Friday, February 3, 2012

Susan G. Komen for the Cure... Wise Choice

Glad they changed their minds.  Sounds like the organization might want to take a closer look into Karen Handels' appointment/hiring and her political intentions with regards to the decision to cut funding to Planned Parenthood.

Fortunately it backfired on her - I looked at a picture of her this morning and choosing to believe the article I was reading, didn't like her from the start.  

What's mind blowing is that the relationship between Planned Parenthood and the Susan G. Komen Cure is a grant to help aide in mammogram screenings - NOT abortion or birth control.  So regardless of ones' stance on either of those things - breast cancer isn't a correlation.  

Stupid stupid woman.


And that's all I have to say about that.
                                            ~ Forrest Gump

Actually - I am short on words today.  I worked late - making me feel as though I had worked well into Friday and am just ready for Friday to be over.  I'm hungry and like my kids usually say "There's nothing good to eat in this house."  I just ordered some kickass checks and I don't know why.  I mean - it is rare that we write a check - but I got the damn mailer and I couldn't resist.  

Stupid woman.  Stupid waste of $20 after all of the fonts, EZ something or other, mailing... yada yada.  Stupid.  Dumb.

But now all of the relatives are getting checks for special occasions cos' these are just super cool.

So... only a little stupid.

I gotta ease on outta here now... Bye Bye!

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