the U next year.  

It means, aside from his AP tests - he's done.  He's going to grow up just like the other two.  It means he's leaving.  It means that the last one of these human beings that I've poured my heart and soul, tears, stress, laundry detergent, $$$, food, smiles, laughs, sports with... is headed to the next phase.  Which means a new phase for me.  

Everyone else always talks about how great it is - life without the kids around.  I've had to go thus far, and though it's easier, I gasp for breath when I know they're going to be pulling up at any second.  I miss them all of the time.  I wonder if I did things right.  I know I can't get time back and the bad is the bad... but it haunts me all of the time.  I love them too much, my husband has said... and it's true perhaps.  But I can't imagine my life without them in it and I'm struggling to know that I have to move on to a next phase. More than I struggle with their new adventures.

Congrats my Zachy.  If you want to live at home until you're 47, I'm all for it!  Don't tell The Dad I said that.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

American Idol, Baby!

Tonight is "American Idol" night and I've just committed to bunco!  What was I thinking?!?!

The past 3 years I haven't invested much time into the show because it's the same old thing year in and year out.  We've gotten into "The Voice" and I don't even watch that for the competition anymore.  At least not the contestants competition.  I DO, however, watch it for the competition between the coaches and I like to look at Adam Levine and Blake Shelton... while The Dad likes looking at Christina Aguilera!  She can be drop dead gorgeous and she seems very approachable and she can wail!  So... I didn't pay a whole lot of attention when "Idol" came on this year.  I usually had my laptop on my lap on the couch or was often in the office while The Dad was watching.  BUT...

As soon as I heard Phillip Phillips sing and he had that Darius Rucker/Edwin McCain sort of sound to him - I paid attention to when he was on.  And then Colton showed how much of an artist he is too... so now I was yelling out "Who's next?" from the office or the laundry room downstairs.  Then I heard that little Jessica sing and Skylar... woo boy!  So the last 2-3 weeks I've watched it, mostly.

The 7 that are left are all very good.  I would say that the adorabe, teeny tiny Holly is probably next to go.  She has a huge voice but just doesn't have the confidence needed or the ability to do anything more than ballads.  I think Elise and Joshua should exit stage right after Holly and then probably Skylar.  The girl can do some amazing things, but there are three ACTUAL artists that she's up against.  They have all the pieces already...  

So yes, I can tape it... shnikeys... I just said that.  I can DVR it and I will... but dangit if I can't wait to see what Phillip and Colton do tonight!  Hasn't it been a while since a girl won?  I don't know... and mostly don't care - because I think, at this point, that Colton and Phillip are the ones to beat and SHOULD probably tie.  Jessica is great, but her career has already been made and she still needs some finishing work.

I amn't (that could totally be a word... Zach Attack made it up when he was a toddler and it's stuck with us) going to download the iTunes versions of their songs.  Yet.  But I do love this song.  Loved it before Elise and Phillip sang it. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dogs & Ducks

So I wrote my whole "Duck" story the other day - which still saddens me...

Then someone told me about the "Dog" story and I was going to search for it, but it was on the news that very  night.  So here IT is:

And yes.  It sucks. 

What is so inspiring to me is the loyalty the duck and this dog have for their fallen friends.  I know people that have far less loyalty, if any, to friends, family, etc than these animals had for each other.  I'm sure we all do.  

But if we know those people or ARE those people, there's probably not a good chance that how we respond to someones loss is ever going to change.  Some people are born wearing their hearts on their sleeves, others appear to have no feelings at all.  Some show concern, empathy when it's needed and would hope for the same in return; some appreciate the empathy, condolences and wouldn't think to reciprocate.  

"Grace" and my "Duck" stayed the course, to make sure they didn't leave someone behind. Their someone.  I would think a stray dog would be more conditioned to continue running.  Too bad, so sad, leaving dust in her trail.  But she didn't.  She was loyal.  She stayed.  She was "human"... as was my "Duck".

So a duck and a dog can be human-like...  Absolutely.

But how come more humans - can't be more like the dog... and the duck?

Let's turn this around a bit:

On Sunday, I went grocery shopping.  While I was out grocery shopping I picked up a box of Rosauers shortbread cookies.  When they're fresh... they're "the bomb".  I knew that #7 was coming in for dinner and he loves them so I figured I'd send some home with him.  I first ate one to make sure they tasted okay.  Then The Dad had one.  Repeat.

