Tuesday, November 27, 2012

And The Curtain Shall Close... Year 1

Tomorrow night - will be a year since my first post on this blog.  My intent was to go a year without being on The Bookface.  So I've accomplished that... well, in 24 more hours I will have.

On top of that - I did a pretty good job making sure those in my life received a birthday card over the course of the year.  Sure... the people who had birthdays after July 23rd through the first week of November received their's late due to unforeseen circumstances.  

So I've done pretty good.  Right?

But so what?  So tomorrow makes a year and I just get back on The Bookface?  I save my pennies and don't send out birthday cards with Starbucks in them?  

By going back to that social application - I know I will lose more time in my day than I do just trying to make these posts.  I think Facebook is a lot like most Christmas letters where we brag about what's going on in our lives... the thing about Bookface is though, that you get to do it daily.  

The thing about not sending birthday greetings - while it would save me money and allow my little head some extra space to remember other things... like where I saw those shoes I just have to have, what time my massage is next week, when the dogs have their vet appointment for shots... yada yada yada - there's really something great about the surprise and smile that my unexpected greeting brings to my friend or family member during their special month.

So here I am.  23 hours shy of a year on fivehundred25600minutes.com and am working tonight and tomorrow on round 2.  Year 2.

For as easy as it would be to fall back into those bad habits - one time suck, and one brain fart that repeats itself too many times over the course of a year... I like who I am better for achieving this and for putting other people first.

This past year brought Lynn to my email inbox and that call this summer... to talk about my fave, Pat.  It brought me pictures I never knew existed.  It helped me finish out my youngest sons senior year and the excitement of the college application process and acceptances.  It allowed me to spread the good word about a beautiful girl.  It gave me a voice and let me express my heart, my mind, my opinions (which are not facts... some people don't get the difference).  It let me brag (like on the Bookface) about Blue Eyes, Wack and #7.  I aired dirty laundry, I reacted, I faltered but I also learned.  

And because the beautiful girl, Pat, Adam Levine, Siri, Blue Eyes, Starbucks, Wack, tailgating, #7, Lynn, The Dad, the dogs, the Lloyd House and all of it's events... and life live in me, I shall take them with me to Year 2.  

See you there... tomorrow.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Pet Peeve #67

We have hosted Thanksgiving at our home - be it apartment, duplex, house... for 21 years.  We've had family, friends, friends of friends...  as the years go on.  We love to have a full house!  The more the merrier.  Right?
A few years ago - I stopped extending an invitation to some people that came each year -  because one time too many, The Dad and I were cleaning up everything after the meal.  Sure, everyone, mostly everyone (my kids at least) would clear their plate and set it by the sink.  After a few tantrums to the guests - who didn't bring anything until I told them they HAD to bring something... I gave up.  When people sit there and pick at their teeth and there's no conscious thought to say to their hosts "Hey, is there anything I can do to help?"  - it's at this point when all that remains to be done is to put the lid on the margarine and start the dishwasher...  well, they've missed the boat.  And are no longer on my gravy train!
For 4 years now, we've invited one of our misfit friends.  We love the guy... great guy.  He's had a few relationships since the demise of his marriage - but he's gone and gotten one he really likes... and we really like her too!  They were both going to be sans kids for Thanksgiving, so I of course, told him to extend the invitation to her.  After they weighed all of their options - we turned out to be the best one, apparently...
He asked what they could bring.  I asked back: "Does she have a favorite dish she likes to make?"
HIM:  "I don't know.  I'll check."
Several days later:
HIM:  "Can I bring water, napkins, paper plates?"
ME:  "No, this isn't one of those kind of functions."
HIM:  "Are you sure?"
ME:  "You can bring a veggie tray."
HIM:  "Done."
Thanksgiving morning, on my way back from our 10th annual Turkey Bowl game I get this:
with "Gonna try to think outside the box..."
He had waited until Thanksgiving morning to go get a Veggie tray.  He asked if he could bring little smokies.  I didn't only say "no"... I said "hell no".  That Thanksgiving isn't a "little smokies" event. 
So they come, he brought a little cream cheese, jam and crackers snack and then we were off to the races!  I pulled out all of the dishes, put spoons, forks and all of the serving utensils I had into one bowl or another.  The boys plowed through - all 4 Cougars, 1 Eagle and 1 Huskie... then the adults. 
And then... it happened.
The boys all cleared their plates in the garbage (what they didn't finish) and put their plates by the sink.  The Dad finished and picked up our friends, dates' dish, I cleared mine and we sat and chatted for a few minutes.  Then it was time to clean up and while The Dad and I cleaned and cleaned and cleared and cleaned... our guest and his guest looked at their iphones and showed pictures and chatted quietly amongst themselves.  What they don't know... is while they did so, they also quietly and quickly, chatted themselves out of another Thanksgiving invite.  There were moments of awkward silence as we clinked and swashed and lathered through dish after dish after dish... after dish.
I can't imagine being invited to someones for ANY holiday, gathering, party, you name it... and NOT at least ask... "Is there something I can do?"  The host or hostess then at least has the opportunity - which I myself have done - to say... "Nah.  Thanks so much, but we'll be done in a jiffy."
Thanksgiving dinner doesn't clean up in "a jiffy".  Even if it did, the offer should be made.  That's my expectation.  I got to thinking about our friend, and past years and while he never did clean up - he DID always clear his plate and at least stood at the island and chatted with us while we did.  I'm disappointed and that will fade.  But I've done this whole "way" of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter... too many times - that I can't say I didn't learn from it. 
The lack of planning was borderline, mostly Strike 1.  The lack of effort to think outside the box and perhaps, cut up a veggie tray to make good... Strike 2.  The ability to overlook the people that cooked for three nights and that whole day - as they cleaned up after you - and you are not 12... was Strike 3.  
I just don't get that mentality and I certainly, certainly... NEVER would have expected it from HIS guest. 
I am thankful, however, that I provided a nice meal to my sons, their friends, my friend and his.  I did that. 
<silent cheer>

