Wednesday, July 11, 2012

"Magic Mike" Review - SPOILER ALERT!

Let me first say that I have always liked Matthew McConaughey.

What I'm not going to tell you now is that I love him even more after seeing "Magic Mike". I'm sure mostly that's because of the character he plays in the film.  But at the end of the movie, I turned to the girls and said "I didn't need to see Matthew McConaughey do that."  And wrinkled up my nose.  

Channing Tatum on the other hand...  that boy has moves!  I am sure that once upon a time - when we saw "Coach Carter" in the theaters with the boys, and later on came to own it on DVD - that, while he played a small part in that movie - I said to "The Dad" - "He's going to make it."  You know how sometimes you can just see someone or hear a voice and know?  I can't remember what line or look it was in Coach Carter - though I remember it was a dark, street scene...  And look at him now.  He may not sell a movie on his own - like Bradley Cooper, Tom Cruise can, just yet... or scene steal like Heath Ledger as The Joker in "The Batman" - but he held his own in this.  On his abs.  And his biceps.  And even his cute little buns.

My contacts started drying up during the movie so I was dinking around with them for the better part of 20 minutes or so - so missed 2 gals in our party get up and leave.  Uhhhh???  So it wasn't great - it wasn't even, in my opinion, what all of the ladies in the audience thought they were coming to see.  I wasn't sure what to expect but I thought it would be fun to jump in on the nationwide "hype" about the "stripper" movie.

There was a love story.  Character development.  Costumes.  Music. Sadness.  Laughs.  A few butts.  One penis - though you have to realize that's what it is in the scene.  Couple of boobs (because I just don't care for the word "tits") and that's about it.  

I'm glad I saw it with the girls.  Would I recommend it?  Nope.  On DVD?  Pretty much not. But it was a memory for me and the girls and that's what I'm taking from it.

"Ted" was better...  "Safety Not Guaranteed", which I saw recently was probably better than "Ted".  Next up "Rock of Ages" - at some point.  I'm a little "movie'd" out and my plants and flowers have been neglected - so my next open night is set aside for them.

But tonight is my  night to host bunco - I've prepped part of the dinner this morning and am now looking at being to work at about 8:13 if I stop writing.... right.... NOW.

***There was no spoiler in the context of this post.***

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