Saturday, May 5, 2012

Post Party Thoughts

4-5-6 is much more fun when you're winning.

The new kitchen hasn't seen this many people in it all at one time since it's inception!

The mexican food last year was better than the mexican food this year (that is to say, we used a different restaurant for catering so learned a lesson there.)  But please understand, when the restaurant we used last year wanted to charge me MORE than double for the same amount as last year - I said "Well senora, I like my friends very much, but not THAT much!"

Casey Wilhelm misses me on BookFace.  I knew he would.  Duh.

Wayne actually proved that the Gods aren't against him in gambling and allowed him to leave with his pride in tact.  Or at least, not down $70 this year.

Don't forget your iPhone pass lock code - especially if you think you're iPhone is more important than your children!  (Glad you're phone is up and running again... you know who you are!)

Stuff that happens in Mexico, should apparently follow the popular Vegas rule:  Things that happen in Cabo should stay in Cabo.  But then, it could be said that "Things that happen in Cabo, that shouldn't have happened, shouldn't have happened."  But then it could also be said that "Things that happen in Cabo are going to happen as long as there are young 18 year old boys and girls around!"  (Remember, they are 18 and this isn't the end all and likely not the person they are going to marry anyhow.  Well, unless you're my brother and my fave sis in Vancouver or Jeff and I... and yes, there are others, but if I listed them all, this would get longer and more drawn out than it already has.)  

More people not associated with THE HAWKS Storied AAU Basketball Team were subjected to a story (video) of 2 coaches and 10 boys last night - which helped clear the house out. (Not entirely!) Nice going to The Dad.  But, thoroughly enjoyed by Steve, Maryann, The Dad, WOTY and one fine Breakfast Boy who helped with some voice over for the show!

Hot Tamales are now considered a great "mexican dessert" for Cinco de Mayo (errrr  Cuatro de Mayo) parties.  Who knew?

Last year, at the "Seis de Mayo" party, we cleared almost 2 "containers" of margaritas.  This year, the second go-round was being tipped this way and that to get the last drops out!  Aye caramba!

The Dad dripped taco toppings on not one shirt, but two.  Not one spot on the floor, but two... HE is the sole reason I am cleaning the floors again today!

That a blown out knee can't stop one of the best North Side couples from making the trek to Casa de Minn!  We look forward to the 2nd annual Yucca party this summer, continued health and healing to that knee and a Holy Board championship to WIN this year!  

We had the Secret Service here, beer "donated" to the "cause", a plethora of guacamole's brought (all yummy), an attorney and his makeshift "wife" Grant, due to the actual wife at a girls outing, a racquetball pro, a mill worker, a few teachers, nurses, artists, some sales "folk", a grounds keeper, an insurance pro, accountants and contractors!  None of whom who spoke as much espanol as The Dad.  But all, who enjoyed a silly excuse to enjoy time with friends we haven't seen in a while!  

Es muy bien!  Es muy fantasico!  

Oh... I almost forgot this part:  Let me start it this way:

Once upon a time - when we first moved into this house 12 years ago, did we have a neighbor across the street.  Single mom.  Tried to sell the house from the time we moved in... for about 2 years.  One night, we had a friend over that ended up spending the night d/t (due to) being in a condition where he should not drive and as The Dad, The Guest and I sat in the dining area chit chatting into the early morning hours, we watched as the lady walked down her driveway in her slinky short robe to make sure the lid to her garbage was staying put.  It was evident we could see this because our lights were on, we were sitting there AND we had NO blinds at the time.  It was odd because it was cold out  and it was 2:30 or so in the morning.  The laughter ensued later as The Guest was unmarried at the time and wondering if perhaps she might be worthy of looking in to.  

Fast forward to last night around 1 AM as the party died down (around midnight) and two dudes (You know who you are - Rich & Wayne), our middle boy who had arrived home around 9:30 pm for the summer, The Dad and I sat around the same table shooting the late night breeze.  That same house has a "new" single lady, well, she's been there for 8-10 years, but The Man moved out last July.  We really are not nosy and we don't talk to most of our neighbors with regularity.  We are NO Wysteria Lane...  to be sure.  The Lady has been dating a fella for a few months now and we know his mini-van when we see it now.  So what?  But last night, as we chatted, leave it to a woman (me) to notice movement coming from the living room across the street.  All of the blinds open, clothes flying and yes... STUFF happening.  As I was figuring out what we could see plain as day, I made comment to the guys who couldn't injure their necks fast enough to see if I was exaggerating.  They will tell you - sure as shootin - that they saw what I saw.  And then we watched The New Dude, that was not the Boyfriend Dude - get dressed, and leave shortly thereafter.

So be it cinco de drinko, cuatro de sexo, I mean Mayo... what have you - it appears the The Fourth was a good night for all here on the hill!

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