Zach - "Decision 2012"


It is!  Yee Haw!  We'll have a Cougar, Eagle and Husky... and I finally get to have a color other than RED in my closet!  Looking forward to it!

I was anxious that last week prior to the Big Envelope arriving, but never really doubted that Zach would get "Accepted".  He boasts a 3.87 GPA with Honors and AP classes throughout all four years... and I knew if they "wavered" at all with his grades/GPA, that his essay would get him in the door.  It blew me away.

Someone mentioned that it's so hard to get in, that thanks to legislation opening up more spots, that may have helped.  And it did... help other kids for sure.  They also lowered their standard GPA for acceptance, though that also doesn't apply to Wack.  No matter - Zach is IN.  He's happy.  His family is excited for him...  Now it's back to "Hurry Up and Wait!"  Oye!


An unsettling feeling has settled in The Minnerly home over the past week or so...  It seemed like forever ago that we received confirmation that all materials had been received at UW.  He's been accepted to the other schools, but UW makes kids wait longer than any other school in the country.  I haven't actually done my homework to confirm whether that's nearly true or totally, so not true... but it feels like it.  What we do know is that acceptance letters go out on March 15 - so we are 2 and a half weeks from hearing the news.  Both Zach and I have mentioned it one time... but mostly, its an unspoken right now.  If he is not accepted he knows where he is headed so for that I am thankful.  And mostly, I never wavered that he would in fact, get in...  but the closer we get to it, the more nervous I get!

Time will tell - and thanks to Mother Nature... we've got all the time in the world to wait.  The good news is...  due to inclement weather, there is no mail delivery up here today... so we'll just be thankful that today is not the day the letters are supposed to arrive!


The "wait" is on...  but Zach's college colors are starting to bleed out.  While he has yet to be accepted to a certain institution, he asked me yesterday if I could pick him up a sweatshirt when I headed out to the mall to get my watch battery changed and find a pair of pants or something else to wear to work...  So today we ordered this:

Seattle University:
Dear Zachary:

We hope you are as enthusiastic as we are about the prospect of you joining the Seattle University community.  In recognition of your many accomplishments both in and out of the classroom, it is my great pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to received a Bellarmine Scholarship.  This merit-based award is equal to $10,000 per year for each of four consecutive years of undergraduate study here.

In a year when we have received a record number of applications of unprecedented strength, you should be particularly proud of this accomplishment.  Our applicant pool reflects students who have completed the most demanding academic schedules and have engaged fully in a wide variety of extracurricular and community service activities.

Congratulations upon your selection for this award and your exemplary academic record.  We home you will choose to join the Seattle University community!

Also included was the admissions letter and a handwritten note from Katie O'Brien - admissions counselor.  One more important letter to go...  Sadly, we won't hear on it until March.  Countdown is on...

Tomorrow "Decision 2012" should arrive in the mail... from Seattle University that is.  Zach applied for Early Decision at Seattle U and those notifications were to be sent on December 23rd.  The way mail is processed in state, we expect that envelope to arrive tomorrow.  That being said - it is still the hustle and bustle of the holidays and at this point, two of the boys Christmas cards haven't arrived from their grandpa - while the third received his LAST Tuesday.  So... knock on wood this piece of mail doesn't get lost... in the mail!

Zach is guaranteed to know if he's accepted or not to Seattle U by this Friday.  Today a huge envelope arrived and I was sure it was his notification.  But, for the second time in two weeks, it's just a big catalog of "Check this out" and "Check that out" kind of information.  So we anxiously await the mail on 12/23.  tik tok tik tok

Many emails from various departments at University of Washington and mail nearly every day from Seattle University - has us feeling fairly good about the odds of Zach getting into both of them.  Knock on wood.  This Wednesday will have him watching and participating in an online Q&A with the UW Foster School of Business for the potential at admission through the Freshman Direct program.  It only took the third time around to be as timely, efficient and perfectly detail oriented with all of this college application hulabaloo!  Amen!  Done done done done done!  Yee haw! 

Well... until he's accepted to wherever and has to make a decision and money has to be sent.  And that's really not that far off.  Oye!

or still... and first accepted by...

Zach Attack received his first acceptance letter to college today.  Western Washington University... he received a "certificate" that is now proudly hanging on our refrigerator that classifies him as having "Admission with Distinction".  He is accepted and they are forwarding on his information to the merit scholarship committee for the potential of some scholarship monies.  

This is all great news - with the exception that Zach is GOING to go to school further away than Cheney and Pullman and that sucks a**!  Not because it ends up costing more to get him home or to go see him... or even just the plain and simple fact that all of those schools flat out cost more...  but because it means he's not 24 or 72 minutes away.  Those are easy trips.  But 6 hours or 4.5 hours...  or 8 hours (He informed us last night that aside from Western, Seattle U, UW... he now wants to also apply to Montana State.)  I'm so not down with Montana State.  

Besides, their school colors are ugly.

Nevertheless, congrats to my baby - the youngest, though the tallest, Minn boy.

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