Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Delayed Delayed Delayed
I was asked by the oldest: "What do I pack?"
MOTY: "FOR MEXICO!?!? Are you seriously asking me this question?"
Fast Forward to airport...
Brainiac Son: I don't have flip flops or a suit, but I brought khakis and at least a couple of nice shirts.
MOTY: Well that's good, cos all you need is swim trunks and flip flops.
"A" for effort.
I'm beginning to wonder with this first flight being delayed if his delayed announcement is a sign of things to come.
Monday, March 26, 2012
The Sound of Silence - Trayvon Martin
I, like many, did not hear about the Trayvon Martin murder until late last week. I read a tweet and prior to The Dad getting home from work, had gone out to read some information on the internet. When he got home I asked him if he had heard anything about it and he had a vague recollection of hearing something about it. It has fully blown up now and is what the world is talking about. And most are passionate about George Zimmermans non-arrest to date. As well we all should be.
As we talked that night - I said that anymore, my vision of law enforcement never brings about the image of Sherriff Andy Taylor. Or even of Officer Jon Baker and Officer Lou Poncherello. The whole "I'm above the law, because I AM the law" way of thinking isn't working... and on top of that, the good ole boys' cover ups, time and again are an embarrassment to our nation. But it's what it's become. It's not right, certainly... but, it's not going to change, either.
George Zimmerman is a guilty murderer. I've listened to several of the 911 calls, including his, which share his cell number and address (can't believe that hasn't been edited or bleeped out). It is clear that he is told the police don't need him to follow him. I read in another spot that George Zimmerman, a policeman "wannabe" was polished with his wording "He's coming towards me." and "He has his hand in his waistband." This was his way to "set up" his self defense.
Speaking of which - Trayvon may well have broken Georges nose - DEFENDING himself. Flailing arms, jerking his head with George behind him, kicking, screaming...
Screaming - like you hear in this call. It's heart wrenching... and I found myself horrified and scared for him. He was terrified... Someone please please help me understand what in bloody hell is taking them so long to arrest this guy?
And for those who ride the other side. The side that speaks of Trayvon's 10 day suspension from school for marijuana, or his theft last October. Yep... those things happened and most of us would make a judgement call on him based on those things. We might keep our kids from hanging out with him, perhaps. But then, most of our kids are no angels. I wasn't. But regardless of those things, on this night - Trayvon was not in possession of a weapon. He was on the phone talking to his girlfriend, had some skittles and an ice tea. Like Jeff said - even if Trayvon punched Zimmerman in the face, that doesn't warrant a gun to solve the issue.
And listen... because you'll hear it. Eventually. The sound of undeserved silence.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Color of the Week is Yellow
I walked into Sacajawea the other day to have lunch with friends. As I walked through the front doors, I immediately looked towards the class going on in the gym and saw Aaron. Aaron is the long term substitute that came in when Pat got sick. He'd become part of the crew over the years during Pat's on-and-off time due to illness. I saw Aaron and something came over me nearly immediately - and I had to turn abruptly and head to my destination in the building.
I enjoyed lunch with friends and some laughter, banter and even a few song lyrics. When lunch was over I made a quick visit to a couple of classrooms and then headed out to my car. I found myself thinking on my way back to work - of how Pat would walk into my office and say "Hey Kath... You remember those locker spreadsheets you make for me?" or the countless conversations about GSL football and basketball games. I vividly remembered his first time (no, not that...) at the Spokane Hoopfest Tip Off Party. I was still involved with the event and was able to get him and a few other guys at work on the guest list. Free food, beer and the NCAA Championship on a ginormous screen? Contests, prizes and more free beer? I remember him being pretty impressed with himself that he'd been to the exclusive party. Not with ME, the one who got him in. I remember a night in Vegas... where he and Jeff watched as 4 grown women screamed like 18 year olds at the Bon Jovi concert and yes, I remember that. Ahhh... love Patty.
