Thursday, August 9, 2012

I Know Someone, Who Knows Someone...


I know someone...  who knows someone.

Actually, I just know someone in a bit of predicament.  A very good friend of mine works for a company that's going through a transition.  My friend is an executive at the company and was informed that she wouldn't have a job as of September 1, but there would be a severance package and she and the other executives would know what that was by the end of the week.  That was 3 weeks ago.  The second week into "Uncertainty" they were told they would be notified what that was - the middle of the next week.  The middle of the next week came and she was "told" sort of what to expect and she, having had much time to think about this - told "The Man" that she needed it in writing.

She told me on my way to pick up a friend for "Bunco" yesterday that "The Man" stopped in to see her "today" for their weekly one on one and The Man still said nothing about what's to come and in fact, he asked her to do so more work to help the transition piece along.  She pushed that she needed some assurance, that she needs, for her families sake, something in writing because September 1 was 15 work days away.  Or something to that effect...

The Man said he was being diligent regarding it all and left her work area.

The friend and the other executives have been asked to not say anything to the other employees out of concern there would be a mass exodus.  They did not sign a non-disclosure or anything that would say they can't say anything about it - nor did her family members.  But she stays the course and it's eating her up inside, she's not sleeping and she yelled at her kids the other day due to the extreme stress.  She pretty much said they were told to lie to anyone who might ask "What's going on?"  And when she (and they) inquired "You want us to lie?", they were told to make something up about financials, orrrrr... waiting on the bank or.... something.  So in other words... yah, lie.  

She can't really apply for jobs due to the nature of her position and setting off red flags to competitors which would, in turn, allow the employees to figure it out... leading to the unwanted, but not necessarily accurate, mass exodus.  I mean, people NEED their jobs these days.  It's not easy finding them - it took me 4-5 months to find mine and I make a pittance of what my pal makes.  

So I'm pissed and this is where I put on my boxing gloves.  I can't stand seeing a good person, an honest, hard-working person be drug through the political ringer.  Chasing a severance she may not ever get.  And by "chasing" I mean, by continuing to do everything in her power to help The Man get his millions, while she continues to have no assurance that he MEANS what he says.  Nothing to back it up.

There's more to the story, but my lunch is only so long.  Sadly, I told my friend - Money changes people.  Especially THAT much money.  The Man may have been full of integrity, honesty and commanded your respect before.... but thus far, he doesn't seem to be as concerned about you and I think that's where the dollar signs have factored in - and in my opinion, does not earn your respect any longer.  I know who this "man" is... he's a local, sort of...  a local going on a month long trip starting September 1st.  Out of the country.  

Must be nice.  

Chin up friend.  Karma has a mysterious way of working things out.

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