Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Difference Between a Good Day and a Bad Day

In a galaxy far far away...

Or a year and a half ago:

WOTY: <answers phone> "Hey, what's up?"
The Dad:  "Well, I guess #7 is going to Mexico with you because the guy at the records place in Sacramento told me it will be 10-12 weeks before he can send me my birth certificate."
WOTY:  "Well, that's a problem, seeing as we're leaving in 5 weeks."
The Dad: (who never panics, ever... IS at this point.) "Yah, I know it's a problem.  (*&^%$&^%$&.  I guess #7 can just go with you."
WOTY:  (Who is usually always the panicker) "Well now, that's not going to happen. What did they say?"
The Dad:  "That since this is older than 20 years ago, they get sent to some department and they can't get them here any sooner."  <more swearing>
WOTY:  "Well you call back and you explain -"
The Dad:  "I did. The guy was a real asshole."
WOTY:  "Fine, give me the number."

The Dad gives me the number and I call and like magic, get the same turd that The Dad got. He didn't care that our airfare was purchased months earlier or that it was unfortunate that his adoptive parents hadn't kept a legal version of his birth certificate and that they'd both passed away and...  So I then asked "ROGER" what his name was and who his supervisor was and as soon as I did that - he offered up another phone number that *might* be able to help us out.

The next day, The Dad tried and got some jackass who hates his job of dealing with the public, but loves the holidays the State takes, the pay the State gives and the benefits the State provides.  Another call from The Dad still in panic mode.

I tell him to call back until he gets a different person.  That it's all about the person you get on the phone - and whether or not that person got laid in the morning.

"Wendy" must have, because she not only told The Dad that she could get a copy in a matter of days, but if he would send down a copy of his license and his receipt (he'd paid for it online), she would overnight it to him.  And she did.  And his passport arrived 10 days after that.

For a time - we joked that it would seem The Dad wasn't a real person.  That he had not, in fact, ever been born.  Ironic, because our President seems to have critics exclaiming the same kinds of things about him.  People like "Roger".  And that IS his real name.  Just trying to draw attention to it.

A few weeks later - The Dad had done his homework about cell phones, service, etc - and out of country trips.  A "What to Expect When Expecting... NOT to Use Your Phone While Out of the Country" kind of thing.  So we paid the extra money and used our phones very sparingly so that we could have them with us in the event of emergency.  Most times Wack left his in the room in the safe, but at night we wanted them to carry them.  

We returned to normal life and found a few months later that Verizon hadn't turned off the "out of the country" option and our bill was astronomical!  Like, we could eat for 7 months on what our bill was.  It took a marathon phone call - but everything was credited and a day was made better.  Until about 6 months later, when upon picking through our bill - Jeff found they were still dinging us for some aspect of the national plan thingy majig.  But because we were only calling at this point in time, they would only credit the past 3 months.  

We have gotten better about bill "inspection".

Fast forward to May 28th, 2012.  I couldn't sleep that night and so I picked up my iPhone that is not Siri-licious and checked my emails.  I saw that our bill from Verizon had come across and because of what I saw - I didn't sleep a wink for the rest of the night.  (I woke up at 4:30A).  $1,175.  Uhhhh... what... the... fuuuuu.....

So The Dad called Verizon:

The Dad: "Uh... yah, I'm looking at my bill and I'm seeing that I no longer have unlimited texting and I absolutely need that, what with 5 phones and 3 of them belonging to college kids.  And it appears you still have us on the international plan... and this number (xxx-xxxx) didn't GO to Mexico so shouldn't be charged for that anyhow."

Verizon:  "We can certainly look into it, but you switched back too early, prior to the fees catching up to us, so those fees you will still be accountable for."

The Dad:  "I switched back too early?  I called, told you guys we would be in Mexico and set it for 9 days.  These fees continue to be billed AND when you switched me back, you turned off the unlimited texting.  I wouldnt DO that."

Verizon:  "Well, let me see...."  click click, type type, unintelligible, type click click type...  "Yah, ummmm  Mister Mennerely, it looks like you just switched back too soon and therefore the fees will have to be paid."

WOTY:  <getting my bitch on>  "Oh no we won't.  This is not our error, it's..."
The Dad:  <giving me the "shut the hell up, I'll handle this" look>

The Dad:  "Is there a supervisor or manager that I could talk to about this.  I think you're getting caught up on the international stuff and I've got more concerns than just that."

Verizon:  "Sure.  Uh... the managers are all busy right now, but I could have one call you back within the next 2 hours."

The Dad:  "That'd be great."