Prior to learning when the memorial/celebration was going to be - I had determined that the colors I would wear for it are John R. Rogers Pirates colors. Purple and Yellow. Now I don't have any purple (yet... though check with me in a year as I have a new UW Husky to be) but I do have some yellow. Some...
Those who know me, know that my closet consists mostly of white, black, red... a couple of pinks, a few navy items and then a bunch more black items. A few crimson and gray T's and sweatshirts too. But I do have a few yellow-ish items in my closet.
Here's the unfortunate kicker... "Patapalooza" was scheduled for this Friday evening and we had long ago planned something that we are unable to get out of or reschedule. I know that I won't be missed there, as there is not likely going to be space enough as it is for the masses who will be attending - in fact it's probably welcomed if people CAN'T attend! I do also, in fact know, it's not about me.
I know I've been clear up just south of the Canadian border to see Robin and the girls a few times since.... then... and I also know they will have all the people they need there with them that night. I am sad that, in a way, I feel like I don't get to say "goodbye" with everyone else. You know... that "traditional" event that allows us all to make it final? It's a mindset I suppose, but I'm not having an easy time trying to make it okay. Someone told me to do it for a few moments, alone at the place we will be, and that's a real nice idea - but... it's just not the same.
So then... now what? Well, I plum can't go so the next best thing is to pay tribute to my potty-mouthed friend Pat by wearing his crappy ass school colors. (And for the record, if they are UW colors, the "crappy ass" part doesn't apply.) But as a Rogers Pirate... well, being a Ferris alum and in a family of 5 Ferris alums, well, you understand.
So - I've checked my closet twice, dug through drawers and due to an extreme lack of purple in this house - anywhere near this house - it's got to be JUST yellow. So this week, each and every day - I will wear yellow. And as I dress each day this week, I will say a few foul mouthed words that Pat would appreciate, say a few "Hail Adams" and say goodbye in this way. ("Adam" is Adam Morrison. I loved the kid when he played for Mead and then GU and he is, in fact, the very reason I signed our family up for season tickets for 5 years. Pat didn't understand my infatuation... I tried to make him appreciate it when I lovingly chose several of the photos that adorned my office walls and taped them up all over his hospital room. He didn't bite. Not for lack of trying.)
So my friend. This week is for you. When it's my time... you better be wearing fucking RED when I get up there.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
The Remote
There may not be anything more painful, than sitting here while Jeff "manages" the remote when there's nothing on TV.
Does anyone have a sleeping pill I could borrow?
Fast forward to 7.5 minutes later...
Not for him... for ME!! (Sleeping pill)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
The Walking Dead
I can't believe I'm going to say this... but we started watching Season 1 of "The Walking Dead" last night. We are on episode 4 tonight. Jeff wanted to watch "American Idol" from last night... so I relented, but now it's time for some dead people walking.
I miss "Dexter" so much.
I don't care about Idol, though I think the finalists are going to be Colton, Phillip Phillips and Holly. Jessica has an amazing voice, but is so young... I think that's going to be her downfall. The little country gal is spirited and can wail, she's likely to be top 4 or 5. Aside from all that - I'd rather watch "The Voice".
Anyhow, I'm not sure what it is, but this "Walking Dead" is intriguing. A skoche cheesy, but we're still watching. I wonder what Dexter would say if he knew that people are out here, having to find other shows, until next season - which isn't until September. <sigh>
*** Funny side note: The Dad couldn't get to sleep last night after watching it. <snort>
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
This Is Spokane, People...
March, April, May and June come around EVERY YEAR, everywhere. And every year in The Can, we get a burst of sunshine that, no matter how long they've lived here, tricks people into thinking that spring is on the way. Not me... I know better.
We had snow on June 10th three years ago. It was COLD here until mid-July last year! And yet, the news and paper and people I talk to seem shocked that it's snowing out today. <sigh>
I love a good summer, fall is favorite, it can snow up until December 26th and then anything between December 27th and July - just plain sucks.
So this crapass weather made me need to laugh. So I found this treasure: Enjoy.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Okay... Funny.
