We had a "round the world" day yesterday. Down to Pullman to take Blue Eyes some stuff he left at home and see his new room at the Fiji house this year. I'll admit - it's way cool. I could totally just chill in that room and watch t.v., much like the boys were doing when we got there. It's on the side of the house the afternoon sun doesn't hit and actually has THREE windows so the air can circulate. Pretty sweet stuff. Not to mention he's super jacked about it. We took he and the Bruiser out to lunch (his girlfriend who has more nicknames than anyone I know... Bruiser, Bruiseanne, Snoozeanne, S-Flames & more) to Rancho Viejo, our yearly lunch with Ry-Man on move in day - or at least now of days, close to move in day. We stopped and got shown his office at work for the S.I.D. and met a few of his bosses - then into Martin Stadium to see the new WOWZA pressbox that he'll be working in come September 8th.
On our way home, we took the back way to Cheney to take #7 some of the stuff he left at home. Yes, Cheney is a drop ball kick away from home, but once football camp starts in August, his time is extremely limited. We originally thought we would hit the last part of practice and be able to see his new digs. Instead, we showed up in time for the whole practice in the heat, with the many wasps zinging around. It was fun to watch. Hot, but fun and of course - it ended so great with all of these boys that we love to feed coming off the field and giving me sweaty hugs! Love these boys and am realizing these are my last dinners with them here at the house in a few weeks and at the tailgates. So... that bites.
Meanwhile at home, #3 son was texting asking whats for dinner as my phone was running out of battery life. So he started up the "conversation" with The Dad and they agreed on Panda Express. We let him know when we were on our way and when we got up Hatch Road, the route that makes the most sense is the one The Dad missed.
>>Come up Hatch, take a left on Perry, take a right on 29th, turn into Panda. Leave Panda by way of Southeast Boulevard, turn right on Regal, left to Palouse Highway... so a great big giant circle and relatively little, if any backtracking. But noooooo.... We (he) *missed* Perry and when I, WOTY said "uhhhh what?" or something like that - The Dad then turned left on Pittsburgh (as Pittsburgh goes all the way to 29th). But Pittsburgh from 57th winds to the left and then take a right and then you're on heck... I think Madelia or Magnolia. He was about to turn right on 49th to get back to Pittsburgh but forged ahead to Thurston where he HAD to turn right to get to Pittsburgh. One short block later, we turned left onto Pittsburgh and this is when we saw "her".
She was short, older and had glasses on. I can't remember if they were the "old person" sunglasses that cover half of her face, but only because I was checking out her outfit - which wasn't bad - but for her height and the heat - I made note of it. She was short, but her socks seemed "heavy" for the heat of the afternoon. She was walking along at a slow-ish pace but heck, she was out "exercising". Good for her. Right? My comment to The Dad was "Hey honey, that's going to be us pretty soon."
That was the end of it. And sadly... the real end of it.
This morning - I read on my Twitter that the Spokane Police were trying to identify a 60-70 year old, smallish built woman wearing light blue shorts, a white shirt, white socks and tennis shoes... and glasses. She had been hit by a car on 37th and Crestline. My Twitter told me about an hour ago that she has died. Police STILL don't know who she is... was.
I told The Dad about the tweet earlier and he remembered her like I did. And while I wrestled with whether or not I should call someone, I let the "I don't really have any information" idea win. When I read that she had not survived - I decided that while she may live alone and no one knows to miss her as of yet, she may well have animals at home. Or maybe an adult special needs child. Or perhaps... a husband.
And so I picked up the phone and left our "we were heading north on Pittsburgh at around 6:45 to 6:50 pm and saw the woman..." details. I imagine she must live in the area and was walking some circle route near her home - so hopefully our "tip" helps them narrow it down.
I can't take back my comment about us looking like that soon - and while I never knew her and would likely never have seen her again due to nearly NEVER going down Pittsburgh, I feel badly as my comment was that of a sarcastic nature. I imagine though, that when The Dad and I are running or walking our routes these days, that others have said things about us... and that's all well and good, but she taught me a lesson absolutely - regardless of whether I have a husband or animals or kids at home or not.
Identification. Whether on my ipod, or carrying my license, or even just a laminated piece of paper with my name and emergency contact info. Even more so important as we don't do heavily traveled routes.
It may not save my life - but it would spare the worry of my family, or save Jack, Dan and Boone's lives.