WOTY:  "Uhhh, what did you ever find out from Verizon?"
The Dad:  "I'll call"


WOTY:  "Uhhh, what did you ever find out from Verizon?"
The Dad: <wah wah wah wah wah... wah wah wah wah...>  (Pretending he's the teacher from Charlie Brown from inside the bathroom)

WOTY:  <begins making payment from cell phone for the "usual" amount>
The Dad:  <exits the loo and grabs his phone>
WOTY: <exits stage left and GLADLY goes to pair up 324 socks that she's neglected because socks are the worst part of laundry folding>

Well - as it went, Shyloh helped Jeff and credited the appropriate amount to our account.  She even said she would call back on Monday to make sure we were "seeing" that on our end.  She explained that the representative he talked to when The Dad set up the international plan - SHOULD HAVE explained that in order for things just like this not to happen, means we should keep the plan for an entire month, NOT for just the 9 days we are gone... due to the fact that the charges don't catch up for some time.  Grrrrrr...

Anyhow - the moral of the story is - if you have a job where you have to deal with people - EVER... you should have sex every morning so that you don't have to be like "Roger" or the diphead that said she'd have someone call within the next two hours after we got a messed up bill.  

Just sayin.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Very Fortunate Girl

May 31, 2012

Today, or tonight, rather...  A young lady at Mt. Baker High School, in Deming (Demingham), Washington - will be the first recipient of The Sarah Baisden Scholarship.  A scholarship built specifically (and legally) for "middle class white kids".  The kids statistically, that have a bit harder time "winning" college scholarships - something that frustrated my niece.  Applications were submitted for this scholarship.  A scholarship that some of you donated to by purchasing some of the "Sarah Forever Young" t-shirts that family and friends put together to help the efforts to make this happen.  (Thank you again!)

She's been on my mind so much lately.  I think about her daily - as I've said before, I have a button in my car with her face and "thumbs" up where my Starbucks card "lives".  This way, I see her and think of her each and every single day.  I don't ever want there to be a day that I don't think of her.  So aside from my time in the car, she's been in my dreams and thoughts while I sit at the computer, on the machine at the club, as I've sat watching TV and for me - because we weren't able to be close prior to September 16th, 2011 - well I spend time wondering "Why?" she might be hanging around as of late?  

It's much like the 8 or 10 weeks after September 16th - while momentarily unemployed during that time, I found myself sitting at my computer and hours later, I would realize I didn't know where the time had gone.  I spent so much time crying for the loss of my beautiful niece and wondering "why?"  I spent time believing down to my core, that these are the things that are supposed to bring family back together.  A young woman who died hating me because of a riff between her mother and I.  Yes, it's supposed to be between my sister and I - and my boys are still in contact with their aunt... but, stuff happens.  Family happens.  And it's too bad.

I picked up where I should  never have left off and sent Katie a couple of cards on her birthday with something kids love most ($$)... then her mom and sister Christmas gifts in Phoenix.  I sent Valentines cards and a Mothers Day card.  I invited her mom, Zach's aunt, to his graduation party.  I'm trying to do the right thing, in a non-threatening way. So I figure she's been around because she's trying to tell me to work at it harder.  More often.  Try something different?  I don't know.  But, and I'm just going to go for it here - I believe I'm supposed to be *getting*  some message.  Is she trying to utilize me and who knows who else for something?  A lesson?  A message?  And while there's a part that is frustrated by not knowing (control freaks hate this...) there's a part of me hoping I don't ever get "the answer".  Because then I could continue to tell her that I'm sorry I didn't get to be the aunt I was for her the first 12 years of her life and own my part of it.  I know she knows... and she knows I'm not the only culprit here.  I know she knew it before September 16th - but I also understand first hand, the things you do and say when your parents divorce and one leaves. You want acceptance.  Affirmations of love.  The parent that left and moved away.  It's hard.  I understand.

Maybe I'm stuck in thinking it has to do with her mom, or her sister and I need to move away from that?  I allowed myself to wonder if perhaps she's been "here" to help guide Zach with his weekend at UW nearly two weekends ago and then his recruitment this past weekend here in The Can.  Maybe I'm just sensing her, but she's really "hanging around" one of the boys.  That's probably it - I'm just getting the "side effects" of her "taking care" of her cousin, or cousins.  

And then today this:

And then later a phone call to tell me tonight was the night and that her sister, Katie, will be awarding the scholarship.  How very brave of her.  I can't imagine...

With bravery tonight, Katie helps, in yet another way, to continue to keep her sister alive by awarding a young lady a scholarship in her sisters name.  And if that girl should attend EWU (where Sarah spent 2 years) or UW (Sarah's planned "next stop") or Cal, Duke, Arizona State, Appalachian State, Utah or Bellingham Community College - I choose to believe that the meaning of and behind this scholarship can... WILL only bring about good.  Good dreams, good opportunities, good jobs, good relationships, good friends, good life experiences.  

All of the things Sarah excelled at.  

Only good can come from it because she was good people...  And this... from tonight's presentation.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

This morning - The Dad said "You should write a nice, touching Memorial Day post today."

I usually don't take The Dads' advice.  For example:

WOTY:  "What shoe should I wear with this outfit?"
The Dad:  "Oooh, I like the one on the right."
~So.. of course I wear the one on the left.

WOTY:  "What sounds good for me to make for dinner?"
The Dad:  "Burgers sounds good, don't you think?"
WOTY:  "Chicken Osaka sounds better.  Thanks."

