Monday, June 4, 2012

The High School Prank

It's raining, it's pouring, mom's not cooking dinner...

Goes something like that, right?

So I texted all of the fellas at the end of my work day and asked them if they wanted to meet me at Waddell's or Twigs.  Waddell's it is.  Was.  Whatever.

When I got all the way there (2 blocks from work) I waited about 3 minutes before braving the torrential downpour and when it didn't let up, made a run for it.  Blue Eyes was next, Wack... then The Dad.

Idle chit chat, orders and then more chat.  Wack mentioned that tonight is Senior Prank night.  He said a few of the thoughts, details and then about the "stern" warning about not receiving their diplomas if they went through with it.

The Dad talked about how his groups idea was to, while the staff had their last staff meeting in the library, chain all of the doors shut.  Which is funny - though, probably not the best idea.  I could see that being a fairly serious disciplinary issue.  But my class... well... Leave it to the Class of '88.

We teepee'd the courtyard.  Yes, it's been done a gazillion times - but well...  

Back in those days, PETCO was Safeway and well wow, before it was Petco, it was actually Hastings.  Man... this is making me feel O.L.D.  Well, so we went in as a mass community of 18 year olds and bought toilet paper up the yin yang.  I actually went to school from 7a to noon and worked from 1 to 9 back then (then went home and did homework) but because of my job was one of like 9 that had a checking account... with money in it.  I remember writing some astronomical amount for toilet paper.  We're talking 25 years ago - $36 dollars worth of toilet paper.  And that was just ME.  

So we did that, then we all spent the night every which where - and the following morning, prior to heading in for finals - I remember walking into Rosauers on 29th (actually still the same place it was back then) with Wear and Tina.  I watched in awe - old people stop reading now... as my buddy Wear opened up a deoderant and put some on and then replaced the cap and put it back on the shelf.  Then, Miss Tina, opened up a toothpaste, squirted some on her hand and put it in her mouth, also replacing the cap and putting it back on the shelf.

I still proudly consider them friends.  

But I feel for the unsuspecting souls that bought those two items.


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