The Dad woke up early - we both did, in eager anticipation of Zach's first day at work at Hangman Valley Golf Course. When I say "early" I mean... before the butt crack of dawn. Zach and Ryan have to BE at work at 5 a.m. The work on the groundskeepers' crew and this means they have to leave the house by about 4:50 a.m. This is Blue Eyes 3rd year, but today was Wacks' FIRST DAY.
So while we made sure he was up, dressed (because this came uber early to the youngest one so ya just never know) and out the door (they can now carpool! Yah!) - what it came back to was a quiet morning. No doors shutting, no music blaring from the bathroom. No showers running, or alarms going off.
Every day is going to be like this beginning in late September. Every. Single. Day.
We got up, went to the club, came home, picked up, started laundry (ahem), made some eggs, showered and off to work we go.
I was home when the boys arrived home from Z.F.D.O.W. and excitement ensued. Not because the mom was home, had started more laundry and dinner. But because the shoes MOTY ordered a few weeks ago arrived for our Christmas weekend the end of the month - that little tournament called "Hoopfest".
They disappeared downstairs with their treasures (pronounced TReh-zhure, not tray-zhure) and left ole MOTY in the dust. Quiet again. Super quiet. Even Jack, Dan & Boone seem to be more settled.
I know it's my imagination (the dogs). I've been told one day I'll like this (the quiet). I'm not wrong a whole lot, so I feel safe saying that the people telling me that are all high. Or had kids too late in life. Or had kids when they didn't really want them. Or forgot how awesome they are. ORRRR... had daughters. We're bitches... ain't no two ways about it. I knew I didn't want one of ME running around. Ugh.
So this is my glimpse. I'm still not overly excited about this. Heck, I'm not even looking forward to it.
I can actually understand that. I feel for you.
Do they work weekends? My dad heads out there often, and weekends, and has for eons....I will tell him to look out for the Minn Men!
PS: impressed you get up to work out and then do all that stuff and THEN go to work. i can't get out of bed that early.....
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