WOTY:  "What do you want to do?  We have to get used to this whole empty nest, shit ass thing."
The Dad:  "How about I change my shirt and we can go walk around the mall downtown." (Yes, THIS was an actual conversation.)
WOTY:  "It's too nice of a day to walk around inside.  I think I'll go sit on the deck."

Trivial issues and conversations for sure.  But thanks to my heritage and the fact that I live in America... these are pretty much the "worst" things I have to deal with on a day to day basis.  

I think it's realistic to say that most people don't think about military on a day to day basis unless of course their family member is IN the military and/or based overseas.  I would be one of those people.  Right or wrong, that's just an honest comment.

But when Memorial Day rolls around - I find myself a bit disgusted with all of the parties and BBQ's going on because it's not as if celebrating this holiday is so much a good thing.  I mean... when people say "Happy Memorial Day", is it happy for those who have loved and lost someone?  It's a holiday based on the loss of our people who  have died while serving in the USAF, is it not?  

So today my family will celebrate a family members birthday and spend time together - that we are able to spend together because we live in a free country AND because of the people out there working hard to protect our country who are not able to take today off. Who are hoping they come home to their family.  Who hope and pray that next year, they are NOT one of the people behind a "holiday" we have off from work.  The day called "Memorial Day".

Saturday, May 26, 2012

These "F's" are A-OK In My Book.

First of all - it's a three day weekend and my-oh-my isn't that Fantastic?!?!

And to start it off with a bang, on Friday night, Zach was taken out to dinner with the UW Fiji rush chairs.  He knew they were coming to town for the weekend and was invited to dinner, to stay over for festivities and today they are going paint balling.  Sounds fun.  

With Ryan's recruitment, it was all based on a scholarship and improving the house and he was recruited 3 weeks before he had to move in. It was a much much different affair! For Zach, he was contacted by five different fraternities.  He met with them last weekend on our visit over there and stayed at the Fiji house - as we know some young men in that house already.  But what we didn't know was how this particular recruitment was going to go.  When would he find out who liked him?  (Who wouldn't?!) What sort of steps does he have to go through with these Spokane visits?  Just a lot of unknowns and if he had the details, well... he's 18, so we were going to get the basics:

MOTY:  So what's the plan?
Wack:  What do you mean?  We're going to dinner then staying at the Chapman (made up) house and paint balling in the morning.
MOTY:  Yah, but... then what?  I mean... you're not driving anywhere right?
Wack:  No.  No one is driving anywhere except to dinner.
MOTY:  Who all is going?  Is Jeff?  Or Chase?  Any of the other guys that are wanting to rush?
Wack:  I don't know.  K.  Welp... see ya later.

MOTY: <under breath>  Welp... eff.  <thumbs up>

We had a cocktail with some friends last night and then went out for a bit later after we all dispersed.  While we were out we got this:

The Fiji house is pretty sweet, I must say.  It is also the closest fraternity to campus.  This made our night.  It is comforting to know that he is going to Seattle and will immediately be involved with a band of brothers.  That he will have immediate bonding and all that comes along with being in a fraternity.  In a city the size of Seattle and at a school as large as UW, and as a parent from The Can - this takes some edge off of Zach's new adventure.

So as #7 left the house those years ago to go to EWU - he had the brotherhood of his football team.  Blue Eyes left two years later to the Mighty Fiji (Phi Gamma Delta) house in Pullman and now Wack is joining the Fiji house at the University of Washington.  

"F" seems to be a letter that is making great things happen for my boys.  Though they will all tell you, the BEAST MOTY was when it came to anything below a B with grades.  Really it was a "C" (on a test or assignment, no how, no way was anything below a B "allowed" on a report card) but they like to embellish those stories.  They've gotten to that age.  It's swell.

But I'm proud to say that an "F" as it stands (for football and Fiji) is acceptable.  

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Three F's

Im Feeling Flippin Frustrated right now and The Dad isn't helping.

I couldn't write tonight with him out there flipping channels and settling on some awful noise making show - so I got up to come back and write on the laptop in bed.  

Guess what happened next?  He came back too.  Erg.

I hate it when people stand over me when I'm on the computer.  No... he's not standing over me while I sit here in bed typing, but he's right next to me and I just can't concentrate. 

No, I don't consider this whining.  I removed myself from the noise and was completely FINE in doing so.  He hasn't come back to bed this early in months.  

The End.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Currently I have two college boys.  One (#7) a football player for the 2010 National Champion Eastern Washington Eagles and after working hard for a few years, awarded a full ride scholarship.  Bravo.

Then Blue Eyes - decides to attend WSU and was set to go into a dorm with a boy he knew from high school.  Just 3 weeks prior to his move in date, he was interviewed by members of the Phi Gamma Delta at WSU for a $1000 scholarship.  From that interview, came an award - a "Directors" Scholarship for full room and board if he agreed to come into the house at the start of the school year, maintain at least a 3.2 each semester and IF he made a 3.5 GPA at semester, he would receive a $1000 check.  Each semester.  The goal was to help "improve" the house.  Grades, standards, philanthropy, general involvement.  Ryno Minn has finished 4 semesters and has received the check EACH semester.  When he was interviewed he was told, point blank, that most guys move out their junior year.  They have had it with the noise, crowds, etc.  Ryan thought he would be one of those guys early on.  This year - the FIJI house had one, yes one - junior living in the house.  