This is a REAL live ad. Okay. So my sources tell me he actually went bankrupt... but I just can't understand why.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Miscellaneous Monday
1) Today, my Starbucks latte was bought for me by the person in the car ahead of me. I don't know who it was, but I love it when that happens. So in turn, I paid for the car behind me.
B) The girl Erin Martin - on CeeLo's team on "The Voice"... sucks. ass. She was terrible and what made her ungodly unattractive was her ginormous ego. Blech. One tweet I read said that her voice made them want to kick the dog. Which is awful - BUT I totally got what the tweeter was saying.
ii) #SMASH !!! is on tonight! Love, love, love "Smash".
4) I found such a great swim suit at Macy's yesterday! I went back after my failed "attempt" last week or a few weeks ago and planned on "just getting that one" but found that a shipment of suits had come in since my last visit. So I got three pieces... fun, frolicky colors.
e) It's cold as ____!
2) It's apparent that Christina Aguilera is not comfortable wearing a bra. But then, in the hot summer months - neither does my mom. Just ask Jeff about that one time.
G. I still can't believe they killed Mike off on "Desperate Housewives".
vi) I need someone to design me three shirts. One half WSU, half UW for the Apple Cup. One half EWU, half WSU for the Eagle/Cougar matchup. And one with all three schools on it...
7) I really really wish the latest season of "Dexter" was starting. I miss him. Yes... I love a serial killer.
b) Hair appointment tomorrow! Yee haw!
Z) The End.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
It's Not That I WANT To Say It... (KONY2012)
But... c'mon... Either "I told you so" or "I knew it" will work.
Then again, maybe not... but still.
Here's my thoughts on this:
1) I think Jason Russell and his "little" "KONY2012" viral video did exactly... exactly what he hoped it would do. Well... minus the part where he didn't think people knowledgeable about Uganda, Joseph Kony AND the Invisible Children would see his video and respond to/criticize it. At least, not in time to affect the massive amounts of cash that the KONY 2012 "kits" were going to bring in. And they probably did... but was it enough to hold up their end of the deal? The buttons, posters, shirts, packaging? Were they bombarded with STOP KONY beliebers (oops, thats a different celebrity)... believers wondering how they could help the campaign on April 20th to BLANKET EACH AND EVERY TOWN WITH "KONY 2012" posters? That's a butt load of posters! (Ironically sources now say that the plan was to only blanket 6 major US cities.) Could this attribute to his mental breakdown? Seems plausible.
2) I watched this video a few times and looked to The Dad and said - "If I didn't know any better, he seems/sounds... sort of feminine. I mean, he's married and all, buuuutttt". Gay men have been "married" - it's happened. In fact, I'm sure there are currently, some men... and women, who likely know they are gay, but stay married for appearances sake. So <shrug>, maybe all of the attention on him, inquiries, pressure... well, triggered this little anxiety attack? Maybe he's not really who he's trying to be? Watch a few of the 273 "mini" viral movies they've (he's made and starred in, and you decide.)
3) Orrrrr... did the KONY 2012 campaign do just as many suspected - take off, 120 million views and then die off? A flurry of attention, a flurry of sales and then... quickly waning. Perhaps too quickly? Could this all be a ruse? Could he just be brave enough to have "pulled this" stunt to draw attention BACK to KONY 2012? Because - it is.
Did the "Invisible Children" and their video - attract attention of auditors? Who knows? Their "giving" practices are out there for anyone to read up on. There are also apparently 273 other videos they have made about 3rd world countries, Uganda,... that don't mention the countries at all as they dance about in costumes - even though they were intended to raise awareness and $$ for them.
I don't know... but it smelled fishy to me from the start, if you recall. The fact that he's not being charged for masturbating in public, and instead just being evaluated at the hospital doesn't seem altogether right. Why does he get this "Get out of jail" card? It was broad daylight. He's buck naked. I mean, Hugh Grant was arrested in pitch black, dark car... with a prostitute. Different, yet... the same.