This morning, we left for the club and upon our return, the dogs had managed to balance on one of the others backs to get the box off the back of the counter to finish the rest of the cookies that we didn't send back to school with #7.  The Dad was immediately ticked.  I laughed.  He started the blame game saying it had to be Boone.  The biggest dog we have, the tallest, and yet the one standing underneath his feet wagging his tail with passion!  Then came Dan... slinking his way, tail tucked, yet wagging... into the dining area, carefully watching our reactions.  I was laughing.  The Dad, still pissed.  Still blaming Boone, who is still wagging his tail and smiling!  I have seen the smallest dog, Dan, reach much further than the other two, on the counter, the table, etc.  Dan was the culprit.  Jack sauntered up the stairs and while we know he partook in the "Feast of Shortbreads", he KNEW he wasn't guilty, so casually, and without his tail between his legs sauntered to the door to let me know that the cookies had hit his intestines and it was time to release now.  

Where am I going with this?  I tried to tell The Dad that the dogs were, in effect, just being loyal.  Not only to each other, but to us.  They KNOW what those cookies will do to my hips and The Dads' stomach.  They were loyal in that they all ATE the cookies so that they either had to face the consequences together (were there any to be had!).  

In all seriousness - stories like this video above touch our hearts because we don't SEE it often enough.  We don't see our friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, people in general showing compassion and loyalty.  Love. We all know someone who's left others behind...  and it's been a growing trend in a greedy world.  The "all about me" world.  

And that sucks ass.

The End.

Monday, April 16, 2012


There are 7 Harry Potter books.
There are 7 days of the week.
There's the 7th inning stretch.
7 days of creation.
There are 7 colors of the rainbow.
7 is the number of dwarfs in "Snow White"
7 Wonders of the World
The 7 deadly sins.
"September" means the 7th month in latin.

Number seven is the number of perfection, security, safety and rest.

Your cousin wears #7 at the school you both attended the last two years.

You've been missing from your mom, dad, sisters, grandparents, friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, dogs, cats, the Deming and EWU communities and many many more peoples' lives for 7 months.  

At WSU, for 7 months now... on a wall in the house on Opal Street, next to a boys pillow, hangs your memorial program. And when he moves home for the summer it will come with him.  When he moves back to FIJI house next fall, it will go back.  I know this because Hunter's program has hung in this house and FIJI house since June 2009.  When the room is rearranged, the photo moves.

Today - on this 7 month anniversary - know you are still the picture of perfection.
Today - on this 7 month anniversary - know you are secure in all of our hearts.
Today - on this 7 month anniversary - know we all preach and fight for safety from others like the monster that killed you.
Today - on this 7 month anniversary - we know you are not at rest, while you still occupy our minds and hearts, and likely guide those who need guiding and an angel to watch over them.  

And so like Ry, who "took" you to the top of Camelback mountain in March, your Uncle and I decided Ryan started something.  So we "took" you to Cabo with us.  (Please disregard the had your uncle bought and wore way too often!)  And soon, "you'll" be off to Hawaii & Disneyland.  While it would be far more fun to see pictures of YOU at all of these places, we are relegated to bringing you with us in our hearts - and on our backs.  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Duck

I've been beyond busy.  Worked until 7pm the other night to finally catch up (there is no such thing as work EVER being done in live television) to the point where the stack on my desk wasn't 4 inches deep of single sheets of paper.  I then took a short lunch the following day so that I could take off early for "WSU Mom's Weekend" version 2012.

I packed my stuff up along with the tardy birthday gifts and cards that arrived after Ryan's birthday and had them ready to go so that when I left work early, all I'd have to do is get home, grab my stuff, empty my bladder, stop for Starbucks, stop for gas and be on my way!

And so it was.  Sort of.  My p.c. was shut down, I was grabbing my purse and keys when all of the salespeople in any capacity were called up front for an announcement.  And so my early dismissal was pushed back a skoche.  As soon as the exciting announcement was over, I raced home, grabbed the stuff, got my second tall, non-fat, with whip cinnamon dolce latte of the day - thinking I would need to stay up later than usual and filled up with gas... and at nearly $4 a gallon, I was shocked with the Jeep only took in $52.  So that was a nice surprise.

It was an uneventful drive and took less time that The Dad says it takes... both Ryan and I confirm he's wrong.  He swears he's right - but then this is the guy that says "No gratzi" to the locals in Cabo San Lucas.  And when corrected that it's "No gracias" - says "Same thing."  There was more traffic this year than last - in fact, I don't remember any other cars around me last year - so this next little "event" threw me for a loop.  In fact, had no one been around me (cars were close ahead AND behind me at this point) I would have screeched to a halt and done something.  Not sure what, but something.

