Friday, June 29, 2012

Merry Christmas!!! (June 29, 2012)

Technically it's not Christmas.  In fact, the real Christmas is just about exactly 6 months away.

But today leads into a family "holiday" weekend. 

Usually, the holidays are spent running every which way, trying to please all of the relatives be it for visits or dinner plans, when to open gifts or play a family game that the general lot can agree on.

But this "holiday" weekend - Hoopfest... the Worlds largest... wait a minute... the WORLDS' largest 3-on-3 street basketball tournament takes place on my very own hometowns city streets.  This is year 23.  But year 1 for me - as a player.  It's also #7's 14th contest.  This year he plays with the "Evil Empire" (Jared, Erick and Beau - all former Saxon basketball players on the 58-0, two time State Champs!), Blue Eyes is on his 12th Hoopfest and he and the rest of the "Perkisizers" hope to bring home a second consecutive coveted Hoopfest Champion shirt!  Wack is playing with the same group as last year, new name "Mutha Hens"...  and they were real close to bringing home the gold last year.

So tonight will be a special dinner - in preparation for the Evil Empires 8 AM start in the elite bracket.  

There are a few gifts to round out our weekend.  The gift of laughter.  The gift of cheering on our own.  The gift of being together at the end of the day and at the start of the next.  We won't all be together most of the time between games - but we will be there to support one another and I know one of my other personalities "Mama BEAR" will be out in full force when the boyz are playing.  I can't frickin wait!

The weather is supposed to be near perfect and technically, once this weekend is over - Summer will be on in full force in The Can.  The last gift of our weekend arrived just in time today.  The new air conditioner was installed.  I'm wearing a jacket, earmuffs and have a blanket over my legs as I type this - so that's a bit uncool... but for the first time, on a sunny, semi-warmish day - my blinds are open to our view here on the mountain.

Letting the sun shine in and on me and my guys for our holiday weekend!  

I'm gonna soak it all in.  

I do though, feel sorry for the sucker who tries to take the ball away from me when I get my first "in game hotflash".  Bummer for you pal...

Oh... and Happy Birthday to my big bro!  Shout out to Big E for $44!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Safety Not Guaranteed

This has been a good week for me.

I got 3 numbers right on a lotto ticket - so won $3.

Today - Dave, Ken and Molly of the Dave, Ken and Molly show on KZZU 92.9 called my listener number for a prize - so I won movie tickets to the new Abraham Lincoln as a vampire killer movie.  A "prize" I will lovingly hand off to a Minn boy...

And then at the end of the day at work, there was a drawing for 3, 2 person passes to see a special screening of "Safety Not Guaranteed".  A movie from the producers of "Little Miss Sunshine" and filmed here in Washington.  I "won" one of those and while Jeff had made plans to go play racquetball and the movie was in 2 hours - I decided to try and give it away before trying to find someone to go with.  After a few "Thanks, but no thanks." I asked my friend Kim and as her husband was out golfing - it worked out perfect for her and we went together.

Here is the official site - watch some of the trailers/previews.  We thoroughly enjoyed it!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Seeing Red

New job, meant new benefits.

New benefits don't "work" at the Costco vision center.

Picked new vision spot up here on the South Hill.

Called to make appointment, was told copay was $10.  Perfection.

Go to appointment.  Go to room one and am told about all of the do's and don'ts for contacts.  (I've only been wearing them 15 years.)  Next told my appointment is going to cost an additional $35 because it's a "contact screening".  I say "Well, my copay is $10."  The soft spoken assistant explains to me that there is a vision screening, glasses screening and contacts screening that are 'above & beyond' the copay.  

Irritation #1.

Assistant dilates my eyes.  (Costco never did this.)  Then different vision tests.  A few questionnaire questions... vitamins, allergies.  Then off to another room for another test.  Also, at this time I can, if I'd like to, I can pay an ADDITIONAL $35 for another test that will give them a better something something of my eyes and if I do it now, as a new patient, then next year I'll get 40% off if I choose to have that test done again next year.  "No thanks.  I'm simply here for my vision screening so I can get new contacts.  Scratch that.  I'm simply here for my "contacts" screening so I can get new contacts."  Upon finishing this test I'm moved from my original room to the "old" room because they need a piece of equipment for their next patient.

Irritation #2.

As she wipes down all of the old equipment that she says - she had only seen pictures of while in school - she tells me that they won't be able to do anything with my results until they receive the prescription from Costco.  Fine.  She finishes wiping down the ancient old equipment and tells me the doctor will be with me momentarily.  She leaves.  I text The Dad to tell him I'm a skoche "irritated".  At this point, front desk girl comes in to say they are having issues with this computer, so they are moving me to another room.

Irritation $3.

By the time I see the doctor for my VISION screening, that was in no way different from anything other than I've ever had at Costco, I'm full on disgruntled!  She does all of the same stuff and then proceeds to tell me that she can't make a determination on my contacts prescription until they receive a copy of my RX from Costco.  Ya... I know.  Then she asks me if I'll be ordering glasses with this new prescription.  wtf?  Seriously?  Don't I have to have a "glasses" screening in order to buy the frickin' glasses?

When it's all done - they walk me out to pay my $35 contacts screening fee plus my $10 copay.  But because I'm new and have some "great" insurance, they'll give me 15% off of the contacts screening so instead of paying $45 today, I only had to pay $39.75.  

