Tuesday, November 27, 2012

And The Curtain Shall Close... Year 1

Tomorrow night - will be a year since my first post on this blog.  My intent was to go a year without being on The Bookface.  So I've accomplished that... well, in 24 more hours I will have.

On top of that - I did a pretty good job making sure those in my life received a birthday card over the course of the year.  Sure... the people who had birthdays after July 23rd through the first week of November received their's late due to unforeseen circumstances.  

So I've done pretty good.  Right?

But so what?  So tomorrow makes a year and I just get back on The Bookface?  I save my pennies and don't send out birthday cards with Starbucks in them?  

By going back to that social application - I know I will lose more time in my day than I do just trying to make these posts.  I think Facebook is a lot like most Christmas letters where we brag about what's going on in our lives... the thing about Bookface is though, that you get to do it daily.  

The thing about not sending birthday greetings - while it would save me money and allow my little head some extra space to remember other things... like where I saw those shoes I just have to have, what time my massage is next week, when the dogs have their vet appointment for shots... yada yada yada - there's really something great about the surprise and smile that my unexpected greeting brings to my friend or family member during their special month.

So here I am.  23 hours shy of a year on fivehundred25600minutes.com and am working tonight and tomorrow on round 2.  Year 2.

For as easy as it would be to fall back into those bad habits - one time suck, and one brain fart that repeats itself too many times over the course of a year... I like who I am better for achieving this and for putting other people first.

This past year brought Lynn to my email inbox and that call this summer... to talk about my fave, Pat.  It brought me pictures I never knew existed.  It helped me finish out my youngest sons senior year and the excitement of the college application process and acceptances.  It allowed me to spread the good word about a beautiful girl.  It gave me a voice and let me express my heart, my mind, my opinions (which are not facts... some people don't get the difference).  It let me brag (like on the Bookface) about Blue Eyes, Wack and #7.  I aired dirty laundry, I reacted, I faltered but I also learned.  

And because the beautiful girl, Pat, Adam Levine, Siri, Blue Eyes, Starbucks, Wack, tailgating, #7, Lynn, The Dad, the dogs, the Lloyd House and all of it's events... and life live in me, I shall take them with me to Year 2.  

See you there... tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I have absolutely loved being a part of your blog world and look forward to Year 2!


Tami said...

Yay for year 2! I look forward to your daily (ish) blogs!