Monday, April 9, 2012

Time To Rally!

I'm running out of time.  I don't get it.

The third child going through college application processes - for that, I was on point.  I had to be... and it paid off.  Not only did he get into the school he wanted to get into, he was awarded nearly 16K in grants for the first year.  If he meets grade expectations, he will be up for them the following year.  So this is good.  

Application - check.
FAFSA - check.
Waiting game - check.

So that's all good.

But now it's April 9th and I'm way behind on the planning process for his graduation party! And a Cinco de Mayo Party (for those who took part in the latter last year, it was known as the "Seis de Mayo" party - where over 120 tacos were devoured and mas margaritas!)  The fiesta for May doesn't have to happen - but it sure was fun.  

I've got the date (I think), but I have yet to even order our "announcement".  I went with something entirely different for Middle Minn Boy when it came time for him to graduate and knew I wanted to do the same with Zach - but somewhere along the way I've been a little slow to order or create even.  Granted the past couple of weeks have been centered around Cabo.  But now is the time...

Tell me - HOW am I supposed to get my act together, get on Shutterfly and create, order and figure out the party time and menu when tonight has given me 2 hours of "The Voice" and now up - my new fave "SMASH!", tomorrow another dab of "The Voice", Wednesday has "American Idol" and "Modern Family", Thursday gives me "Grays Anatomy" and "Private Practice" and Friday sends me to Pullman for Moms weekend!?!?!?  CALGON!  Take me away!

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