When I was only supposed to pay $10.

I'm not naming them until I get my prescription in my hands.  After that, it's on.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Heat is On!

I come home for lunch most days - and usually have the house to myself with the attack dogs!  Okay, so they only "attack" the milk bone treat I give them when I let them out - they're attacking.  <shrug>

But today - all of the boys are home.  #7 came in to work - though work was cancelled (I wish I had that problem every so often) and Blue Eyes and Wack were obviously let out early on account of the piss poor weather.  Again... not a problem at my work.  <sigh>

I heard and read/saw all of the hype about the rain that was "supposed" to be coming our way and it clouded up yesterday a few times, only to finish up sunny and warm.  I even got the lawn mowed, after making dinner... cleaning it up... while The Dad went to work out.  I'm going to do us all a favor and "not go there" right now.  But I didn't expect THIS weather.  

So here I am -  mostly caught up on the laundry, just threw in a pork roast for pulled pork tonight, seasoned etc, unloaded the dishwasher and made myself a piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter on it.  Idle chit chat with #7 while Wack bellows downstairs at something he's watching on HBO in his room and Blue Eyes chose the downstairs couch to fall asleep on.  

Let's add another facet here.  My house is freezing.  It's 55 degrees out and the dad has heat and air off because it's been just so nice out that we haven't needed either.  Scratch that, our A/C broke last year and we knew if we could make it through the three hot weeks from end of July to mid August we'd be fine.  And we did.  Besides, the A/C companies wanted to charge us $4500 for a replacement AND we "know a guy" that's going to put one in for a third of the cost.  So that's on the docket in the next 10 days.  Why don't we just "survive" the same three weeks we survived last year? 

Because of these little things called "hot flashes".  Screw the 3 weeks... this is for life baby!  That ain't happenin.

Anyhow - it's non-hot flash time zone in my house during the day, it's 55 degrees and pouring out, not a hint of the sun and I'm NOT going to have a runny nose because he (The Dad) refuses to turn on the heat in June.  So...

The heat is now on.  And will be until after dinner.  After early fringe TV programming and right up until he hops into bed.  At which time - the first of 2 bedtime hot flashes will hit.  At that point, I will lovingly, and gently kiss the top of his nose and point the way to the thermostat, indicating that it can be shut off.  I can tell you that after 21 years of blissful marriage - it won't even take that.  As soon as I throw the covers off one leg and take anyones name in vain, he'll know what's next, hop out of bed before the second one hits and people need to fear for their lives...  Heat "off".  And that my friends will earn him one heckuva "cuddle".

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Taco Time!

Blue Eyes had a "House Core" <sp?> meeting in Ellensburg yesterday so he took off early and ended up staying until this morning.  

Wack was out playing "Mafia" or "Murder" or "Rambo"... something like that and a game I know not of how it's played and am probably happier knowing only THAT much.

#7 was working a football camp put on by the EWU coaching staff and some of the players.  

But I knew his work was over yesterday or today and that he would likely be in for dinner tonight.  Annnnnd... figuring that #7 wasn't the ONLY player working the camp, I thought it would be fun to have some of the boys in for my famous tacos. 

So we did the Costco, Rosauers AND Albertsons shopping yesterday prior to our Trailer Trash outing (see The Dads' Bookface page for many fun photos) and today, after waking up at 2:30 AM to some righteous thunder and rain, sleeping semi restlessly after that and then waking up with a skoche of a headache, aka hangover (I have found since this "no parts"/hotflash crap started that beverages other than beer or hard alcohol just don't work for me anymore.  As in -  one glass of wine will give me a hangover feeling even if it never even messed with my senses... so aggravating) and needing my Starbucks kick to get me going for the day.  

I knew three things:

Bathrooms needed cleaning.

Ryan's sheets needed washing.

Tacos needed prepped.

The mid morning text went out asking a for a "rough" figure of players (and a spouse) to expect.  The early afternoon response was "How many can come?"  The MOTY response was: "No limit, I bought lots."  Followed up quickly with "Uhhh, not all 90 players" because it would be just like #7 to make ALL of the players come just to put me in "that spot".  Less than an hour later I got "The number is 7 right now."  Fitting.

So The Dad went to get coffees and I started.  Bathrooms first.  Bathroom laundry second... rugs, towels, etc.  Then "regular laundry".  The stairs, couches, bedrooms and living room all vacuumed and The Dad even moved ALL OF THE FURNITURE in the living room and vacuumed under them... which was AWESOME and he totally earned "Brownie Points" for that.  I put 7 chicken breasts  in the crockpot with the seasonings for chicken tacos and put three pounds of ground beef out to thaw, cut 10 tomatoes, 3 bunches of green onions, 4 cans of olives, 1 head of lettuce, guacamole, salsa... all of the fixins were ready early because my taco shells take time.  And I had 72 of them to make come dinner time...

We didn't sit and take a break once today and I think my house is not only ready for the boys (& the one wife!) but it's ready for Hoopfest weekend activity! (Let's go!)

So in they came.  #7's long time high school friends, J.K. and Kenz... then up pull the EWU boys - Nick, Grant, Daniel, Scott, Vernon and #7 and shortly thereafter pulled up Nicks wife, Macca.  They started through the line and most went through 2-3 times.  They ate and ate and managed to save room for the cupcakes I made earlier today.  They drank loads of gatorade and waters.  And they were upstairs and downstairs and chatting and playing.  And it was fun to watch and listen to.

