Sunday, February 19, 2012

Last Minute Addition

The 22 year old is in on the Cabo trip.  I set forth very detailed instructions about how it's all gonna go down.

Rule #1 - There will be no eye rolling or head shaking followed up with the "Mom, you don't know what you're talking about." comments and gestures.

Rule #2 - You will be nice  to the ma and pa.

Rule #3 - No corn rows for this trip.

Rule #4 - Repeatedly remind yourself of rules #1 and #2.

I was a tad reluctant to tell Wack that his older brother was now coming on the trip - so The Dad did it and the reply was "That's dope."

Which is slang for "Far out" for those of you who grew up in the 70's or 80's.  

But this has me feeling sad that "Blue Eyes" will not be on this trip... though I quickly rebound as I realize that next years'  Cabo trip doesn't have to be scheduled around the high schools calendar... which means - next years' trip is all about the crimson and grey school calendar and spring break.  

So besides submitting three FAFSA'S today and getting two of three tax returns done - I have been hunting and pecking and figuring out to get him down there since our flight is sold out.  I made it work, but it was work and damn it... it's my weekend!

Moms' Rule.

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