Dude's got problems... and it's not exhaustion, dehydration and malnutrition. Perhaps he needs to look at some of the kids in Uganda to understand what malnutrition is?
Just sayin.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
The Wild Boys are coming...
Ryan's last night of spring break. Little Jeff heading into Finals week. Zach on his way home from a tennis tournament in Lewiston.
A trip to the store today yields fixin's for burgers, enchiladas, homemade chex mix, garlic pretzels, green shamrock shortbread cookies from Rosauers and enough milk and pop for three big boys for a late dinner tonight! The last time I had them all together was in December. The next time I'll get them all together? Maybe for our Summer Christmas... You know, that little weekend called "Hoopfest"?
So the stars have aligned? The moon is full... or is it the Luck o' the Irish?
No matter - so far, tonight is the best night of 2012.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Making The Turn
The pictures will stay on the wall.
The button will stay in my car.
The shirts will be worn on my back.
Though the memories are from younger years, they are mine to keep as long as I have the gift of memory.
The roller coaster of Pat's death a week ago, Zach's acceptance to the University of Washington yesterday, and knowing the 6 month anniversary of "September 16th" was today has weighed on me. The sadness has outweighed the happiness - understandable. But feeling elated yesterday for Zach was good. It was as good as I've felt in a long time. So I'm changing it up. Today I can't do the "sad" song, even though it's still appropriate. It's too soon. It's too soon - I battle with myself...
But for today - I choose to make the turn. It has to start sometime.
I guess...
SFB 12/3/90 ~ 9/16/11
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Who Let the Dawgs Out?
THE letter came in the mail today. Yes... THAT ONE. Just last night Wack and I were talking about being nervous about it. Originally I was not worried in the least bit. As the date drew near, I was getting more anxious.
Today, of all days, I didn't head home at lunch because Ryan is home from Phoenix and not heading back to Pullman until Sunday. Today, of all days, Zach goes home at lunch eagerly anticipating the date of 3/15 and the mail. Today, of all days - I was not home to see my baby boy open his final acceptance letter to college.
Today we celebrate our third little boy's accomplishments and hard work!
Heart is beating... tears are swelling... Tonight - I cry.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
At LAST! Something to Look Forward To!
March Madness, Baby!!
When Eastern football ends, we bide the time to the next football season by each day asking "How many more days til spring football?" And then... "How many days til the first fall scrimmage?" So we love football. We love Cabo. We love Cinco De Mayo. And there's not a whole lot in between... except for March Madness!
I've got one bracket filled out, competing against 104 other brackets. At $10 each. Winner takes all. I start out hopeful that I might do well and quickly realize that I'm going to have to suffice with beating Jeff and select others instead of taking home the moo-lah$$$.
The other bracket I filled out was the Obama Bracket Challenge. That one didn't cost anything and it came across on my Twitter feed - so it was just a matter of tapping the screen when we couldn't find anything to watch on TV last night.
My fun tonight - while sitting at the table for dinner with Ry and Suzanne, fresh off the plane from Arizona where they spent some fun in the sun... but failed to return with the sun in tow. As they were filling out some brackets for their own challenge, I told Ryan that I selected BYU to win the whole thing. Both Jeff and Ryan looked at me and I get TWO "Nu uhhhhh!" - "That's stuuu..." (as I grin rather largely at my success at duping them).
Ryan's response: "I'm gonna punch you."
Which warms this moms' heart because that's an endearment usually reserved for The Dad.
The Wizards' high school teammate is participating in March Madness - as the Montana Griz are in Albequerque for their first round matchup against Wisconsin! Good luck to Shawn and the Griz! Go Big Sky!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
This Weather is Ducked Up!
On Sunday - we raced from the car to Starbucks because it was a freakin' torrential downpour. When we left Starbucks, the sun was breaking through.