Next year... 22 are committed to and signed up to return.  22 JUNIORS.  He has held up his end of the bargain.  The house has the highest cumulative GPA they've had in years.  They are no longer on "tier" which means, they aren't required to do as much philanthropy as other greek houses next year.  It's a step in the right direction.  He took his part of the scholarship to heart and has worked hard, all the while working in the Sports Information Department, working hard to get into and recently accepted to the school of Communication and still having time to enjoy all that college is about.

The FIJI's are known to be a secret keeping group and while I know that Ry-Man is on the cabinet, his own mother doesn't even know what position he holds.  His girlfriend doesn't know!  But to me, that's a small price to pay for the gift he's been given!

His younger brother is being recruited by the FIJI house at UW, as well as a few others - and we, he, is hopeful to get an invite to be a FIJI.  After all of the stories, successes, fun and growth his brother has had - I am hopeful the stars align so that he too, has the opportunity to build these relationships!

That's just a little bit about it - whether you care or not, but mostly what I wanted to do was post this recruitment video, with this great song, that Ryno Minn made for recruits to get an idea of things they do.  We are proud parents and love how giving he was of his time to make this while everyone else was finishing off the year and enjoying warmer days - he was working on this!  And a shout out to Tyler P for all of his work too!

Good stuff...  good stuff indeed!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Dreaded "D" Day

No, not "Dooms Day".  

Dentist Day.

A few months ago when I visited the dentist, I was told my "pockets" were of a little concern so I would need to come back a bit more often.  Instead of every 6 months, they'd like me to come in every 4 until they are where they should be.  

I hate going to the dentist.  I hate it.  I do not hate the dentist himself, because he is, honestly, not the mother *&^%$%^$ ass (*^*&%$%&$#, that fuIU&*&^%$^))'s around, jabbing, scraping and stabbing and rooting around in your mouth.  It's his stupid little elves!  I fucking hate the "elves".  Fuck.  (pardon my french)

So I was sitting at my desk at work when I gasped and thought "Oh no, I missed my dentist appointment!" Which is an "Oh no!" because they'll charge me for missing my appointment.  And then I looked at the clock and realized I had NOT, in fact, missed my appointment.  Triple Eff.  AND, what's worse, I didn't brush my teeth when I was at home for lunch, as that precautionary "See, look, I take good care of my teeth" patient.

I pout/scowl/brood more at the dentist, even more than when I "lose" (snort, pretend lose) an argument with The Dad.  I am rude and socially unacceptable.  Right up until the Dentist elves start to rinse out my mouth for that last, final rinse.

Elf:  "Hi Kate, how are you today."
WPOTY: "I'm here."
Elf: "Well, we'll get you all settled in spot #1 and have a look, get those teeth cleaned."
WPOTY: <unintelligible>
Elf:  "Is it raining again out there?"
WPOTY: (You are sitting in the same room as me, are you not?  The one with TWO windows?  Just checking.)  <shrug> I guess so. (Jeez... seriously?!?)
Elf:  <grabbing the mean ass poker thingy, knife, death instrument>  "Okay, I'm just going to check that one spot that was of most concern last time."
WPOTY:  <rolls eyes - which, doesn't give any effect as they make you put on the super cool shades now> (ONE SPOT?  Double U, Tee, Eff?)
Elf:  "Well, that's good.  It's now a 3 instead of a 5, so we'll just get the teeth cleaned now."
WPOTY: <half uninterested nod>

I refuse.  Refuse, refuse, refuse to try to ANSWER the elves when I have knife-like picks and axes in my mouth.  Seriously... Ugh.

I knew that my teeth were doing fine because - you know how when they scrape them and pull out the death object and wipe it on their little gauze piece?  Well, she scraped and scraped and scraped and pulled that out like 4 total times.  Which meant, I just paid for this appointment for nothing.  The torture, the headaches I get when it's "D Day"... all for naught.  

Yes, my teeth feel nice now.  And are shiny and white.  

But that's about all I can take.  So the fact that I haven't chewed anything on the left side of my mouth for over a year is going to stay between you and me.  I went three times to 2 different dentists to figure it out, they couldn't and I am certain I might go postal (sorry post office workers of America) if I had to sit in one of those chairs any longer than is humanly possible.  

What they don't know, won't kill me.

After that appointment, I promptly made appointments for ALL of the  Minn Boys prior to all of their departures to school in a few short months.

Well... now that's just a depressing new thought.

Monday, May 21, 2012

176 Days off of "The" Facebook

Twice before I've taken breaks from Facebook.  The first time lasted 3 months, the second about the same.  Today is day 176 - nearly 6 months.  And I don't miss it.  People know I am off and when they tell me they wish I was on because they'd love to hear my comments on certain post, stories, etc - I used to get sort of a tug and wondered if I could make it.  Not so much anymore.  

