Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Those People....

That's one of the biggest generalizations that I don't like.  "Those people..." and lumping everyone into a "category" that they may or may not be suited for, technically.

So I try hard not to use "those people" when trying to explain something - because mostly I think it makes us sound stupid.

BUT... and of course there's a "but" here...  I do have two of the "those people" groups that I do refer to.  And "those people" put themselves on "those" lists, really.  I don't put them there... well, not really.

Obviously there are "those people" that you send Christmas cards to year after year after year and you never get one back.  But then you're at the Jones' holiday party and you see in their little card hanging thing that shows off how many holiday cards someone receives - a card with the photo of "those people" that you keep sending holiday cards to, and now realize that they never send one to you.  So you make a mental note that you are not sending a card to "those people" next year.  

Ironically - this then becomes the year you don't send one and on December 22nd, receive one from them.  Which then becomes too late for you to send one to them because they will NOW know you sent one to them because they sent one to you.  Ugh.  

But it's not "those people" that has spurned this post.  

The Dad and I like to entertain every so often.  We've had Holiday parties where there are close to 80 people between the kitchen, living room and dining room and no room to move upstairs.  We started up our Seis or Cinco or Cuatro de Mayo parties a few years ago to get everyone excited for spring and get rid of the icky The Can, winter (yes still in May) doldrums.  We've tried the Superbowl, but would really rather just watch the game... and then some other random get togethers.  Our coup de gras are the Holiday, Cinco de Mayo and... Yucca-fest.

We started Yucca-fest last year and it was one of those good "success", not worried about the mess - let's go to bed, parties.  It was in July, just shortly after our air conditioning fizzled out - AND just so happened to be the hottest day of the entire summer.  People have asked us throughout the year if Yucca was going to happen again this year - and it is, though I just pulled the trigger on it as we have a lot of crap going on.  You know... the other days of the year - the REAL days, not the party days.  If only every day were a party...

So we invited most of the people that came last year - with a slight hiccup - I'm not on FB and don't have contact information for a few of the people that attended.  If the others tell them about it - they can come... absolutely.  But then... there's that list... the people you KNOW you're going to invite, that are excited and just want an "event" to go to.  

Then... there's "those people".  The people you feel obligated to invite... but here's the catch.  The people that won't EVER come.  And you KNOW this.  So it's like setting yourself up to be rejected - every.  single.  time.  Who does that to themselves?  So you continue to invite them because the implications of NOT inviting them are potentially more potent than inviting them and being a little pissy that they declined for the 25th time.  Right?  

So there's the part of me that knows that - and should just say "whatever" when they decline again... and I do.  Actually, with a few of "those people" it's more of a ten cent bet to see who declines the invitation first and what excuse they give.  Sometimes it's pretty entertaining - but the fact of the matter is, it's pretty pathetic at the same time.  On their part that is.

So... because I've just put this out there - friends, family, whoever - if you're reading this - and you want to know if you're one of "those people", ask me.  I'll tell you.  I have NO problem telling you.  I was the big liar as a kid - but roles have reversed and if you want to know - I'll flippin tell ya!

Well, it's time for me to get back to work.  With those OTHER people.  :)  Happy Wednesday!

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