We ran to the store in a flurry because The Dad said the selection show started at noon. So we literally ran through the store for necessities. We got home at 12:15, with the wind picking up, clouds racing by overhead and a temperature drop. And no selection show until 3 pm. Attention to times, details... not a huge priority for The Man. <Grrrrrrr!>
By the time I was done starting some laundry, making nachos and mac and cheese for the choosy kids choose cheese kid and settling in for a few DVR'd shows (now that the Selection Show wasn't on) it was raining sideways outside. Then it snowed. Then it hailed. Sun came out. Clouds moved in. Thunder rolled. Dogs barked. Sleet. Rain. More thunder, snow and the sun again.
Monday - Mother Nature merely just pissed on us. Mostly she just dropped her temperatures again and threw in some rain off and on.
Today. Well the wind that the forecasters said was going to start around 5 AM, came last night at 10 PM (shocker). It's windy out a bit today... but this morning when we went to the club it was 47 degrees and blowing a bit. When we left the club it was raining sideways again. Driving to work was just gray and drab and depressing and my temperature gauge said 36. A lovely 11 degree drop since 6AM. It was snowing while I was at work. The sun came out an hour ago. And while I typed this, it hailed.
There is nothing good about March in The Can. Nothing. In fact, Jeff and I are considering "getting married" in June in Vegas and moving our anniversary to that day.
I can only be thankful that my kids no longer play baseball. And that tennis isn't played in the rain. And that Zach is March's Pooper Scooper of the Month.
I hate this weather. I hate March.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Ding Dong
Writers block tonight...
I made the mistake of telling The Dad that I just do not have anything to write about tonight.
So he leaned back on the couch, yanked on his shorts and said... "I got your topic right here."
Yep... <sigh> That's all I've got for tonight.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Buh - Buh - Buh.... BRACKET TIME!!!
I'm feeling a little "word" spent after the last couple of emotional days and conversations, thoughts. I know all to well how easy it is to stay in a wallowing state and wonder where the days and time went... so I'm going to pick myself up today - right now, because... holy shit... "Daylight Savings" apparently happened and now half my day is gone.
It's Bracketology Time and I will post my picks here later on today after the bracket is set. I know that this means mostly nothing because I never win the brackets I enter... <shrug> but it will count as my post for the day.
New day. Cue - new song(s).
Saturday, March 10, 2012
What Pat Knew...
I picked up a few things for the Fiorillo girls this morning - non-traditional things (well, aside from Robs' vodka) because they're going to get enough casseroles, lasagnas and funky salads over the next few weeks. I wanted them to have something so that if they were out and about and decided against "casserole agaiiiinnnn?" they had an option. Or if they just wanted to be out of the house... they had something to go do. Or if they needed music for their iPods to drown out their thoughts - they could do that too. I looked for a poster of Jon Bon Jovi for Robin because she loves him more than me - but I still love George Clooney more than her. That doesn't really matter. But get this - whether you believe it or not... no stores in my vicinity are currently selling posters of JON BON JOVI?!?!?! What?!?!?!? That was a little distressing for me... so hopefully she drinks enough of the vodka I brought, that she will forget I mentioned JBJ at all when we went to see her today.
All that aside - it's "these" events in life that find us having those deep, thoughtful talks with our loved ones - and how we would be, what we would want, how we want our spouse to be if it's us... Conversation that just isn't usually brought up when you have friends over for appetizers and drinks, ya know? You can talk about it all until you're blue in the face, but really - do we know how we would be, what we would do if it was us?
After seeing Robin and the girls today - I nearly instantly felt better knowing they are doing well, under the circumstances. But when you live with cancer, you know. You have those talks, you make those decisions. You hope you'll beat it. But there's a point where... you know. Those of us not living under that roof... we don't. Sure many of us have had a parent, friend, someone we know who has cancer, or lost their battle with cancer (other than Pat-Man)... but unless you've lived with it - you don't know.
But here's what I believe. I believe, after seeing all of "Pat's girls" today - that he knew... they were going to be okay. He knows he left them in good hands. Yours. Ours. Theirs. I know Pat would have fought harder, longer, willed himself to live even three hours or days longer - if he had any doubt that they wouldn't be alright. But he knew.