I think Facebook is a cool deal - mostly.  I got into it about 2 years before most of the people I know.  I remember the day clearly and remember being frustrated on not knowing what I was "supposed" to do with it.  Obviously over time I utilized it the way I wanted to, as others became more involved.  Even #7 didn't get on until a few years ago.  But the last two times I "came back" I found that I would get home from work, realize The Dad wouldn't be home, or Wack for another 40 minutes so I could "check" stuff.  40 minutes later they would walk in the door and I would have barely just started dinner.  It was wasting my time.

Correction:  I was wasting my time.  Well, actually, it takes two to tango.  :)

I have long realized too that if my family wants to talk to me - it shouldn't be on facebook.  Not chat, not a post, not a message.  If my family and close friends want to share pictures with me - personally - then I want to see them in my email or in person when we're all congregating.  

Everything is so impersonal now.  No handwritten notes, letters. Birthday greetings are sent on FACEBOOK or in ecards.  People text versus call.  Yes yes yes... it's what the world has come to.  Communication SUCKS.  And is often misunderstood when we have to READ it.  You don't hear the feeling, see the tears or smiles... 

So I'm done.  And the longer I go without it, the longer I know I don't NEED it.  

When everyone was all giddy last week about Facebook stock, I just shook my head and disregarded it.  Mark Zuckerberg is brilliant.  Absolutely.  He's rich.  But then so are the Winkle-vi twins.  

But I never, for a moment, thought I should try to get my hands on some of that.  And look, today already dropped $4.  I don't know... may not last forever.  Most things don't.

Next up:  Day 177.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Spokane to Seattle... and Back

A scheduled trip to Seattle almost didn't happen due to a miscommunication between The Dad and MOTY on bills to be paid and upcoming graduation plans.

MOTY:  You did WHAT?!?!?!?

That's all that really needs to be said.  It was a colorful conversation, but the most shocking thing was, that I told him to mellow out, that "this" wasn't solving anything and pulled up my big girl pants and helped rearrange things and finalized the plans!

Usually I am the "freaker outer" and need to be told to calm down.  Not this time.  Cool as a cucumber was I.  (This is not a joke.  This is not an exaggeration.  This is not a fabrication.  This is a real life, true story.)

Off we went to Seattle for Zach to hang out with some fraternity rush chairs, see a few houses of those that have contacted him and spend the night at the Fiji house with some boys that graduated the same year as his oldest brother, #7.  I worried and worried and worried some more as he walked away from us at the U-District street fair to walk to the house by himself.  He texted us when he arrived and I was a bit set at ease.  

We made plans and met up with our uncles Rich & Phill who took us to the Washington Athletic Club for dinner before they took off for the symphony.  We enjoyed a very good meal, a cocktail and some great conversation.  The club is beautiful and were I to ever live in Seattle - I would want to be a member, certainly!  We walked around downtown Seattle for a while though most stores were closing.  As Phill and I exited the parking garage - I pointed and asked if The Vance Hotel was "that way"?  And Nordstroms "that way"?  And is the Cheesecake Factory "that way"?  I was spot on... I've always had a way with directions, as far as landmarks go.  But busy highways and exits every which way are not my favorite thing.  I also found a skirt and two tops that I NEED at a store called "Anthropology" last night, though not intended for people with my size pocketbook.  <sigh>  So so cute though.

The Dad wants a T-shirt that the equally as cool as WSU's, UW bookstore has, which has both logos (WSU/UW) and "A House Divided" on it.  He asked if I wanted one but - no... I will be ordering a specific shirt as the proud parent of a soon to be UW Husky.  AND I can't have a shirt that represents only 2 of my kids.  I am stuck in the middle of a trifecta of fun for sure.

EWU & #7 take on WSU football the second game of the season. #7 will play against Blue Eye's school and Blue Eyes will likely be the sports information personnel sent to the visitors locker room after the game to get quotes.  Oye.

And then Wack's new school will play Ryan's school next November, in the annual Apple Cup - only two short days after the FAMILY Thanksgiving holiday/celebration.  Oh my.

All that aside - I saw Seattle through different eyes this time due to not being there for some rushed weekend of sports, and checking into hotels.  We were not driven by schedules and deadlines.  I actually enjoyed Seattle.  And I am looking forward to more trips.  And more time walking through downtown Seattle and Pike Street Market.  And perhaps some more oogling time in Anthropology.  

And purple and gold.  Can't forget the purple and gold.

So... Hello Seattle.  Welcome to our lives!

Friday, May 18, 2012


A few days ago, Blue Eyes was a skoche exasperated by an email he received that the certification notification was being held up by the Communications College at WSU due to technical difficulties.  He was worked up about it because if the notification that he had been certified came across while he works (4:45AM to 1:PM) then everyone else would get registered for the classes and he might have a harder time getting the classes he needs.  But... he was fine because at least everyone was in this same boat.  Mostly.  Right?  We didn't know.