Blue Eyes had come home and then taken off to play tennis and Wack was off golfing.  And thank goodness Zach ate at the golf course because I was fresh out of chicken AND beef by the time he got home.  There were 8 taco shells left.  So 12 people (Blue Eyes had some when he got home) managed to finish off 64 tacos.  

I had ONE.  63 tacos.  SIXTY THREE TACOS!

Nick - our bottomless pit, 4th son (who lived with us the summer after his and #7's first year at EWU) had tweeted me about playing a board game after dinner - so at the point it looked like they could hop up and leave, Nick asked if we were playing a game... so we pulled out "The Game of Things".  Only one did not participate - as he layed, ever-so-at-home on the couch.

Laughter, strategery ensued...  I won.  Nick demands a re-match.  Four tied for second place - #7, Nick, Macca and Vernon... The Dad scored zero.  It's sort of his M.O.

I'm tired and we've gone all day.  But much was accomplished, most important being - fun.  The boys all got a good meal, they start up tomorrow - early, so I'm glad they got a good start to this next go round of summer conditioning.  

I can't do this "empty nest" crap.  Not unless all of my boys promise to bring back "a crew" of fun to make me clean my house, fill them up when they need it that allows me such contentment - not even allowing me to feel that "Awe crap, tomorrows Monday" feeling.

Taco time is good time!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Trailer Trash

The Dad and I are no good for nuthin, down and out, trailer trash.  

Well - we are tonight, when we attend a "Trailer Trash 2012" party.  We had big aspirations to drag along the "couch" that's been collecting dust since the remodel and put it in the hosts' front yard - but we couldn't make it happen.  Bummer.

So we've been digging through closets and "researching" the world wide web for outfit ideas and I've gotta say - I'm looking forward to this.

The invitation calls for appetizers that one might find at a known "trailer trash" abode - you know, spam, velveeta cheese...  But I chose to make South Lloyd trailer trash 7 layer dip and the finest trailer trash jalapeno poppers, courtesy of trailer trash in Whatcom county!  They may not taste like REAL trailer trash food, BUT they will be appropriately "titled" so that some of the other fake trailer trash attendees know it's "safe" to eat!

I am also bringing a bowl of spaghettios with franks in a bowl that I intend to just keep moving from spot to spot.

Thanks to one of our family friends - who always brings fake cigarettes to every party she attends up here, I will have some of those on hand for anyone hankering for a smoke.  

The Dad just walked in wearing this, wondering if it was "acceptable" for the soiree:

Looks good to me...  but we're still digging.  I'll make sure to post a photo prior to our departure.  

I've got a good idea of what to wear - but I keep getting "trailer trash" with "valley girl" crossed.  Or... are they pretty much the same thing?

Lets goooooo!!!!!  

Thursday, June 21, 2012

T-Minus 9 Days

Christmas is almost here...

Our family are big Hoopfest fans.  Big.  Huuuge.  Last year, #7 was unable to play as he was a groomsman in a wedding in Tacoma. The Dad and I cheered on Blue Eyes and Wack on Saturday - but on Sunday, booked over to Tacoma... AND BACK for the Sunday wedding.

This year - all three boys are playing.

And last I heard... so am I.  

I've volunteered for Hoopfest, worked for Hoopfest, had the boys volunteer for Hoopfest, play in Hoopfest, The Dad has volunteered and played - we love Hoopfest.  Love it.  Love, love, love, love... LOVE it.

It's walking and hurrying every which way through too many people, sore feet, lots of gatorade, stops to the VIP tent to visit with old friends and share a slice of the finest pizza (David's Pizza) and then hurry back to some other game blocks away!  And it's excitement the entire time.  It's watch wearing, toe gripping, lip biting FUN!  And I can't wait!

But I gotta say it again... The Dirty Dash was fricking amazing!  Look at the pictures on Flo Foto - every picture has people smiling.  No one goes home upset with being a "finalist" or "loser king".  Everyone is a winner at The Dirty Dash.

So.  Much.  Fun.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Not. Right.

I share an office space, with a divider with Lois and we get along very well.

On my back side is a wall, a door and a closet (Computer closet) behind me.  The person who "resides" there always has video game and phone sounds coming from that area, an occasional belch - which about sends me through the ceiling and other unfavorable sounds.  I'm not at a breaking point yet - but I won't "live" with such disregard to Lois and my ears (and I'm closer to it) forever...  Not going to happen.

BUT...  two days ago - this person, dealing with allergies or a cold, blew into a kleenex just outside of our cubicle walls and started to walk into their space.  Opened the door, paused, turned around, threw the kleenex in MY garbage can right by my legs and walked back out towards the hall.

I was seething.  How disgusting is that?!

Vile.  Rude.  Totally unacceptable. 



Soooooo.  Flipping.  Gross.

