Thursday, December 15, 2011

Miscellaneous Post

So last night when I got home - J*ff said "I like your hair" and I laughed, but was proud of him.  Later that same night (last night) I asked him what, exactly, did he notice or like about it.  He said "It's lighter, just like last time.  And I like how it's styled."  

Hmmmm... he tried.  I say this because I had my hair "highlighted" with darker, more natural colors the last two times I've gone... THIS TIME, I went lighter.  So I then got to explain to him that "highlights" doesn't ALWAYS mean blonder, or lighter.

It falls along those same lines with him and watching the Star Wars movies once upon a time, and was clearly THE LAST PERSON ON EARTH to realize who exactly Anakin Skywalker is/was.  (We're talking the 1999 Episode I, The Phantom Menace).  <sigh>

And since this appears to be a "hair" column again today - I am going to share that today, my 22 year old SON, who has cornrows - asked me if I would take them out.  Being that I don't get him a whole lot anymore - I agreed with a smile on my face.  It gives me an opportunity to ask about 4 questions over the 30 minute period of time it takes to take them out.  I could easily ask about 36 more questions than that, but if I do, I risk irritating him and him deciding that the process is done - leaving me with a 22 year old son walking around with a head of hair half braided.  Seriously.

So I took out the first two braids and decided that something was off, different from the last time I took out his braids.  When he came home for his birthday 9 days ago he had these braids and I think they were done several days before then.  I was thinking through this and by the 3rd braid unraveling I realized that not only was it a totally different "feel" to his hair... it was also a totally different smell.  I gingerly worked through removing them and at one point told him to wash it at least twice all while breathing through my mouth.  I also told him that I love him very much, but his hair smells like a homeless person.  I mean not to disrespect homeless people... in fact, I'm sure there are people who own homes that have hair they don't wash for a few weeks...  but I have yet to meet them, so I used this example.  

<I totally just shuddered>

When I was done - I went and burned my hands in the sink with three different kinds of antibacterial soap and then used my Denver Broncos antibacterial hand sanitizer.

Good news with this last part of the "hair blog" today, is that I'm no longer hungry for anything today.  Good for the diet...  Perhaps that's a way for me to make money and lose weight at the same time.  I could advertise on craigslist to remove peoples cornrows...  I might be onto something.


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