And today - we saw. (And in some cases... <Erin>... smelled)
I am keeping the same song for another day because - it's a great song. I am also posting the site for the bracelets as there have been some posts, emails and texts about them. The neat thing is - that they now make a copper one that is a skoche more affordable if you're wanting more than one.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Gone Too Soon...
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Pat and his girls... April 11, 1963 - March 9, 2012 |
Please say a prayer for Robin, Erin and Gina. While cancer hasn't been forgiving to so many, including Pat and his family - everyone prayed this trip to the hospital was to help him get stronger to fight. I never in a million years thought I would get the text I received today from Robin. "He's gone."
He fought long and hard... with strong will, determination and a family he so so loved and loved him back. It's not fair, we cry. And that is true.
Jeff and I bought Robin and Pat bracelets a few years ago... and I don't hesitate now to show you them and loudly exclaim -
Cinderella! Cinderella! ~ Help Find Her Glass Slipper!
The night following my B.S.N. (bathing suit nightmare) I dreamt all night long about my favorite North Side friend - Robin.
Robin is the wife of Pat - whom I told you about a while back after a trip to the doctor yielded some unwelcoming news. The "C" word was back.
I can't think of a time I dreamt about Robin... or Pat... ever in the 7 years I've known them. Drank with them... Danced with them (Bon Jovi, Vegas... oh, the good old days), dissed with them, but never had a dream about them. And so I knew that this dream meant something. I intended all day Tuesday to send her a text or email and just say "Hey" because I had to follow my instincts. And then, as I've let happen for 10 weeks now, I emerged myself in my work - always eager to get as much done as I possibly can and stay ahead of the ongoing craziness of TV World! (Not possible)
On Wednesday I returned to my desk and saw that I had missed a call on my cell phone. It was Rita... she was calling to tell me Pat was in the hospital. No visitors. No calls. He's just dang sick. The last round of chemo took its toll and while he was trying to power through it and work and stay as upbeat and as "just Pat" as possible - it was rest he needed... and now blood. His counts are so low... lower than low and he needs to be where they can monitor it all of the time. For now.
So I immediately contacted Robin - and intend to every day until her guy is home. If even just to say "hey, you stupid north side witch!" <smooch>. She doesn't have to respond, she just has to know I still think I'm better than her.
We chatted tonight and what many people don't know - is that her oldest daughter and my youngest son are betrothed. Including them - they don't know... Anyhow, we were chatting about Erin and how busy she's been this year, her senior year - which is probably a good thing. Her plans, Shadle Park... stuff. Erins' senior project came up and during this time that I can't do much for Pat as he works to get healthy in the hospital, or Robin, who's pulling double parent duty... again... on the north side. So when she told me what Erin's project was/is - I said to myself "Self... you can post this on your blog and reach out to your network to see how/if they can help her with her project."
Erin's project is this: She's doing a "Dress Drive" for formals. She's selling them for uber cheap and donating the money to charity. "Which charity?" you say? Childrens' Hospital, that's "which charity". Any dresses that go unsold will be donated to the Spokane School Districts' HEART program and to the Tiger Closet at Lewis & Clark High School. Something I never knew existed - and I worked for the district. Go figure.
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Meet Erin |
Erin has collected a number of dresses and will soon have a "Try On & Buy One" day. She's even gone so far as to bring in a seamstress who will be on site to do FREE alterations that day!
If YOU have a daughter and are reading this - you LOVE this! Right?!?!? I actually have a couple of suitable dresses from "Coaches Vs. Cancer" gala's past that I am donating... so it doesn't have to be a "prom" dress per se.
How about you? Erin and her mom will pick up any dress you donate or feel free to bring them my way and I'll make sure they get them. For more information - please contact Erin at :
For far too long, Erin and her sister have been growing up faster than any child should have to. They know more medical terminology you and I may never know or hear or understand. I'd love to make Erin feel "charmed" - The best of the Cinderella's out there. Dig in your closets, be it yours, your daughters, nieces, sisters, best friend... and see if you can't make this a time to remember something great!
Thank you.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The "KONY2012" Virus...
