Friday, August 17, 2012

Batchelorette-ing It!

I've been alone since Wednesday afternoon.  I admit, and I planned - to not do a whole lot on Wednesday night.  I got more done than I intended - and then got sucked into "The Other Boleyn Sister" or whatever it's called.  I didn't even watch it in HD, so mostly, it was a waste of time.  But then... MY time to waste!  I ate some leftover jumbalaya that night. It was much better 3 days earlier.  

Here's a good story for you though.  On Wednesday, I was determined to get the lawn a good nice drink knowing that it's been hot and was supposed to be uber hot the remainder of the week.  I want my grass as green as possible for YuccaFest 2012, so water water water it is!

After I finished the Boleyn Sister movie it was time for bed - but I had to turn off the water first.  As I was walking back in the house, I realized that Zach's dome light was on in his truck.  Which means... it had been on ALL DAY since he got home at 1 pm.  I ran down to get his keys out of his room and after searching a bit came up for air with them.  I unlocked his car, couldn't reach the light even on my tip toes - so climbed in.  I managed to get one, and as I clicked off the other one, the door shut.  Whatever.  

Until I tried to get out.  It seems as though Wack has pulled a little hard on his door handles and therefore - they are broken.  BOTH of them.  On the inside.  I sat there trying to figure out how I was going to get out.  The windows are electric, but I didn't think to put the keys in the ignition to roll them down so I could climb out.  I texted him and asked him how I was supposed to get out of his car.  In the dark.  Later in the evening.  He texted I'd have to roll down the window and pull on the handle from the outside.  "Well, that's great, but I can't roll down the (*&&^$ windows."  Right about now a couple is walking by and the lights are out in the car.  They can't see me - and I decide the best thing to do is go stealth... instead of yelping for help.  But I admit, I was getting a skoche panicked... what's better... I could hear Jack, Dan and Boone going ballistic in the house.  Crap!  It was then that it hit me to put the key in the ignition and I chose to go out the side that the grass is on, versus the street side.  It wasn't pretty, but I didn't land on my ass.  I did try to yank on the door handle first, to no avail.  So I escaped the doom of being "locked in" a truck that I had the keys to... with me.  Super awesome.  Right?

Day 2.  Up and at em.  Off for the walk.  Moved the sprinkler around.  Started the system in the spot it works.  Fed the dogs, started laundry and off to work.  Home at lunch, started more... you know the drill.  

For lunch I made myself two pieces of toast.  For dinner I made.... two pieces of toast.  It's like - who wants to go through all of the trouble when no one else is around?  That and, I managed to get Blue Eyes room all straightened up, clean sheets... and ready for him when he comes home.  I got Wack's room all clean and cozy and all of his laundry done, including the bathroom stuff.  I got the Yucca jars ready for tomorrow.  I moved the water this way and that and turned in at 9:06 pm.  The only thing I didn't do, true to bachelor form, was sit on the toilet 3 times with a newspaper in hand.  But my diet, and locking myself in a car... well, I couldn't have been more like a man if I was TRYING.

Day 3.  Home for lunch and toast and wheat thins it is.  The dogs are out.  More last laundry going and the jars aligned on the counter for YuccaFest tomorrow.  I'm returning to my old woman self and thinking about lemons and limes, vodka and appetizers to make.  The Dad and Wack will pull up around 930 or 10 and this house, will mostly be ready.  

That is... until they dump their 3 days worth of sweaty laundry down in the hall for me.  

Cue:  The Circle of Life music.

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