Saturday, June 9, 2012

Party All The Time

Wack's party last week was a great success, as I've already written.

Then on Thursday - Wack got his wisdom teeth out on Thursday and it (knock on wood) appears to have gone off without a hitch!  Special props to DDS Chad Collins, UW Grad and now, fellow FIJI brother of Wack!  

Today there are 3 parties to attend and my heart hurts for the party throwers with all of this dreadful rain... and cold temperatures.  But, these parties, bad weather or not - have all been great!

Last night - was another one of the group parties and the weather held.  Was a great party, supposed to go from 6-8p - and we got home after 10.  At one point one of my best girlfriends, and mom of one of the celebrated boys last night - we finally got to chat as it was winding down and I found myself getting all emotional.  We both teared up.  I remembered that this morning and The Dad said he had looked over and thought "Uh oh, fun party now."  But it was all good.

But it's hitting me now.  Not on Wednesday when he was home all day after graduation practice.  Or on Thursday when I was taking him to the oral surgeon and getting prescriptions, soft foods and changing gooey gauze pads in his mouth whilst he dribbled a Zips chocolate banana shake on his white t-shirt...  Or even on Friday when he called from home to see if he could eat something other than the soft foods and brought back that ever favorited 18 year old "tude".  Won't miss that...  most of the time.

Tomorrow he'll walk across that stage with his principals medallion and I will be so proud of his accomplishments.  He'll start his job with his older brother, Blue Eyes, out at the golf course next week and perhaps the sun will start to shine and allow me to bask in it, allowing me to temporarily displace the unpleasant thought that next year, these boys will leave my nest for the year and I'll have to figure out how to cut back on how much to cook, or even buy.  

This still just sucks.

But I'm happy that he's happy.  

I'm late to get ready for the first of 3 parties today.  I spent valuable time this morning putting game pieces on my Sizzlin Summer Albertsons game card...  I've sent The Dad off to one of todays party throwers houses with our tailgating tent and costco table - which seem to be making the rounds this weekend.  

Since he's gone, I'm going to go all "Sandra Bullock" on his ass and start looking at how to adopt a Baby Louis...

Ciao for now!

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