Monday, June 18, 2012

1220 S. Stevens

On South Stevens Street, on any given weekend back in the mid 70's to early 80's this is what the neighborhood "looked" like:

On the corner of 13th and Stevens lived yours truly, my sister (5 years older than me) and my big brother E, 2 years older than me.  Directly to the west was the Obenland stead (I remember Theresa, Michelle, Robin, Erin, & Michael **thanks Theresa**), west of them the McCrackens (Bob and a couple of brothers), west of them - the Larue's (Brad, Jimbo, Jackie, Ron and... and... oh man, the hockey ref Larue...).  Then there was a house that people move in and out of the house a few times in my 14 years in my house... and just west of that house was the Roberts (Keith, aka, Keither, Janie, Doug and Neil).  Across the street from the Roberts home was Mrs. Sweeney's house - grandmother to THE Julia Sweeney of SNL fame and "Pat".  East of Mrs. Sweeneys abode was the Boyles (Brendan and Kathleen), east of them - the Olneys (Pat, Cathy, Chris and ??), east of them a house we never ever ever EVER saw anyone go into, or out of, east of them and across the street from us and the Obenlands - was the Gigler house (David, Jimmy, Danny, Ron and Roger Jr.), next to them - the Hendersons whose kids were gone and in college one day to have grandsons visit, but not before we couldn't be bothered with them.  Then there was Dick and Cindy - who never had kids, and divorced as the neighborhood was "breaking up" and people began moving.  Just east of Dick and Cindy was the Snyders - probably our families closest family friends in the latter years.  Trina, Jimmy and Ronnie.  I need to mention the Pierones' to the north of us (Dino and brothers) and then the Swigards (Sherry and Brett).

Across the street from the Snyders, Pierones and our house was Cliff Park.  "The Volcano" park.  Many baseball games were played there, primo sledding hills, the tree swing that us little kids had to wait our turn for, kick the can, capture the flag, climbing around the "volcano" on the outside instead of just climbing the stairs to the top.

This was my childhood.  These people.  This street.  My mom smoking cigarettes and socializing with Roger senior (she doesn't smoke anymore), adult steak dinners and lots of laughter and talk about crap I didn't give a crap about over at the Snyders, walks around Cliff Park with Sally Pieorne picking up garbage (that woman cared about her neighborhood) and chit chatting with me all the way around that block.  She found a way to make us snot nosed little kids think that walking around the park with her, picking up garbage was a treat, was fun.  And it was.  Not just in retrospect.  It was then too.  She always had on her perfectly red lipstick, hair was perfectly coiffed, sometimes in a scarf and she always had fun florally, print shirts.  And she would ask me a question and she'd nod and "uhm hmmm" all the way around the block as I talked... and talked.

Oh my goodness... and then there was Dawnita.  Dawnita lived with her parents until the day she died (at least I think I heard this) but she scared us kids.  She was always barking at us to move to the other side of the street, or pick things up.  She was no Sally Pierone.

I don't really think a whole lot about my childhood, but when I do, it's the "events" amongst the kids in the neighborhood that I remember more than those of my family... we were your typical dysfunctional family and truth be told, it wasn't always the happiest place on earth.  But no place is always UP all of the time.  

I got a text this past Saturday while at an end of the school year party - at 2:54pm telling me that David Gigler, one of my sisters oldest friends and our old neighbor, had suffered a heart attack and died that morning at 11 a.m.  He was 47.  It's in the paper, in the news and likely all over the Facebook.  

It's leading me down a path that I don't like to talk a whole lot about and usually just stay away from because I didn't love my youth.  Sure I have good memories, but mostly I remember a lot of "turbulence"... all around.  

I have a few of my own memories of David.  David was the youngest of 5 boys.  He had blonde hair and blue eyes - brilliant blue eyes and was a little thicker than the next brother I knew semi well, Jimmy.  I can't remember how these "events" ever came to pass - likely me having nothing to do and bouncing a ball around outside...  but David would ask if I wanted him to do my hair, or make up.  I was LIKE 9 or 10 at the time and it was so much fun.  We'd go to his house, up to the bathroom at the top of the stairs and he'd put my hair in rollers, put eyeshadow and beautiful lashes on me.  I don't ever remember my moms reaction to the glamourous "me" that David constructed, but I remember feeling very important.  Lucky to be the girl in the neighborhood that got to be made to look like a star for the day.  

I never thought anything of it - just that he was an artist.  

The last time I saw David in person was roughly 8 years ago out at Charlie's.  He was the same David, living life to it's fullest and enjoying those he loved to be around and who so loved to be around him.  He was my sisters closest friend.  He was loved by so many.  

His death is affecting me differently than it is those that were always close to him or at least stayed in contact with him, be it through life lines or theater life.  I'm sad to see a part of the "good" that lived on Stevens Street pass.  He was some of my happy memories, albeit few, I remember them just the same.  And with fondness.  He laughed and chatted at me as he created... I can hear that laugh now.  I've longed to let go of the childhood that I so didn't "love" for so long, but with Davids unexpected death, I find myself yearning for those days back.  So I could see more of the good, open my eyes, feel less pain and laugh.  Just laugh.  Like David did.

*DENNIS!!! The Larue I couldn't remember.  
**I think in my earlier "version" of this - I remembered Cindy, as in Lapke (but where did she live?) and Cathy - I think she was an Olney. This trip down memory lane is probably good to get synapses popping!**

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Get Naked and Get Dirty!

Reverse that.  Get dirty & then get naked.  And spend 40 minutes in the shower getting dirt out of areas where dirt should NEVER be.  And then dry off, find more dirt and get back in the shower.


