Monday, July 30, 2012

The Itsy Bitsy Fider.... & The REST of the Weekend!

I couldn't MAKE myself write a post this weekend... and while I let myself feel guilty about that - It's not like I've taken a week or month long hiatus from this little goal, nor am I getting paid to write this.  So... I'm going to try and take it easy on myself for this.  

We (The Dad and I) did nothing on Friday night.  As Fridays usually go, it's pretty safe to say that I'm not good company on a Friday night.  Not even if I get a drink in me.  So - homebound we were.

Saturday presented us with an INFORMAL gathering that night out in the valley.  I went the 3.5 mile loop run that The Dad and I have been doing in the evenings and he went to the club.  On my way back The Dad drove by and informed me that I should stop at our friends (along the route) as he was going to stop in and chat with The Man at this house.  It was a short visit, we got our Starbucks! and headed home.  Idle chit chat on the deck turned into me mowing and him making breakfast and trimming trees.  All the while we were receiving an abundance of texts from a friend about the informal gathering.  Before we knew it and AFTER I had ruined the Phelps/Lochte race for The Dad (thanks to Twitter) it was time to make the food for the par-tay.  As quick as they were in the oven, we were off.  Fun times, interesting conversation, got to know another guest better (we love her) and home again, home again, jiggity jig.  (My mother will love that.)

Sunday morning I woke up with a bite on my neck.  The party was indoors and I didn't notice it when we got home, or on the way home or... anything.  So I got up and looked in the mirror and I didn't have ONE bite, but rather, TWO.  On the front/side of my neck, looking very much like Dracula bit me.  They are not super itchy, but rather, hard, sometimes itchy and very much fider bites.  Yes... Fider.  When #7 was my little #7... learning to talk with his raspy voice... Spiders, were, and shall forever remain... fiders.  At least to The Dad and I.  Just one of those things.

I don't care about the location of the fider bites... I care that I have them at all.  And that the likely place I received them was IN. MY. BED.  Seriously...  Do I walk up to a spider web and spray them with a small dose of poison while they sleep?  No. 

So the bed was stripped and I made The Dad bang on the headboard, look under the bed, move the night stand to try and raise the little creepy crawler from his hiding spot.  To no avail.  

So.  Effing.  Gross.  Imagine  if this had been last week when I blew my blood vessels all to hell after sneezing and couldn't breathe through my nose at night! I can tell you these are not little friendly black spider bites/love pats.  These are ginormous.  It surely was one of those beady eyed little brown-ish, stripey legged effers.  I just know it.  Two bites?  What did I do to it?  I shudder...  creepy.  gross.  icky.  yucky. venomous little creep.

Of course once one of us moves on Sunday morning - The Dogs know it's Dog Park day and the noises they make are horrific.  Half the time we practically leave the house without pants on or contacts in because we fear the people on the top of the mountain are going to assume we are killing something.  We got home, sat on the deck... again and talked about how the heat this summer is just not making our lawn look very nice.  At this time I spoke and said - we should try our front sprinkler system and see whats what with it.  

Many years earlier we got a quote for a sprinkler system in the back yard - and the guy that gave it to us included re-doing the entire front yard.  For some reason, at that time, we turned the system off... and have used stupid sprinklers to water our yard.  While I washed sheets, did oodles of laundry, cleaned all of the bathrooms (as we're having guests this weekend) and did some tidying - The Dad fixed an entire line of sprinkler heads and pipes yesterday.  Today he will resume to the next line where we know at least one pipe is split and two heads need replacing.  After that... we may be nearly full functioning in the front yard again.

We scratched our heads on how we let it go so long. And uhhh... why?  It was a pleasant surprise and was actually decent news coming off of a not so great week last week.  

I am, however, happy that I'm not strong enough to do the digging and tightening, and rolling around in the mud that he's doing.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I loved the jiggly-jig.