The next day, a nice hot day in The Can, he got home from work, went swimming at a friends and came home, checked his email - nothing.  Then got on The BookFace.  According to several postings by people he knows, they had gotten in.  He was finding nothing and was getting upset.  I tried to ask problem solving questions:

MOTY - Are they notifying people in waves, maybe?
B.E. - No.
MOTY - Maybe it went to a different email account?
B.E. - Mom.  No.  That's not it.
MOTY - Well, online it says something about a test.  Did you take that test?
B.E. - No.  My adviser said I didn't have to.  That I satisfied it with a class I took.
MOTY/SkOTY (Skeptic of the year) - Well, do you have anything that shows the adviser told you you didn't have to take it.
B.E. - Mom...  (in that oh-so-special-tone), they're changing the certification process, I know I am fine.
MOTY/SkOTY - Well, but do you, just in case?
B.E. - (Exit stage left - aka, to room.  Slam door)

He's 20 years old.  The Dad tries to calm MOTY and says "He can call tomorrow, we'll just see what happens then."

I'm surprised by my skin color sometimes.  Yes, I just said that.  Because if you 'fin to hurt my cubs, I'm gonna kick someones ass.  (I am so bad at my slang.)

So I did what I did - and Blue Eyes knows this.  I emailed the only contact on the Edward R. Murrow School of Communications application page and simply asked - "if the students that did NOT get in, would be notified?"  I went on to say that where the University of Washington sends acceptance letters - they send the denial letters at the same time - which makes sense so kids can make a decision and not hang in limbo. 

In Ryan's world - kids were signing up for classes and he didn't get in.  Shock and disbelief were setting in and I was sad for him.  I'll go further to say - that the kids applying to get in, don't register for classes in the spring, same as everyone else because they need "these" classes.  Any classes, assuming he didn't get in, that he wanted to take for a second major would be full.  So this was major sucky.

I must have crafted my email to Sandra well enough - that I got a nice, lengthy explanation about the new student information system that was being implemented at the same time the new certification system and it was wreaking some havoc.  She was sorry and said that she would be notifying everyone the next day whether they were in or not AND that the kids that thought they were in, may not really be due to the glitches.  They did not receive notification, rather, they were sitting watching their "status" on their account.  I totally believed that.  Absolutely.

The next day:

So - Congratulations Ryno Minn for your certification into The Edward R. Murrow College of Communications at Washington State University!

It's as it should be.  And we all slept better that night thanks to MOTY.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hoopfest 2012 - An Injury Waiting To Happen


This is it.  This is the year.  I have watched my boys play in year after year of Spokane Hoopfest - THE Worlds Largest 3-on-3 Street Basketball tournament.

I volunteered for the organization.  I worked for the organization.  I involved the boys and The Dad in volunteering.  We LOVE Hoopfest.  It's like Christmas for our family.  One year, The Dad was recruited to play with some other guys (IT gee... guys, like him... errr uhhh) and they went skins one game because the team they were playing were also wearing white t-shirts.  Funny thing was, all of the guys on The Dads team were pasty, pasty, horribly pasty white.  I got a call from him telling me NOT to come to his game after the boys games ended.  It was not pretty.  Neither was the score.

Last year, #7 was a groomsman in a wedding... Hoopfest weekend... out of town.  He was none to happy about missing Hoopfest.  Like I said... it's like Christmas for us!  

Blue Eyes was a champion of his bracket last year...  and Wack, though <--> this close to getting to the 'ship, finished and thanks to the amazing people who work all year for this amazing event, the boys courts were very near to each other so they could be there to support each other while we drove to Tacoma and back for the wedding #7 was in.  Oye!

So on my bucket list is playing in Hoopfest with my 3 boys - though I have accepted that that will NEVER happen so...  when the opportunity arose to play on a team looking for a woman for their co-ed team, who was preferably OVER 35,  I jumped.  If I'm ever going to do this, why not now?  

I've run (at a snails pace) a marathon, been out of the country (though Tuscany is my "most wanted BIG BUCKET LIST place to visit) and while my list is short, believe it or not, participating in Hoopfest as a player is something that I've wanted to do for a long time.  I'm not getting any younger.  I don't want to do the same stuff day in and day out for the rest of my life.  And so... I jumped.  I'm in.

I just let my team captains amazing girlfriend (who is my amazing friend) know that I will NOT go "skins".  Period.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

There's a 16th of Every Month...

People believe in you.  You are said to make miracles happen.

If that's true...  bring.  her.  back.

Jeff, Britt, Alli, Sarah, Ryan
(Not pictured Zach, Katie)
SFB 12/03/1990 ~ 09/16/2011

Monday, May 14, 2012

This Weather...

Brings out the 80's in me.

SMASH finale is on.  Ivy's up to no good.

I won tickets to see Huey Lewis & The News at the fair this fall.  I'm back!

Hoopfest is just a hop, skip and jump away.

