Sunday, March 18, 2012

It's Not That I WANT To Say It... (KONY2012)

But... c'mon...  Either "I told you so" or "I knew it" will work.

Then again, maybe not... but still.

Here's my thoughts on this:  
1) I think Jason Russell and his "little" "KONY2012" viral video did exactly... exactly what he hoped it would do.  Well... minus the part where he didn't think people knowledgeable  about Uganda, Joseph Kony AND the Invisible Children would see his video and respond to/criticize it.  At least, not in time to affect the massive amounts of cash that the KONY 2012 "kits" were going to bring in.  And they probably did... but was it enough to hold up their end of the deal?  The buttons, posters, shirts, packaging?  Were they bombarded with STOP KONY beliebers (oops, thats a different celebrity)... believers wondering how they could help the campaign on April 20th to BLANKET EACH AND EVERY TOWN WITH "KONY 2012" posters?  That's a butt load of posters!  (Ironically sources now say that the plan was to only blanket 6 major US cities.)   Could this attribute to his mental breakdown?  Seems plausible.

2) I watched this video a few times and looked to The Dad and said - "If I didn't know any better, he seems/sounds... sort of feminine.  I mean, he's married and all, buuuutttt".  Gay men have been "married"  - it's happened.  In fact, I'm sure there are currently, some men... and women, who likely know they are gay, but stay married for appearances sake. So <shrug>, maybe all of the attention on him, inquiries, pressure... well, triggered this little anxiety attack?  Maybe he's not really who he's trying to be?  Watch a few of the 273 "mini" viral movies they've (he's made and starred in, and you decide.)  

3) Orrrrr... did the KONY 2012 campaign do just as many suspected - take off, 120 million views and then die off?  A flurry of attention, a flurry of sales and then... quickly waning.  Perhaps too quickly?  Could this all be a ruse?  Could he just be brave enough to have "pulled this" stunt to draw attention BACK to KONY 2012?  Because - it is.  

Did the "Invisible Children" and their video - attract attention of auditors?  Who knows?  Their "giving" practices are out there for anyone to read up on.  There are also apparently 273 other videos they have made about 3rd world countries, Uganda,... that don't mention the countries at all as they dance about in costumes - even though they were intended to raise awareness and $$ for them. 

I don't know... but it smelled fishy to me from the start, if you recall.  The fact that he's not being charged for masturbating in public, and instead just being evaluated at the hospital doesn't seem altogether right.  Why does he get this "Get out of jail" card?  It was broad daylight.  He's buck naked.  I mean, Hugh Grant was arrested in pitch black, dark car... with a prostitute.  Different, yet... the same.  

Dude's got problems... and it's not exhaustion, dehydration and malnutrition.  Perhaps he needs to look at some of the kids in Uganda to understand what malnutrition is?  

Just sayin.

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