Friday, February 10, 2012

8 Hours... (Kind of Like "8 Seconds", But Not Really

Today I got up early, went to work out at the same time, had a good workout, got home and got ready for work.  Same ole' same ole.  But somehow I left about 8 minutes later than normal and still had to go to Starbucks and then travel all 1 minute of time to work.

So I got to work a little later than usual and had just an inkling of a thought that my "Thank God It's Friday" might really have turned into "Get me the heck outta here, NOW" Friday.  

And it only took logging on and printing off the first order of the day to know that's exactly what today was going to be.

I did not pass "Go", nor did I collect $200 during my time with account #00933093 (not a real #).  I did not take a lunch break and I did not leave at 4 when my boss asked me if I'd gone to lunch and then told me I could leave since I had not.  I stayed until just after 5.  I spent 8 hours reconciling a silly amount of spots and I'm not sure it's entirely "spot on" - but it's gotta be close.  Check that - I spent NINE hours reconciling that damn thing.  

It's hard to take over contracts that my predecessor started because, as the quarter goes on, the contract (and continuous changes and printouts) keep building up.  I went through 31 versions of back and forth between the station and rep and found things that needed some attention.  And christ on a crutch, if they didn't take it.  

I talked to myself a lot, used a ton of sticky notes... and I realized at the end of the day that I didn't even finish my latte from this morning.  That's a cryin shame!  

I'm too tired to even pour myself a glass of wine.  Or blink.

Gonna be a rockin' time at our house tonight.  When The Dad gets home tonight and asks what's for dinner - I'm going to practice my best impression of "Samantha" from "Bewitched" and winkle my nose and see what happens.  Chances are, he's going to go hungry tonight.  

In other news - Zach shaved his head all the way!  Due to his fun hair "style" at Rubber Chicken, this was the only option.  But it looks good.  Fortunately Zach will not go hungry tonight because he warmed up the leftover chicken alfredo from the other night.  Yay Zach.  

That's all.  I might be hearing things, but I'm pretty sure the couch and blanket are calling my name.  

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