I picked up a few things for the Fiorillo girls this morning - non-traditional things (well, aside from Robs' vodka) because they're going to get enough casseroles, lasagnas and funky salads over the next few weeks. I wanted them to have something so that if they were out and about and decided against "casserole agaiiiinnnn?" they had an option. Or if they just wanted to be out of the house... they had something to go do. Or if they needed music for their iPods to drown out their thoughts - they could do that too. I looked for a poster of Jon Bon Jovi for Robin because she loves him more than me - but I still love George Clooney more than her. That doesn't really matter. But get this - whether you believe it or not... no stores in my vicinity are currently selling posters of JON BON JOVI?!?!?! What?!?!?!? That was a little distressing for me... so hopefully she drinks enough of the vodka I brought, that she will forget I mentioned JBJ at all when we went to see her today.
All that aside - it's "these" events in life that find us having those deep, thoughtful talks with our loved ones - and how we would be, what we would want, how we want our spouse to be if it's us... Conversation that just isn't usually brought up when you have friends over for appetizers and drinks, ya know? You can talk about it all until you're blue in the face, but really - do we know how we would be, what we would do if it was us?
After seeing Robin and the girls today - I nearly instantly felt better knowing they are doing well, under the circumstances. But when you live with cancer, you know. You have those talks, you make those decisions. You hope you'll beat it. But there's a point where... you know. Those of us not living under that roof... we don't. Sure many of us have had a parent, friend, someone we know who has cancer, or lost their battle with cancer (other than Pat-Man)... but unless you've lived with it - you don't know.
But here's what I believe. I believe, after seeing all of "Pat's girls" today - that he knew... they were going to be okay. He knows he left them in good hands. Yours. Ours. Theirs. I know Pat would have fought harder, longer, willed himself to live even three hours or days longer - if he had any doubt that they wouldn't be alright. But he knew.
And today - we saw. (And in some cases... <Erin>... smelled)
I am keeping the same song for another day because - it's a great song. I am also posting the site for the bracelets as there have been some posts, emails and texts about them. The neat thing is - that they now make a copper one that is a skoche more affordable if you're wanting more than one.
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