Wednesday, December 28, 2011

And just like that... the search goes on!

So it's looking more and more like that second position - the one where my references were contacted and I had the meeting with the G.M. and really felt like I was going to soar at this place??!!?  Well, the position actually closes today at E.O.B.  I had been anxiously awaiting the phone call today only to receive an email letting me know they had hoped to have a decision for me today but that now they have a few more interviews to do next Tuesday. (This is because the main interviewer is out of town this week, and they have Monday off). They emailed that they will be in contact by next Wednesday...

So that says that someone within the company or perhaps industry got their resume in after my references were contacted and they are too good to pass up.  I get it... doesn't mean it doesn't suck lima beans!  So to go from reference checks to "I've got a few more interviews to do Tuesday" was all that needed to be said to know the job is no longer mine.  Not that it WAS, technically, but now it's a given.

That being said - a contract, smaller, work from home opportunity presented itself about 3 hours before the fateful email.  The reason it's "work from home" is because of it's size (small stuff) - social media work and creating flyers and verbiage for both of those things.  I'm good at it, and I'm thankful for the opportunity - but I was really jacked about this position.  

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