Now that I'm working again - my weekends are going just that much faster. I don't dread working - I'm fortunate to have another great job. Now you might ask "If the school district was such a great job, why did you elect to leave it?" Well because it was a 10 month position - which was great when my kids needed me home after school. Actually, it was great even when half of them were off to college and the last one was driving and more capable than the other two - to fend for himself at home if I weren't here. But once my summers were no longer filled with running this way and that to sports and practices - summer became a little boring for me. On top of that, who cares to be home when summer begins mid July and ends mid August? So for a few years I'd been looking for something that I'd like year round. And I feel like I struck the lottery - so that's good.
The thing I was looking forward to most was knowing how much more organized I am at home - when I'm working. So there's that.
So because of that - the good news is - I am fully aware of Zach's dental appointment tomorrow, Boone's second shot, my hair appointment*, Jeff's doctor appointment, the SAN meeting, "event planning" for the next care package party, cards I have to get out next week, dinners are planned. Good stuff indeed.
Yet today - as I was waking up I had that whole "Crap it's Monday" feeling. That kinda bites.
Okay - new topic. We watched "50/50" yesterday and we all really enjoyed it. In fact, as I sit here - my 18 year old is re-watching it. (District Semester Break day). Lots of profanity, but really an endearing movie about friendship and family relationships. So 3 thumbs up from Zachy, C.I.O. and me.
The one thing I will say about THIS particular Monday (yes, I switched topics again)... is that with all of the rain last night and the warmer temps today and predicted at 45 on Sunday! O.M.G... I just want to take a moment and give a shout out to Mother Nature for this amazing heatwave! muah! muah! Big kiss hon!
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