Okay, it's not a virus, it's a viral video... but "everyone" has seen it now and are all twitterpated about it, so to me, they've got a "virus".
Last night Jeff asked if I had seen the new "viral" video KONY 2012 or as it was hashtagged on Twitter #StopKony.
I hadn't. So he asked if I was at a stopping point with whatever it was I was doing in the office and brought in his laptop to have me watch. He said I would probably cry. (I'm one of those that might tear up to a really good Hallmark commercial.)
So I watched it and I was touched through much of it. I thought it was really well put together, neat effects, name dropping, etc... but something started nagging at me just over halfway through it... What was bothering me?
I wasn't sure then but as soon as they read the letter signed by President Obama, that they flashed up in their video - that was my first "A-ha!!" Political. Genius.
Then, when they skirted over the issue that Joseph Kony is no longer in Uganda (do your research, you'll find it) and introduced us to their "Action Kits", bracelets and posters (they've also got a plethora of t-shirts on their site) - I realized that this is this organizations way to make money for something they are passionate about. There's no crime in that. BUT I'm not sure I like how they went about it - I mean, when I take my dog to the vet, if they say something is wrong with my pup - well I'm going to pay for them to "fix" my dog... and the vet knows that. I love my animals. My family. My kids. I would pay to "fix" things so that they are happy, well, healthy.
This organization knew that if they made this video and made it well - which they did, that it would tear at our collective heartstrings and this would take off. More reading suggests that some of the money they receive as donations, goes directly to the Uganda government - which may or may not be using those funds to help the children. Many suggest - not.
So I didn't cry. And when I started to explain that something wasn't setting with me right, Jeff was disgusted. And then Zach came upstairs and when Jeff asked him if he'd watched the video, Zach said he'd seen it and sort of shrugged. This got Jeff in a dither and he asked Zach why "shrug?" Zach said he'd heard that the company did things with their money that doesn't follow suit with this new video. The Dad then asked "Who told you that?" and Zach responded - "I researched it." Because like me, that one, he was skeptical.
Okay - so they did what they set out to do - they've got the attention of everyone, everywhere and likely people buying their "kits". I wonder though, if one Tweeter got it right, in that in 6 days, this will all die down again and have run it's course. I think so. But they will have accomplished something... for sure.
I liked the Obama "plug" because - I'll vote for Obama.
I'd like to know how - if Jakob - was recruited into the LRA, as the film suggests - got out of the LRA? Who was supporting him, helping him and how is it he affords to get to the US for speeches and rallies?
I appreciate their passion for their cause - their life passion. But, like Jeff and I have said before - What about our cause? What about the kids living here in the US with no food, health insurance, homes to live in, safe environments to be a kid? It's different yes... but then, there's no Joseph Kony in Uganda right now and hasn't been for several years... so, what's the money really going for now?
Food for thought.
Edited 6:35p
Oh... here's someone much more educated on the topic: It's a worthwhile read.
Edited 6:35p
Oh... here's someone much more educated on the topic: It's a worthwhile read.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
What do Eggs & Ice Cream Have In Common?
Uhhh... Nothing. Other than I've never really liked either of them.
Okay, I have to be honest here. I actually DO like eggs. In cookie dough. But eating eggs - scrambled, hard boiled, poached, fried... just has never been for me. I liked deviled eggs as a kid and might have one if it's the only thing offered at a gathering - but mostly... "No thank you" to eggs.
And then along came an article - just after "the manager guy" at the club was telling me nearly verbatim what his wife did when she got close to my age and "weight, stomach... <whine whine whine> matter what I do..." just like I've been doing for a while now - that after she worked out, she would go home in the morning and have 2 eggs and 2 pieces of bacon. And she started losing weight.
Hmmmm... Eggs huh? <sigh> I knew bacon wasn't going to be in the cards during the week because we get home and it's a race to get ready for work and bacon takes longer to make. So... The Dad scared up some eggs for us - though I changed up my plan from "Club Man's" plan and just have one. And you know what? Since I've started the egg thing, combined with the foam roller ab stuff - I've lost nearly 8 pounds! So that's something... Eggsactly!
