Friday, July 20, 2012

7/20/1992 - 7/20/2012

I woke up today with a headache.  Remember... Fridays are not my favorite day to attack.

The Dad left early for a meeting and the dogs kept me company.  Prior to Wack leaving for work he made us aware of the sad, tragic, unimaginable shooting in a Colorado movie theater.  I hopped on Twitter a little and read some of the information and felt sad. 

I'm sad that the young man was that sick and didn't know it.  Or if he did, that he didn't seek out help.  But this doesn't just apply to people with guns, who have been in the army or drink too much.  So many variables that bring about mental illness and behavior, personality changes.  And sometimes because of them - this stuff happens.  Awful.  Horrible.  Senseless.

I'm sad that people died at a movie theater, doing something they had highly looked forward to.  You just don't go to a midnight premiere for ANY movie.  

I'm sad that their families have to go through such pain, anguish and confusion as to what's happened?  Why?  And though the perpetrator is still alive - we may never well understand why he did this.

I realized - as I sat at work with my headache, coffee not helping and thoughts reeling through  my head - and feeling sadder and sadder as the day went on - that today is also the anniversary of my Uncle Doug's death.  A 47 year old man, out on the lake, in a boat, towing his son behind it when another boater - driving with a dog on his bow - ran into my uncles boat.

Sad day.  Sad day indeed.



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