Did I tell you how GREAT "The Avengers" is?

Graduation/party announcements have been mailed.

This "Smash" is killing me.

I have oodles of laundry to fold.  Eff.

Is it football season yet?

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Best. Mothers. Day. Ever.

Once upon a time a girl who wasn't married, had a baby.  15 months later, she married The Dad.  13 months after that, she had another. 20 months after that - she had another one.

I believe there's a reason for everything.  By the time I was 30, I'd had a few surgeries on some "parts" that would have made it difficult to have babies from that point on.  God gave me #7 when I was, for all intents and purposes, beyond ill prepared to start having children. But I made him my sole focus in life.  And then Blue Eyes... then Zach Attack.  

I had three bouncing baby boys by the time I was 24.  We would often be asked to go to movies or out with 30 minutes notice...  when you have 2 kids, the grandparents might go for it on that of short notice, but once you have 3, not so much.  At least not ours.  Note to self:  My kids grew up too fast - you've all heard me say, so if they have 7 kids, we WILL absolutely drop everything to watch them!  (Sidenote, hopefully The Dad doesn't read this post.)  The only other exception would be if I was invited to attend at dinner at George Clooney's house with President Obama.  Or without the Prez.  THIS would be a conflict to be sure.

I worry about my boys all of the time.  My mother told me on more than one occasion you don't stop worrying about your kids just because they are no longer under your roof - and that just sucks.  It's a powerless feeling often and I'm a control freak.  It's got to be something short of a miracle that The Dad hasn't had to put me in a straight jacket yet and feed me silly pills or pills that make me feel silly.

I haven't been a perfect parent, sometimes I think I was probably downright awful.  I'm sure the boys thought so too.  No... I don't think I was, I know I was.  Stress, yelling, tears, fights, stress, more stress.

My last surgery on all of these "parts" was just over a year ago.  My hormone levels have been practically to the moon and that's just not fun for anyone, myself included.  All through the years I've had these sorts of issues.  There was no telling when or what was going to be the trigger point of the day... Mothers Day, Christmas, Yom Kippur... you name it.  I am quite certain that all of us have at one time or another, wished that MOTY would sleep through M.D.  I sometimes wished it of myself as well.

So over the course of the last 8 months or so, I've found that "good" spot with my meds (okay, seriously, a drop of lotion), my weight, my family.  Some "balance" after 22 years.  Say what?

So unlike many moms, today when The Dad rolled over in bed and asked if I wanted breakfast in bed, I said:

MOTY:  "No. I'm going to hop out of bed, quietly get ready to go to the d.p. (dog park) and then when we get home, I'll mow the backyard.
The Dad:  "I'll mow, or one of the boys will."
MOTY:  "No, I like to mow it, besides it's my Sunday workout.  You can make the breakfast then."

When we got the the dog park (and yes, I have to pretend I'm NOT getting ready for the dog park, otherwise, somehow, the friggin dogs KNOW I'm getting ready for the dog park and I'm pretty sure that China can hear them barking, screeching and pawing to get to the car.) there was NO ONE there.  That is super boring for Jack, Dan and Boone, let me tell you! 

When we got home I mowed the backyard...  This is a HILL, just FYI.

We ate breakfast with our good friend Greg who brought me a Mothers Day green tea lemonade from the best place on earth (Starbucks) and then raced off to see "The Avengers" with the boys.  Well... we sent Blue Eyes and Wack down to save seats (thank goodness) while we waited for #7 to get into town.  It was super super entertaining.  I mean... SUPER entertaining.  We will OWN that movie.  No one pissed or moaned at MOTY's choice in movie, or the 11:30 am showing.  

Then a visit from the best ever S.I.L.OTY and NOTY, a few beverages on the deck,  dinner made by The Dad... with the exception of the potato salad, garlic bread and apple pie (he BBQ'd the steak), but the best part was every dish I made in making those items, was cleaned up by the dad!!  Tonight is the last ever "Desperate Housewives".  It's been a great day.

I think, no I'm sure - it's the first Mothers Day where I didn't have an expectation or desire or want.  Maybe part of that is because I cracked a whip on Saturday, nicely requesting for The Dad to pick up some bark for the front yard because "hey, it's Mothers Day tomorrow".  (Worked like a charm)  So while he did that I planted all of my flower pots and beds with colors I've never used together before... Seeing as I have a graduation party to throw in a few weeks, for a last child heading to the University of Washington, well... I thought it fitting to do away with the RED this year and went with purple and gold.  

A rose.  A starbucks card.  A movie with 4 amazing men.  A great meal.  A perfect sunny day.  So much to look forward to in the coming weeks - yet so much I'm anxious about.  I felt today, for the first time in a long time - that I am going to survive this "last child graduating" thing.  If only every Sunday could be a Mothers Day like today.  

Thank you too all my Minn Men and Minn Dogs for making Minn Moms heart swell today.

Best. Mothers. Day. Ever.
Ranks right up there with 12/6/89, 4/6/92, 12/6/93 & 3/2/91.  

