Today I had a Twitter - "Tweet-down" with a friend. It all started thanks to my response to a tweet by Northern Quest Casino announcing that they had posted photos of their recent winners on their BookFace page. I've tweeted them a few times before today asking them to enter me into their drawings - seeing as I'm not on The Bookface. They always do! Not that I've won anything... but they at least put me in the running, so what better customer service can you ask for? They could tell me "Too bad, so sad, you've got to be on The Bookface if you want to be included in our drawings." But that's not their m.o.
So they tweeted that they'd posted photos to which I responded: "I wonder what it's like to win an @NorthernQuest drawing... <sigh>"
THAT... got me a retweet and a response. If you're not on Twitter, you don't care about that. If you are an avid tweeter, it's a form of flattery.
"Wow @katekennedy6 - that was a sigh worth retweeting! (: What #NQRConcerts are you wishing you were going to?" and a second response from NQ to a friend who tweeted that he wins at NQ all of the time: "We had to retweet that (my handle) (friend handle) just to watch some good ol' fashioned Twitter throwdown." And it was on...
A few slams, some fun banter and probably way more retweets than anyone following @NorthernQuest, myself and my friends' followers care to sift through!
I had responded to @NorthernQuest question about which concert I was wishing to attend with ~ "Oh my... @dariusrucker baby!!! Will #NQRConcerts be holding a non Bookface drawing for this excellent show? #tellmeitsso"
Moments later - I was contacted through direct message asking me: "Hey Kathy - how would you like a pair of Darius Rucker tix, on the house?"
Ummmm... my first thought was "It's not April 1st is it?" My second thought was "Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes... yeeeeesssssssss!" Though I responded a little more "casually". (Though did add the april fools bit). I was then prompted to make sure I could make the date/time. Uhhhh... Okay @NorthernQuest... You better not be stringing me along! :)
And so it is - Tweeting = Winning. The Twitter throwdown/tweetdown allowed me some fun banter with a friend we don't get to see often enough, proved once again that there are organizations out there that go above and beyond with customer service and loyalty and I get a night with my main squeeze (The Dad) on a hot summer night at the best summer concert venue we've got! (And Darius Rucker ain't no sloppy seconds either!)
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! @NorthernQuest... as it was put in our Twitterfest - #questrules