Because we did The Dirty Dash!  The 2nd Dirty Dash in The Can - with plans to do many more and involve many many more family members and friends!   Starting off with jumping over ginormous bales of hay, through huge mud puddles and man made mud "pools", through the Spokane River, up rope climbing obstacles, down rope climbing obstacles, army crawling through mud and huge metal tubs... crawling through bark/sawdust under rope obstacles, over huge pipes slippery with mud and water, a slip and slide, a beer... we even saw three deer.  Blasted with mud (professional "after" photos to come), laughter, funny people in funny outfits...

So.  Much.  Fun.

We have actually rinsed off before the second photo - so when we get the photos from right after the race - you'll have a better understanding!  But note my shirt...  That should give you a good indication of what my whole body was like prior to rinsing off!

We "ran" the race/event, showered a few times, still felt dirty, but headed out to an end of the school year party at our friends.  We ate, chatted, ate some more, enjoyed the sunshine and then raced off to my niece and soon to be nephew-in-laws graduation party out in Cheney.  Fun times despite it being the 16th of the month.

I still thought about her all day - and as I reflected on the race several times throughout the day, I knew... that she and her friends would LOVED to have done this event.  I can imagine their photos, stories and mud slinging fights.  I can imagine their "memories".  The sun shone through and I know she was smiling at the silly mess that her uncle and I were in and maybe some of her friends.  We have, ironically, 16 family members that swear they are doing it with us next year - so our team name may have to include the girl who would certainly take this event by storm!

We finished our day with The P's and the K's at The Manito TapHouse - where The Dad tried some wussy beer and I actually took a chance and tried something a little less "wussy".  I think it improved my "mowing" game this morning as I went diagonal again out in the yard!  I should have taken my time as I was eager to get inside, clean up, start laundry and get The Dad settled on the couch with the control in his hand while we, uhhh  he hoped to watch Tiger forge back to the lead.  Instead, that's not happening, The Dad is asleep and I have to get my ars off this spot and get the next load of laundry going.

Tiger may not win (won't), but at least we, uhhhh HE, has the basketball game to look forward to!  #ThunderUp

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hey Patty Pat... There You Are.

This is the song I remember my uncle by - every time I hear it, I think of Uncle Doug.  Taken from us all, in a boat wreck on Liberty Lake, coming up on 20 years ago.  Jeez... I remember you had just met Blue Eyes just a few weeks prior - he was 3 months old.  <sigh> (Click to the right... Playlist has ruined my automatic "start")  :(

Some of us have songs we remember certain times, places, people by... or events.  Photos, smells, clothing, weather - so many triggers.  Adam Morrison is a topic by which I will fondly remember my work pal Pat.  I loved Adam and Pat knew it... but I think I loved Adam more and more because of how disgusted Pat was by it.  My office was decorated with Adam from the last two seasons at GU.  I spent special, precious time laminating articles and photos - in part because I knew it would irk him just that much.  

I loved our banter and teasing.  And once I met his rock star wife it was almost a tag-team wife/husband thing going on.  She nagged, teased, laughed at and with him at home... I took over when he got to work.  As it should be for all men... Pat was just super lucky that it worked out this way.  Right Rob?

But as I said on March 9th - he was, is... gone too soon.  But he left his mark on so many as much as he allowed us all to leave our mark on him.  And because of his "tenure" at Sacajawea Middle School (aka - Sacatraz to the kids, come year end) and the ties that bind - an idea was hatched.  Last week it was implemented and tomorrow, on the last day of school - as the annual "Rubber Thunderbird" con is set to begin - it will be dedicated.

Countless numbers of students, siblings, parents, staff and others will see this as time passes and may not know you, or ever hear about you.  Some smart aleck will respond to: "Who is Patr.. F.. Fi... lo?" with "I'll  bet your mom knows." and start laughing.

And you would likely appreciate that...

You made your  mark in us all and now, on a basketball court - so so fitting, is a part of you.

Cheers buddy.  I'm wearing yellow tomorrow with an Adam Morrison jersey underneath, to go with my purple toenails - for the dedication.  I figure since I HAD to go to Cabo and missed the memorial, that I can "bring yellow back" for this one time.  I told Robin I hope it helps me - in the terms of you working out a good deal for me with the heat miser, so that I'm not stuck with all of the Devils Dweebs when I get there.

The Week About Dads

The Dad - still dances like this.

Makes me love him that much more all over again.  Oh... and if the little man in the video is up for adoption, I've got first dibs.  Him and the "winker" from Harvard Boys "Call Me Maybe" viral video!  Watch all the way to the end. 

Awwwwe man!

Okay, so the Harvard baseball team isn't so much about dads, but they have dads.  So, it all works.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A Glimpse of The Future

The Dad woke up early - we both did, in eager anticipation of Zach's first day at work at Hangman Valley Golf Course.  When I say "early" I mean... before the butt crack of dawn.  Zach and Ryan have to BE at work at 5 a.m.  The work on the groundskeepers' crew and this means they have to leave the house by about 4:50 a.m.  This is Blue Eyes 3rd year, but today was Wacks' FIRST DAY.

So while we made sure he was up, dressed (because this came uber early to the youngest one so ya just never know) and out the door (they can now carpool!  Yah!) - what it came back to was a quiet morning.  No doors shutting, no music blaring from the bathroom.  No showers running, or alarms going off.  

Every day is going to be like this beginning in late September.  Every.  Single.  Day.

We got up, went to the club, came home, picked up, started laundry (ahem), made some eggs, showered and off to work we go.  

