Saturday, February 11, 2012

~Whitney~ 8.9.63 - 2.11.12

***updated below***

For several years, The Dad ran a fantasy football league and I was a participant.  He was having his annual draft one year, at a time when there weren't wireless internet connections - so to be on the internet - you had to tie up your phone line.  The "drafts" lasted several hours and this particular draft had a member out of town, but who could "participate" through messaging/emails.  That particular draft was on August 31, 1997.

After the draft ended and things were cleaned up, boys put to bed - I remember turning on the TV... and on every single station was the unbelievable, shocking, saddening, maddening news that Lady Diana, Princess of Wales had been killed in a tragic car accident.  I was literally in shock.  Most people were - but I was really sad.  I had "grown up" admiring her and when I was in the 5th or 6th grade would cut out pictures in the paper of her (never the ones with her and Charles because I never found him attractive)... and I placed them in a book my Grandma got for me after the Royal Wedding.  I have newspaper photos of baby Will too. I still have the book. But my "time" with Diana dwindled as I grew up - but I always watched if she was in the news or in a magazine.  She was always stunning and she always seemed so kind and giving.

So today - The Dad and I were enjoying the rainy day and watching a movie.  The movie ended and he picked up his phone just as I was receiving a text from a friend needing a recipe for next weekend.  We were texting back and forth when my Twittering spouse announced that Whitney Houston had died.  I feel much the same as I did the day Diana was killed.

I can distinctly remember leaving the Coliseum (now the Arena) after GSL basketball games and belting out Whitney as we all drove back up to the hill.  I absolutely LOVE at Christmas  - the movie, "The Preachers Wife".   Whitney Houston... naw.  Can't be.

But as I process this - I'm conflicted.  Number one - I was shocked that she was only 48.  I felt like I grew up listening to her music - but sadly, more than that, photos over the past several years as she battled back and forth with cocaine addiction - made her appear older than that.  I was thinking more like mid to late 50's.

And then just as sad - my first thought was - overdose.  Beverly Hills, the night before the Grammy Awards, getting ready for the annual party thrown by Clive Davis...  and Whitney, a weaker-than-she-seemed being - probably decided to help herself "relax" before heading to the party where facing that particular guest list - was too much stress.  

Unfortunately, be it drugs or a freak accident or even murder - that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, does it?  Because no matter what happened, it won't bring  her back.  

Addiction to drugs and alcohol can kill and perhaps has just claimed yet another victim.  Though sometimes, the addicted just can't kick the habit even after trying over and over again.  But if they've admitted there was a problem and tried to get well, well...  that's something.  I guess.

Awe Whitney... this just sucks.  But know...  You were loved.

Still lots of questions unanswered, which is to be expected - but prescription pill bottles found in the room and her family stating she's been taking xanax for anxiety pretty much begin to paint the picture.  I know anybody can add anything to Wikipedia - and it's not a great source for facts but... there's this with regards to Alprazolam - or xanax:

At a particularly high risk for misuse and dependence are people with a history of alcoholism or drug abuse and/or dependence[93][94] and people with borderline personality disorder

- In a study of deaths in Palm Beach County where the drug alprazolam was detected, approx. 50% of cases were attributed to poly-drug use (the combined toxicity of two or more drugs). The majority of these cases included either cocaine or methadone

I have to question any doctor that would prescribe his (or her) patient with known chemical dependency problems an assortment of narcotics (tho we don't know what the other pill bottles were.) to help aid her with her anxiety or stress.  I have to believe that in rehab the lesson is:  Don't put yourself in a position where you feel you NEED to use in order to withstand the "event" and/or - if you find yourself in that very position, get out.  Call someone.  Leave.  

Sadly, we probably all know someone who is addicted to prescription drugs - though you wouldn't know it to look at them.  I'm sure "most people" weren't aware of the cocktail of drugs Whitney had with her, possibly in her the entire week.  But if they had, would they have stopped her from living it up at the clubs during the week?  Likely not.  People are afraid to get involved anymore.  It's sad - because this doesn't only happen to celebrities. 

Would you ask the tough questions of your friend/family member if they were addicted to narcotics?  Or take the "Whitney" chance and hope that because "he/she" seems normal and fine - it's OK?!?

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