Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Tires

Okay.  Today The Dad is having new tires put on Black Betty before we hit the road for Moscow and the first game of the last season.
I'm excited about the tires.  I LOVE getting new tires.  Is that weird?  The cars drive smoother when you get new tires.  Yes... I love getting new tires.  When we got Black Betty two years ago, she had 22K miles on her and the tires were in great shape.  I've been telling The Dad if we're going to all of these senior games - over the hills and through the woods - tires were a must.
Now we love Les Schwab and they've always taken very good care of us.  But, with Jeff's last day tomorrow - we kind of have to seek out the best deal on the bigger things for a while.  When he brought up the "make an appointment at L.S. for tires on Thursday" I told him to call Mike out at Midway.  Heck, it's in Post Falls (which is like Montana to us South Hill'ers) but an oil change costs me like $17.83 cents out there.  You can't beat that.  They are AWESOME! 
So The Dad semi-begrudgingly called them and asked about tires.  Mike, The Great Service Manager - gave him a quote of $623.  That was $300-$500 LESS than what Les Schwab quoted us... and I'm getting the same tires that I currently have on her. 
No brainer. 
The Dad took her out - it's not often he gets her all to himself... and he decided to tack on the oil change that is coming due in another couple of weeks.  So we're good to go to Moscow, to Vancouver, to Deming, to Seattle, to Portland, to Bozeman....  And go we will!
It's football season.  It's fall.  LET'S GO!

1 comment:

christalovesotto said...

Next time you are in the "Couve, and have time for a drink or something, look me up! Would love to say 'hey'! Have fun at the game in Moscow tomorrow!