I think getting a paycheck after all these months kickstarted me to just do some shhh... stuff. I started out by buying things and bribing kids, finalizing Cabo plans, seeing movies and having a few beverages with some awesome members of my family last Friday. But that couldn't last forever so I had to bring some of that motivation to things that needed some attention around here.
Say... like the pile of stuff on the kitchen table that Ryan needs down in Pullman. Or the box of shirts that needed sorting, folding (The Hoopfest way, so that would be rolling) and inventoried and then mailing off a portion of them to Demingham. The PILES on my desk at home that needed organizing, bills paid and clearing out 2011 files and creating 2012 files. Then actually TAKING the boxes to the post office... I hate going to the South Regal, Spokane post office located at 5428 South Regal. It does not matter what time you get there. You ALWAYS wait. Dumb.
Then there was this "thing" that I had been wanting to order (this would actually fall in line with the "buying things" comment from the first paragraph - but it was going to take some time and creativity) and knew I couldn't attack that until I had some semblance of "order" on the desk.
The desk is kick ass. It is. It was my grandfathers desk and is just ginormous and heavy as heck. Fo' sho! And beautiful. Anyhow - I knew that this project was going to need my mind to be clear to figure out exactly how it should be laid out, what it should say, where it needs to go, when... I've been sitting on this idea since just before Christmas and it took my paycheck to bring it to fruition. I can't speak much more of it - as it's a gift and likely "these" will be the gift of the year. When the first one is "out there" I'll post it on here along with a link n such because it's just... cool.
So over the past couple of weeks my mind has been cloudy trying to learn "availz, rep firms, 28:30, :30, bookends, :10, rotaters, missing instructions, wide orbit, format grid, inventory, preemption (endless)," and on and on. I have always been quick to pick things up and run with them and there were some times I thought that that might just not be the case for me this time. And then today happened. Ryan's package off in the mail at lunch, laundry started, AARP securely placed in my wallet (j/k) and I got back to attack the make goods on the national side. And then something happened. I printed off the confirmations from the reps on make goods and I "saw" it. They kept telling me that once I "saw" it - it would just naturally click then. I had the best day today. As it is though, even through learning all of this - every day has been great. I can see now that while the procedures will always be what they are and live TV entertainment is never ending, I am busy ALL OF THE TIME. That's the best. Perfect for my ADHD! There's something about it because aside from the new Program/Regional Manager dude - and me, we are the "newest employees" in YEARS. That says something.
Let's gooooooo!!!!
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