I was home when the boys arrived home from Z.F.D.O.W. and excitement ensued.  Not because the mom was home, had started more laundry and dinner.  But because the shoes MOTY ordered a few weeks ago arrived for our Christmas weekend the end of the month - that little tournament called "Hoopfest".  

They disappeared downstairs with their treasures (pronounced TReh-zhure, not tray-zhure) and left ole MOTY in the dust.  Quiet again.  Super quiet.  Even Jack, Dan & Boone seem to be more settled.

I know it's my imagination (the dogs).  I've been told one day I'll like this (the quiet).  I'm not wrong a whole lot, so I feel safe saying that the people telling me that are all high.  Or had kids too late in life.  Or had kids when they didn't really want them.  Or forgot how awesome they are.  ORRRR... had daughters.  We're bitches... ain't no two ways about it. I knew I didn't want one of ME running around.  Ugh.

So this is my glimpse.  I'm still not overly excited about this.  Heck, I'm not even looking forward to it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Planning for Fathers Day

The first thing I'm going to do on Fathers Day is... wake up.

And then I'm going to manipulate The Dad into thinking we should take Jack, Dan and Boone to the dog park for a good walk and play.  (Actually, this won't be that hard because Jack, Dan and Boone apparently know what Sundays are by their internal clocks and they got stiffed this past Sunday due to Zach Attacks graduation schedule so they will really be amped up!).

After the walk we'll head home but with Blue Eyes in Seattle until later than evening we won't be doing a family deal until that afternoon.  So since, technically, the "holiday" won't be able to start family wise until evening, I think it would make sense that we do the weeding, mowing and trimming so that the yard looks nice for Fathers Day Night.

We'll probably need some things at the store, and while I'm scrubbing toilets, I'll ask one of the boys to go and when they don't move off of the couch for 45 minutes, I'll huff and I'll puff and The Dad will ask me what I need and he will go.  

This is where my master plan comes in to play.  While he's gone, I'll finish the toilets, vacuum the stairs and living room, piss and moan about how hot it is in the house and then stop for a minute to watch Tiger Woods inch closer to his next win... all in peace.  

I'll race back to the shower before he gets home, shower up, dry my hair and get dressed just in time for him to walk in and realize he missed the shower.  It's okay though, I have more planned.

After this, with the sun shining and all, I'll tell him it looks like a great day to walk down to Starbucks for a green tea lemonade.  He'll look at me like "Really?  Seriously?  I walked at the dog park and then at the store and it's fathers day."  But he'll go along with it because he'll be anxiously awaiting his Fathers Day "gifts" later on.

We'll get home.  Blue Eyes will pull up.  I'll start making dinner.  Do another load of laundry, getting a little pissy about the next day being Monday, finish making dinner, clean up the dishes (after all, even though he usually does this part, it IS Fathers Day so I will do it) and  then we'll sit to finish watching The Tiger Woods win.  

#7 will head back to Cheney.  Wack will head out to his friends... as will Ryan and that is when I'll give Jeff his gift.  

I intend to surprise him by yawning.  Stretching.  Griping about how it's too hot and walk back to the bedroom.  

When he finally figures it out and heads back there... I will have taken off my clothes, hopped into bed....

.... and fallen sound asleep.  His gift?  The 33 minutes it takes him to realize I'm not in the room.  33 whole minutes to flip channels.  33 whole minutes to snore without my bitching.  33 minutes to tinker on his ipad.  

Man oh man.  He is one lucky fella!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

I Will Survive!

The day is nearly over.  We went to work out, we stopped at the store, I cooked up breakfast and make The Dad clean out the car.

Why? you ask.  Well, because my Black Beauty (my Jeep) decided to die yesterday.  She died several miles out at a graduation party.  We jumped her 3 times to get her home and now she's in the garage, nervously awaiting her trip to the car doctor.  Oh no wait... that's us.  Good thing we bought the extended warranty...

But his car had to be cleaned out before I wore MY nice clothes in it to the graduation!  

Zach Attack came up and was a man of few words... retreated to the basement and came up with his keys and out the door.  Blue Eyes left to hit a bucket of balls at the driving range.  #7 laid low on the couch and watched part of a movie.

Then all of the usual stuff... shower, bicker, race around, tidy up, make a face behind his back about a comment... you know.  The usual.

The graduation went off without a hitch.  It was over in less than an hour and a half and Wack made us all proud - even though he was texting during the ceremony.  I won't balk at it, because he was texting his brothers and there's nothing I love more than the banter that goes on between my boys.

Afterwards we had made a family decision to go to dinner at P.F. Changs - a favorite, celebratory occasion eating spot for our family.  

Now - The Dad and I are getting ready to be at Ferris for the Class of 2012 Senior All Nighter.   Now... it's hitting me.  Now, every little thought about that 7 pound, 12 ounce skinny little "Bean" baby is bringing tears to my eyes.  The gobby.  Ohhhh to have the gobby days back.  The days with all of the fun hats they made at preschool with Kurt, the memories of last days of school with Perrianne and the boys at some water park with 6 boys...  The Shaun Alexander wrist band, the Hawks, the Dodgers, the laughter that comes from his room, the TV room or up here when he's watching something funny.  And ohhhh when he laughed WHILE reading a good book.  

This is it.  

Love you Zachy.  Good job.  Thanks for all of your hard work.  If you need someone to do your laundry at the FIJI house at UW... you call.  I'm a quick hour flight away.