I was just coming around the curve that leads up the incline that leads to the turn to Pullman when I see a dead duck on the side of the road.  I winced and felt sad, but it was what my eyes saw next that pierced me.  

Ducks travel in flocks.  If one lands, so does another.  

And there he was.  Sitting about 4 feet from his dead friend, nervous and backed away from the traffic.  And he was just waiting for him.  And the thought crossed my mind that while I knew ducks did this, that I didn't know how long he would wait for his pal to "come around".  And I started crying.  And I called Jeff.  And I blubbered to Jeff.  And when I got to Ryan's fraternity - I told him and welled up with tears again.  All the while, telling myself the other duck would be fine.  He would fly away, but never believing it.  Here I am two days later and the duck is on my mind.  

When I let Jeff know I was on my way home, I told him if my duck was still there, the dogs and the duck were going to be siblings.  He told me 'No ducks".  I wasn't so sure he was going to win on that.  I know ducks smell, I know that there might be concerns that Dan might favor "Roast" Duck for dinner... but anyone who really knows Dan, the dog, knows that it would be a quick chase, and all he really would want to do is snuggle up with him.  In my bed.  On Jeff's side.  Fo sho!

No cars were either in front of me or behind me as I left Pullman, my FIJI son, the Coliseum (not where concerts are played), Martin Stadium, The Cub and a really cool Starbucks, behind.

So as I came to the spot where a duck still lay on the side of the road and slowed to make sure his companion was nowhere to be found I breathed a sigh of relief.  The Dad won... Dan and I lost - and will not have a new "friend" to call our own.

But mostly, I'm just happy he finally flew away, or that his flock came to find out wtf? was taking them so long.  

Okay.  We found "That Thing You Do" on T.V. and the Oh-nee-ders are about to sing.  

Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I'm Listening.

I woke up on Tuesday morning, April 10th and from the time my eyes opened - I was thinking about Sarah.  At the club, getting ready for work, driving to work and starting out my work day.  I usually manage to bury myself in work - especially after the Cabo trip and still making all of the program changes!  (Which I finished today, just in time for two more to come across - Ugh!).  I left work early yesterday to head out to Shadle Park to watch Zach's tennis match and as I drove across the Maple Street bridge she was back.  From that moment, through Zach's match until I got home.  I can't put my finger on it, and couldn't at the time - but driving back across the bridge I started to cry.  I cried as the train passed over me at 2nd Avenue, under the overpass, along 4th to Monroe, up Monroe where hitting one of the dips in the hill I vividly remembered being in my dads' jeep and taking the hill with him and the butterflies that fluttered in my stomach, though briefly, past Rosauers on 14th, past Wilson Elementary where I passed a policeman and decided, I better shape up.  I remembered each bump in the road, felt the sun, remember the butterflies and all the while - couldn't pry or cry away the thought that Sarah didn't have a chance that night.  And I found myself wondering if she was singing at the top of her lungs as she drove the Mt. Baker Highway that night.  I winced at the memory of the phone call that morning as we had just crossed into Montana.  I imagined the panic and worry of her cousin when she knew there was an accident and couldn't get Sarah on her cell.  I knew that it was fate that I was in Montana - and could not be the one to tell my sister, Sarah's mom, the news that had just come through my line.  

I walked in the house and Jeff could tell I'd been crying and asked why.  So I told him.  He asked if maybe I should call Rob, Sarah's dad - and I shook my head no.  The last thing I wanted to do was bring someone down with my unexplained day of such vivid thoughts and memories.  This is not, of course the only time I think about her.  I think about her every single day - as the guardian angel that hangs from my rearview mirror is my daily reminder as is the button that sits in the coveted Starbucks card holder by my gear shift in the jeep.  

Fast forward to today when I received a text from Rob about a benefit being put on for his brother Troy, later this summer.  I responded and a short "conversation" ensued.  It was when he made a comment that seemed to echo my day yesterday, that it began to nag at me.

I am a hopeless romantic.  I daydream.  I fantasize. I wonder about things that are bigger than me and challenge the responses of people who "believe" in what's been written but they've never seen or experienced themselves.  But at the same time I do believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence, that everything happens for a reason.  I believe that we are supposed to learn from these happenings or "hear" a message - which will enable us to learn, live, change, heal, take action... and so on.

There's a reason for *this*, and whatever it is, I just want you to know - I'm listening.  If I'm needed to "help", I will.  I know - you know.