I voted for President Obama... 4 years ago and 3 days ago. Actually, I got online to see when my ballot/signature had been verified - and it was October 25th - so technically I voted 3 weeks ago.
In front of us at #7's games, sits a friend (whom we met because I screamed in his ears the first couple of years out there) who is, uhhhh... NOT a Mitt fan, or a republican... or conservative (especially with the cocktails at their tailgates! Thanks Shane) so when the most awesome of all from Vancouver arrived for a game a few weeks ago - there was political banter and all was well until I put poor Dicky Bill (in front of me and next to big fireman, Shane) on the spot and stating "You're not voting for Mittens, are you?"
DB: Heck yes I am! I am a small business owner!
So I sat on this for a while, until, obviously - after the election...
Piss on that!
Why? Because my husband worked for years for a small business owner. Who announced to 6 senior leaders on July 23rd that he was selling the company, keeping 2 of them (this wasn't in the initial announcement) and so long (never a "Thanks for all you've done." before jet setting off to Italy for 3 weeks). It didn't go well and sadly, still, there are some residual issues we're waiting to be resolved.
So The Man makes millions, never says "thanks for helping me build it to this", doesn't reply to emails, isn't entirely honest once he does respond... oh... and while I don't know it... I know it... The Man is a republican. And he's married to a mormon. Now isn't that rich. (no pun intended)
My husband is out of work because of a small business owner. A small business owner with millions in his pockets.
Yah... not feeling sorry for small business owners - because most of the small business owners I know are living much larger than we are - I love my friends, but my goal, my intent is to take care of me and mine. And God Bless America - most of you thought the same.
I got this great tweet from my youngest who voted in his first election:
I loved that Wack was paying attention to the results on election night and while his excitement over weed is well... not my favorite thing to see him cheering on, I am proud that he voted and was passionate about doing so.
Speaking of Zach Attack - he's coming home early! He'll be home in a few hours! My iPhone 5 was shipped today... RyMan will be home tomorrow... Senior Day on Saturday...
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