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Delay Of Game...

I've slacked the past 4 or 5 days...  Tuesday night I cooked pies for Thanksgiving.  Wednesday  night I prepped all of the onions, celery, casserole dishes and sweet potatoes.  When that was wrapped up, we ordered up 3 pizzas from Famous Eds to feed the 4 WSU Fiji's we were hosting (this includes OUR WSU Fiji), our football player from EWU and Wack - who was out and about with friends.  Then came the dice game of "Left-Right-Center" and the night came to a close after several games.

Thursday morning I prepped two batches of monkey bread for post "Turkey Bowl" football and then tried to set my kitchen on fire with the  melted butter dripping out of one of the pans in my oven.  I managed to get the turkey stuffed by my lonesome while The Dad loaded his car with tailgate stuff for Turkey Bowl 2012.

Breakfast as per usual at the house on 36th, final preparations here at Lloyd house and then a little catnap until the relatives arrived for post dinner family fun... only, unfortunately, The Dad manned my phone and while I napped,  told the family they didn't need to come as it got later.  That was a bit of a disappointment for Wack and my boys as it's the only time they get to hang, all of them together, with their cousins.  Their next opportunity for this will be in June - at my nieces wedding... and even then... the girls will be busy doing all of the stuff that has to be done for weddings.  <sigh>

Then yesterday - Apple Cup Day... we got up, got moving, ran an errand for #7, said goodbye to Blue Eyes for another 3 weeks or so and laid low for a while.  #7 returned from an interview and then was on his way to get cleaned up in Cheney before heading to Wenatchee.  And with each departure, a little piece of my heart stopped.  

Watched the game at my nieces house - and a great game it was!  So happy for Blue Eyes and two of the Cougars on the team - Travis Long and Jeff Tuel.  Such a great game.

We got home, fed the pups, turned on "Home for the Holidays" and then, as it ended, I closed my eyes and fell asleep on the couch.  My intentions of writing last night, getting laundry sorted and done, putting away the Thanksgiving decorations, and getting a few things ordered online last night never came to fruition.

Even today - as I write this - I find I'm writing so that I don't feel guilty for not writing.  It's not as if anyone relies on this or even reads them (okay... I actually have a tool that counts which ones have been read, from where, etc...) but this one doesn't even have any "meat".  It's just that I made a goal on November 28th, 2011 and in the past 5 months at this job and with The Dad not working - it sort of threw it all into a tailspin and we're not yet done spinning.

So I'm going to have to work harder, find the energy, push myself, make it a priority again.  No more excuses.  No more delays...

A couple of times in the past 3 months I've received texts and tweets asking me when my year is up.  November 28, 2012 would have been the answer to give.  But each time I  responded - I said something like "Well, it would be in November... but... I dunno.  We'll see."

So before I have any time to really put any thought into this - I'm going to extend my year off of The Bookface.  I'm doing this right here, right now, time isn't running out, there's no delay of game - it's on.  Game on.

