Thursday, March 8, 2012

The "KONY2012" Virus...

Okay, it's not a virus, it's a viral video... but "everyone" has seen it now and are all twitterpated about it, so to me, they've got a "virus".

Last night Jeff asked if I had seen the new "viral" video KONY 2012 or as it was hashtagged on Twitter #StopKony.

I hadn't.  So he asked if I was at a stopping point with whatever it was I was doing in the office and brought in his laptop to have me watch.  He said I would probably cry.  (I'm one of those that might tear up to a really good Hallmark commercial.)

So I watched it and I was touched through much of it.  I thought it was really well put together, neat effects, name dropping, etc... but something started nagging at me just over halfway through it...  What was bothering me?

I wasn't sure then but as soon as they read the letter signed by President Obama, that they flashed up in their video - that was my first "A-ha!!"  Political.  Genius.  

Then, when they skirted over the issue that Joseph Kony is no longer in Uganda (do your research, you'll find it) and introduced us to their "Action Kits", bracelets and posters (they've also got a plethora of t-shirts on their site) - I realized that this is this organizations way to make money for something they are passionate about.  There's no crime in that.  BUT I'm not sure I like how they went about it - I mean, when I take my dog to the vet, if they say something is wrong with my pup - well I'm going to pay for them to "fix" my dog... and the vet knows that.  I love my animals.  My family.  My kids.  I would pay to "fix" things so that they are happy, well, healthy.

This organization knew that if they made this video and made it well - which they did, that it would tear at our collective heartstrings and this would take off.  More reading suggests that some of the money they receive as donations, goes directly to the Uganda government - which may or may  not be using those funds to help the children.  Many suggest - not.

So I didn't cry.  And when I started to explain that something wasn't setting with me right, Jeff was disgusted.  And then Zach came upstairs and when Jeff asked him if he'd watched the video, Zach said he'd seen it and sort of shrugged.  This got Jeff in a dither and he asked Zach why "shrug?"  Zach said he'd heard that the company did things with their money that doesn't follow suit with this new video.  The Dad then asked "Who told you that?" and Zach responded - "I researched it."  Because like me, that one, he was skeptical.

Okay - so they did what they set out to do - they've got the attention of everyone, everywhere and likely people buying their "kits".  I wonder though, if one Tweeter got it right, in that in 6 days, this will all die down again and have run it's course.  I think so.  But they will have accomplished something... for sure.

I liked the Obama "plug" because - I'll vote for Obama.  

I'd like to know how - if Jakob - was recruited into the LRA, as the film suggests -  got out of the LRA?  Who was supporting him, helping him and how is it he affords to get to the US for speeches and rallies?  

I appreciate their passion for their cause - their life passion.  But, like Jeff and I have said before - What about our cause?  What about the kids living here in the US with no food, health insurance, homes to live in, safe environments to be a kid?  It's different yes... but then, there's no Joseph Kony in Uganda right now and hasn't been for several years... so, what's the money really going for now?  

Food for thought.

Edited 6:35p
Oh... here's someone much more educated on the topic:  It's a worthwhile read.

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