Revisiting yesterdays' first post - Rep Reebok didn't only kill your legs and abs, it annihilated your arms. Fortunately, the new 30 (a.k.a. 33) minute class spared my arms. They are sore, but I can most definitely fling a bowling ball on New Years Eve with them. Getting the ball out of the ball return and actually taking a few steps to get to the appropriate spot from where to fling the ball from is going to be the tricky part. In fact, I've mentioned a few times already, that I may well be bowling, from a sitting position... FROM the ball return machine. Period.
Where my ball will probably be most of the night...
So I woke up, grunted and "ouch'd" with each step... braced the wall and counter to use the restroom, braced the wall and counter to stand up, take steps to the basement one at a time and always leading with the same foot... I seriously considered sitting on my rump and pushing off from the top of the stairs - like we used to do as kids - but dang if my glutes aren't burning with each thought of making some sort of move. If the refrigerator explodes, the washer gets out of balance, the TV falls from above the fireplace - well, that's sure gonna suck. Cos' I sure as shootin' ain't gonna get to them in any reasonable amount of "reaction" time. Not. Gonna. Happen.
And so it is - that this morning, Jeff asks me if I'm taking Boone to the vet today. Oh crikey... I am. At 2:30. Jack is a happy black lab, doesn't pull me when we walk, such a happy 10 year old, loves to smell fresh air, a loves a visit with bumblebees' and butterflies personality. Jack weighs 65-70 pounds and I would not know it because of his temperament and how he listens and walks with me. Dan - our once abandoned at 6 weeks, german short hair mix used to be our adventurer! BUT, he also thinks he's part cat. So... he stays closer the older he gets. In fact, in recent escape attempts, Dan comes back before Jack. Total role reversal. Dan weighs 45 pounds or so, maybe more, and he's just happy to watch the road for me when I'm driving. When we're in the car, he thinks he's human. Dan takes many forms... or he thinks he does. But also, manageable when going to the vet. This is where my grimace comes into play today: Boone. Boone the 90 pound, friggin ginormous yellow lab. Who at 2 1/2 years of age bounds around all of the time, has apparently the bladder of a lady bug and knows if we call to the boys or Jack or Dan - that he's obviously missing something so runs with reckless abandon to the caller, sliding through everyone, making sure we didn't somehow forget him. He topples through everyone like a bowling ball hitting glass pins. THIS is the dog that I GET to take to the vet today. I envision someone calling 911 in a while to let them know some lady is being drug down the road by a yellow lab. Crying, laughing, shouting in pain and shouting for help all at the same time. I'm screwed... totally screwed.
If you see this happening in a bit - please don't call the news stations. Please.
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