Stay tuned... 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Kate & The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

It's Thanksgiving time.  The turkey is ordered, the potatoes, stuffing, and all of the other menu items expected on the table - bought yesterday after our return from Vancouver...  the house is sort of in order and I felt energized... yesterday.

And then... "today" happened.  I've had enough "today's" this year to last a lifetime.  In the grand scheme of things - there are worse things.  But for the person I am, the worker I've always been... I'm deflated.  I'm mentally deflated and I'm losing who "I" am.  It's not worth it - I'm the first one to give such advice if a friend was in the same position... but the circumstances are different and I'm really, really.... REALLY trying to stay the course until The Dad has gainful employment (another long, deflating story).

As I sit here, I can think of just how angry I am...  it's the kind that - you are so angry all you can do is cry.  And the tears are right there - but I can't let them come.  I can't let them come because I know when I do, all the other crap that's been building up for months, stuff that I think hasn't affected me, scratch that - that I know full well has affected me, but only scratching the surface.  I've stayed strong... well, that's gonna just laugh in my face as it flows from my blubbering face.  

We had a fantastic, much needed weekend with E & TK and Blue Eyes came along for the eye opening ride.  We laughed and played and watched a football game in the rain.  The time went fast and the excitement of knowing it's only a few days until we get to hang out with our families in a unit - made everything OK.  Good to go.  Life is good.

Life WAS good.

Today found me leaving a message at the Go Eags ticket office at 8:48 this morning and no return phone call.  Each and every time I tried to call back - the number is no longer working.  #7 said he needed to know about tickets and I told him as season ticket holders we were fine - but that if he got 4 to put them in 4 names, and if he only got 2, to put them in The Dads' and my name.  Turns out - they get none.  So that settled that.  We don't get them, the other requester doesn't get them... the game is sold out!  (Well, we are guaranteed the 6 we own) IF we can ever get through.  Scratch that.  The Dad is going out there tomorrow to take care of it in person.  <sigh>

We did get our tailgate spot secured... so there's that.

I forgot to order my pointsettias.  Thumbs down.

Black Betty needs her new windshield wipers put on.  Thumbs down.

Wacks sheets, blanket and comforter need to be washed AGAIN thanks to Boone.  Triple thumbs down.

But... we have a great dog/house sitter.  We have a few days with Blue Eyes.  We got #7 home for dinner last night.  We have the playoffs to look forward to with a healthy (knock on wood) #7.  Food, friends and Turkey Bowl.  We are caught up on "The Walking Dead".  I pulled out some holiday decorations.  My bills are paid.  I love my house.

But still... that one thing is just an all day buzz kill.



Friday, November 16, 2012

Where Do Roses Come From?

Roses are red
Violets are blue

I get beautiful roses delivered to me about twice a year from The Dad.  These arrangements always come from Staneks, a local staple - THE - local nursery staple on the South Hill.

I was scanning The Twitterverse the other day and came across a tweet that said that after 99 years, the business was closing after a dispute with the City - Parks Department over land that Staneks uses as their parking lot that the City actually owns.

My initial thought, without more details was - that the City had decided to get greedy, wouldn't budge on an arrangement and so the Staneks owners hands were tied.  When I arrived home from work, the T.V. on, I hear the newscaster say "...from the City Parks Department said that..." and as I continued to change "... Stanek declined an interview."

Hmmmm... If he has a legitimate argument - why decline to be interviewed?

And then the REAL story breaks.  Mr. Stanek, knowing that the City made a deal with one his family members at some point in the last 56 years that allowed Staneks to use the property in question, as their parking lot....  Free O' Charge... was going to have to connect with the City because he planned to sell the business.  Period.  This whole "having to close" only came to the surface because Mr. Stanek has decided he's no longer into flowers and customers - but likely a sunshiny condo somewhere other than The Can.  To sell the business, he would have to tell a buyer that the parking lot isn't part of the gig - or get the City to somehow "gift" him that land so he could sell it WITH the parking lot.

So here I thought the City was being greedy.  My apologies City.  

My heart goes out to any Staneks employees that are not related to Staneks family members because they will have to find work elsewhere.  Having just gone through an unexpected layoff in our home, where the rich got richer...  and we... didn't... I hate seeing this happen.  I hope they are able to find jobs long before January 15th!

Wait a minute!  Perhaps he's not selling and moving to the sunny side.  Perhaps... hear me out... what with the recent election results... Canada is part of their "retirement" plans, eh?