Love - MOTY

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Party All The Time

Wack's party last week was a great success, as I've already written.

Then on Thursday - Wack got his wisdom teeth out on Thursday and it (knock on wood) appears to have gone off without a hitch!  Special props to DDS Chad Collins, UW Grad and now, fellow FIJI brother of Wack!  

Today there are 3 parties to attend and my heart hurts for the party throwers with all of this dreadful rain... and cold temperatures.  But, these parties, bad weather or not - have all been great!

Last night - was another one of the group parties and the weather held.  Was a great party, supposed to go from 6-8p - and we got home after 10.  At one point one of my best girlfriends, and mom of one of the celebrated boys last night - we finally got to chat as it was winding down and I found myself getting all emotional.  We both teared up.  I remembered that this morning and The Dad said he had looked over and thought "Uh oh, fun party now."  But it was all good.

But it's hitting me now.  Not on Wednesday when he was home all day after graduation practice.  Or on Thursday when I was taking him to the oral surgeon and getting prescriptions, soft foods and changing gooey gauze pads in his mouth whilst he dribbled a Zips chocolate banana shake on his white t-shirt...  Or even on Friday when he called from home to see if he could eat something other than the soft foods and brought back that ever favorited 18 year old "tude".  Won't miss that...  most of the time.

Tomorrow he'll walk across that stage with his principals medallion and I will be so proud of his accomplishments.  He'll start his job with his older brother, Blue Eyes, out at the golf course next week and perhaps the sun will start to shine and allow me to bask in it, allowing me to temporarily displace the unpleasant thought that next year, these boys will leave my nest for the year and I'll have to figure out how to cut back on how much to cook, or even buy.  

This still just sucks.

But I'm happy that he's happy.  

I'm late to get ready for the first of 3 parties today.  I spent valuable time this morning putting game pieces on my Sizzlin Summer Albertsons game card...  I've sent The Dad off to one of todays party throwers houses with our tailgating tent and costco table - which seem to be making the rounds this weekend.  

Since he's gone, I'm going to go all "Sandra Bullock" on his ass and start looking at how to adopt a Baby Louis...

Ciao for now!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Time Keeps on Ticking...

I thought my time might free up a bit since we made it through the graduation party last weekend (without a hitch) and that I could then enjoy the rest of this time before the actual graduation weekend.  That I would be able to sit back and listen to the buzz from the other moms' about their plans for their parties this weekend.

Monday found me off kilter still with my music issue...  Tuesday, instead of coming home at lunch and writing my "supposed" daily post, I HAD to run down to Macy's and get my lotion.  And an eyeliner.  A new eye shadow.  A mascara and then another new eye shadow.  As I was walking out the door at Macy's, I realized she gave me the wrong lotion... <sigh>.  Then last night, was the Senior Awards Banquet.  Various awards were given away and then Wack (and others) was recognized as not only one of the Top 10% of graduates in Washington State, but also received his Principal's Medallion for finishing his high school career with a 3.75 or better.  

On the way home I found myself somewhat in awe of my boys.  All three of them received this medallion and after graduation on Sunday, this 3rd medallion will hang with the other two in my office.  I am so proud of all of my boys.

Tonight - finds me at bunco.  Tomorrow Wack has his wisdom teeth pulled and is the first "party" night of the weekend.  Friday morning - one of the DI kids at Sac, Joey, will "graduate" from Sac at the age of 21.  Sac is having an actual graduation just for Joey and I am honored to have been invited to attend.  And then there are parties to go to after work.  And parties all day Saturday.  

I have no time.  I thought I would have time. 

I need more time.

Monday, June 4, 2012


After feeling a bit like Chicken Little and thinking the sky would fall if I couldn't get music on this page - and feeling like throwing in the towel...

I did it.

And on the 8th day, God... oh nevermind.

The High School Prank

It's raining, it's pouring, mom's not cooking dinner...

Goes something like that, right?

So I texted all of the fellas at the end of my work day and asked them if they wanted to meet me at Waddell's or Twigs.  Waddell's it is.  Was.  Whatever.

When I got all the way there (2 blocks from work) I waited about 3 minutes before braving the torrential downpour and when it didn't let up, made a run for it.  Blue Eyes was next, Wack... then The Dad.

Idle chit chat, orders and then more chat.  Wack mentioned that tonight is Senior Prank night.  He said a few of the thoughts, details and then about the "stern" warning about not receiving their diplomas if they went through with it.

The Dad talked about how his groups idea was to, while the staff had their last staff meeting in the library, chain all of the doors shut.  Which is funny - though, probably not the best idea.  I could see that being a fairly serious disciplinary issue.  But my class... well... Leave it to the Class of '88.

We teepee'd the courtyard.  Yes, it's been done a gazillion times - but well...  

Back in those days, PETCO was Safeway and well wow, before it was Petco, it was actually Hastings.  Man... this is making me feel O.L.D.  Well, so we went in as a mass community of 18 year olds and bought toilet paper up the yin yang.  I actually went to school from 7a to noon and worked from 1 to 9 back then (then went home and did homework) but because of my job was one of like 9 that had a checking account... with money in it.  I remember writing some astronomical amount for toilet paper.  We're talking 25 years ago - $36 dollars worth of toilet paper.  And that was just ME.  