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Hey kiddo.

You made a mistake.  A pretty big mistake.  Judgement was lacking and that happens a lot when you're young.  If we didn't make mistakes, we might not learn new things.  

We know you're a good kid who gets good grades and worked so hard as a part of your team.  We know your parents are supportive and strong and that they have given you the tools in life to help you learn from this mistake.

The seriousness of it overwhelming to us parents -  but the gift of life, the life you get to continue to live is just that - an amazing gift.  This could have turned out much worse and right now you may feel like this is the end of the world.  

But it's not.  And you will come through this.  And those of us that know you and your family will  help with that however we can.  

I believe everything happens for a reason and that reason may surface soon, or it may take some time.  Just know the guys, your family, coaches, friends and countless others are so very glad that they have the opportunity to help you if you come knocking.

Anyone who doesn't know you or your family?  Don't pay any attention to what they say.  

Stand up.  Learn from this.  Move on.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Is this what it's going to be like for the next couple of weeks?  Crap?!

I worked late.  The Dad made dinner, thanks to ingredients brought to him by Pizza Pipeline.  Then he went to play racquetball - which was fine.

I got home, did dishes, started laundry, sorted laundry and had a slice of the pizza that The Dad "made" while he was at the club.

I then started on addressing the graduation party announcements and when The Dad got home, I inquired if he wants anyone in particular invited.  He told me "I'm sure you've got everyone that I would mention."

And he's right.  I do.  

But now I was annoyed.  I came home, after working late, and continued to work.  Like I do most days.  Dinner, laundry, straighten up.  Remember what has to be done tomorrow.  Remind Wack for the umpteenth time that we need to fill out the housing application.  That we need to confirm an orientation weekend.  

I realize, that like the two before him, I will go by myself to Party Palace for party decorations, order and design a banner, call the rental place for a few tables and chairs... schedule dentist appointments, vacuum the house, plant flowers, unload the dishwasher at lunch like I do every day, make the bed, wash everyones work clothes... of course it's endless.  

But I'm overwhelmed.  And I'm frustrated.  Scared.  Sad.  And freakin A - ANNOYED.

And also pretty sure that my hormones, though they come in the form of lotion I put on every day, aren't quite doing their job the past few days.

Thank god for a hair therapy tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Really Bad Idea

I'm five months into the new job and continue to be busy as always.  The person I share my office space/room with is a few years younger than me and definitely a character!  She cracks me up daily.

As I got a few months into the job, I would hear her tell herself it was time to look at her matches.  I never thought much about this - but as time has gone, I came to found out that she looks at her daily "matches" on  At one point, she invited me over to look at her matches...

Lois:  Do you want to come look at my matches with me?
CWOTY:  What?  Your matches?
CWOTY:  Ohhhhh... you mean on Matchbook?

Lois: <laughing> It's not "matchbook".  <giggle>.  It's not like Facebook.  It's JUST "Match"
CWOTY:  Same thing.

Thus "Matchbook" was formed and now we have "Matchbook" time every day.  So I go to her desk and point out which guys are really married, but cheating... because their wives are pregnant, married to their jobs, ragged and run down by the kids and not "giving it up"... and on and on.  We count the number of matchbook photos that were taken in public or work restrooms and someone please tell me WHY does that seem like a good idea to the guys?  I have learned that nearly ALL of the men in our general area work out 5-6 times a week.  That "I'll tell you later" means:  "I live with my parents", "I'm currently unemployed", "I am not really looking for a relationship, just sex."  And so on...

It's a nice break during the day - as I'm not a "break" taker... and it lightens things up usually when some "lightening" needs to be had.

But joking one day (I know, so totally NOT me!) I was telling Lois about being an empty nester next year and how I'm so not ready for it.  That The Dad and I were going to sit around at night next year and stare at each other while sitting on the couches.  Boy oh boy if that isn't just enough to keep the fire burning!

So I suggested to Lois that I think I'll have The Dad and I create "Matchbook" accounts so we can sit on the couches with our laptops and humor each other on who comes up on our match pages.  

She mentioned this to The Dad at the Cuatro de Mayo fiesta where The Dads reply was:

The Dad:  That sounds like a disaster of an idea.

And yes.  It is.  Matchbook time is really only fun to do with Lois, who is single and does not have an actual profile on Match.  I'm mostly looking forward to the day I see someone I know.  

Mostly, I think it would be fun to send... what is it...  oh dang... a pinch or nudge or wink.  Yes.. WINK, to some of them and say some of the following:

"Did you think that by squatting in the public restroom in a corner in four different outfits was really cool?  Like, "some chick is going to DIG this pose!""

"Love your profile, hate your face."

"Totally 'winking' at the two adorable labs in your third picture."

"When you say "a few extra pounds", what does "few" mean to YOU?"

"You have no hair, I have no teeth... seems like we're the perfect match!"

I could have SO much fun on Matchbook.  It's a good thing I don't have time for such silliness.  I do have time to watch my favorite Harvard Baseball team again though...

Nighty Night.