So we did that, then we all spent the night every which where - and the following morning, prior to heading in for finals - I remember walking into Rosauers on 29th (actually still the same place it was back then) with Wear and Tina.  I watched in awe - old people stop reading now... as my buddy Wear opened up a deoderant and put some on and then replaced the cap and put it back on the shelf.  Then, Miss Tina, opened up a toothpaste, squirted some on her hand and put it in her mouth, also replacing the cap and putting it back on the shelf.

I still proudly consider them friends.  

But I feel for the unsuspecting souls that bought those two items.


Sunday, June 3, 2012


I'm all in a funk right now.

We had THE BEST, last high school graduation party to be had.  It rained... poured from 5 am to 9 am yesterday morning and I had calls and texts from people saying they were thinking good thoughts and praying for sunshine for us - and while that was very nice of them, I wasn't ever worried about it.  With the remodel, our house is more conducive to larger groups and if we had to be indoors, we had to be indoors.  The rain wasn't really a concern of mine.  

The sun came out and when the 10-15 mile per hour winds weren't blowing, it was near hot out on the deck. 

The pizza was great, the cake was great (just ask our 13 year old black lab, Jack) 

the party ran long and the family and friends that joined us were all great, Zach spoke to everyone that came and we went to bed feeling like this might have been the best party in this house in 12 years.
So yesterday, what with spending from 9am until 230pm readying the house, running errands, cleaning, mowing, organizing - then holding the party from 4 to 7 (945 is then the last group left), only getting one piece of pizza and no cake (again, thanks to Jack) I didn't end up getting my post up.

But even though it was half written, I couldn't post it yesterday or today because since PLAYLIST.COM removed the option to load music to my blog - I've been searching nearly all day for a good code/player/free music site to make this work.  And I've been unsuccessful.  My ADHD and inability to be patient is not helping.

Stupid  Stupid stupid stupid  STOOOOPID

On a good note - Yah Tiger Woods!  Yah Boston Celtics!

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Graduation Party Circuit

Well...  Click on the video before reading...  because I said so.

It started tonight.  The first high school graduation party of "the season".  The first money card of many to come deposited into a purple box with a boys picture on it.  <sigh>

Tomorrow - we will host the only party we are aware of for June 2 - for our Wack.  As it is now... Zach's is the only party that is a "single" party.  Meaning - all of the other kids paired up and/or are having group parties.  With #7, we only knew of 2 kids that had a party together.  When it came to ole Blue Eyes - a lot of girls were doing it in 3's and 4's.  But this year - this whole group thing is all the rage.  And that's fine.  I have no issues with that.

Okay - I have an issue.  My only "issue" with it is this:  Last year, we went to group party.  (5 kids).  So with 5 kids comes 5 kids siblings, aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents, cousins etc.  Less parking and more people standing around awkwardly seeking out someone they know to talk to.  

Sure that can happen at a party where one kid is the focus.  Absolutely.  But last year, at this party... the great aunt of the girl we attended for (because we don't know girls mostly, being an all boy family... except for me, obviously) was sitting in a chair as her niece, nephew-in-law and the siblings restocked food and offered more beverages and said "hello's", "thank you's", and "good-byes".  It was cool out and because we are close with the family, we sat to talk with her, a blanket over her lap... - for nearly most of the time we were there.  There is nothing wrong with that and we were very happy to do that.  She is a wonderful lady with stories to tell.  But there may well have been 5 or 7 or more extended family members at that very same party that were feeling the same way because there were SO many people.  And perhaps, no one like The Dad and I that took the time to "involve" them into the festivities.  I can't say for sure.

I think it's hard enough planning for my one kid, every two years... working full time, trying to run a house, do FAFSA's, pay bills, do laundry, get the taxes in, pay college deposits, and just live life in general - that the thought of trying to coordinate rectangle tables or rounds and chairs, table covers and what other families want or imagined leading up to their child graduating... just doesn't seem like a headache I wanted to ever have.  So we didn't.

But it all comes together.  Tonights party was for three boys and it went off without a hitch. Well, if there were "hitches", no one saw them.  So there's that.

Ohhhh wait.  I have one other issue for the whole group thing.  "Of course you do." you say.  Well... lets say I get an invitation from Suzie.  And Suzie is having a party with Kami and Meg.  I don't receive an invitation from Kami or Meg. So I take a card or gift for Suzie only.  I'm not made of $$$ that I can take kids I may not know cards, let alone, cards with money in them.  So it's always awkward walking in with just a card.  Or maybe 2 if there's 4 or 5 kids.

I just don't like it.  So my rule is... you send an announcement, you get a card.  You don't... you don't.  

Well anyhow.  Was a great party tonight.  Ours is tomorrow (come on by!  David's Pizza will be cooking in our driveway!) and hopefully the weather holds.  You can never count on good weather for long in Spokane until July hits.  It's supposed to rain late tonight but clear up by party time.  I can live with that.  

I still have my calendar on May and I usually forget to change it for a few months... but tonight as I write this, I'm anxious to turn the page and see all of the possibilities that may line those dates in the years to come from the adventures of Zach... #7 and Blue Eyes.  

The Grad Party circuit has officially started.  Congratulations to all of them, and to us, for getting them all there.

I had the perfect song for this post, but Playlist has revamped their site AND deleted the option for people like me to add it to our own sites.  They get a HUGE HUGE thumbs down from me and countless others tonight.  Sad times...