Now the other thing I don't love - unless it's hot outside, is ice cream. I'm always cold and in fact, right now, I can barely feel my fingers. I freaking HATE the cold! Hate it... and the hate manifests itself to hate EVERYTHING that's cold. I can't tell you how much I HATE being cold. And ice cream makes me cold. And ice cream IS cold!
But the other day - we were walking through Rosauers and guess what? First off - I went shopping and it was one of the "bigger" shopping trips. It was that decent day about 10 days ago and I left the house with my north face vest on. I realized that that was stupid as I was heading in to Rosauers since it's always so cold in there. But an amazing thing happened! While I was walking down the crackers/snacks aisle I began to warm up. And as I turned the corner onto the ice cream aisle - I was freakin' HOT! It wasn't because they had turned on the heaters... no... just an unsuspecting hot flash! Right there... right by the ice cream. So I did what I do when I go to the store hungry and bought the food closest to me... which happened to be ice cream. 2 gallons of ice cream. I texted Zachy to see what flavor he liked so that I could make it more about him than me... <shrug>.
Fast forward 8 days later - when amazingly I remember the ice cream in the freezer! That day I bought the ice cream, was the same day I hunted and found "Black Cohosh" (derived from a root) to take to help ease the hot flashes. And it's amazing!!! I have VERY few hot flashes thanks to the black cohosh! I realized while looking for it at three different supplements stores that there are a LOT of people taking black cohosh. In fact, my plan is to go and pick up a few bottles a week for a few weeks so I don't run out and have to wait for it since every other woman in Spokane is snatching these off the shelves!
Needless to say - the ice cream sat there, all alone in the freezer, with no one remembering it. Until we did! So even though I haven't been having hot flashes, I have found that a nice warm blanket, on a nice warm spot on the leather couch, allows one to "feel" rather warm, therefore faking me into believing I need ice cream. But the whole ice cream thing leaves me feeling guilty towards the eggs! I mean... there's a reason I'm eating the eggs!
So I ran further the last two mornings, ate my wheat toast and orange for lunch and have thus far, not hurt myself with the ice cream. But going to the store hungry is not good and apparently now... going to the store with the potential for hot flashes, also not ideal.
There's only one thing a woman can do in these circumstances! Make The Dad do it!
And I will. It's the best thing for everyone involved. Just so long as he buys the exact brands that I write down for him to buy. <sigh>
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Oh No! Not the B.S.N.'s!!!
When we went to the mall yesterday - I didn't go into my quick trip into the changing room to try on a new bathing suit for the upcoming trip. I really liked the suit. Until I put it on. I've lost weight since last year and I certainly didn't hate my appearance. At least not as much as last year... but close. The ab workouts I started doing close to a month ago have actually made a difference and Lisa said she will send me variations... so there's that. But... <just ugh!>
I wasn't completely scarred by my appearance in the suit - at least I didn't think so. Until I remember my dream from last night. I nearly cancelled the trip when I woke up. It's started! The B.S.N.'s - Bathing Suit Nightmares. Last year - I was so so so discouraged with all of the hormonal stuff and weight gain prior to the trip - I tried on a gazillion suits and finally just went blind and ordered a great one from a magazine. But... it was great for "fat" me. Fortunately after that trip my ovary stuff was figured out and now I'm nearly back down to comfortable me. And honestly... my stomach is flatter than I think it's ever been (Thank you LISA!!!) But damnit if I didn't inherit "jello-legs". I run 5 times a week, I'm not overweight, I lift weights... but I have jello-y thigns. So the suits I tried on - what really was the worst - was looking at my thighs.
So that starts off a Monday. Not good.
#7's passport arrived in the mail. That's good... but his hair is longer than mine and he has great thighs. Not fair.
I can't imagine what that thought is going to do to my dreams tonight. <sigh>
Hey - if you're looking for a really good alternative to situps... check out Lisa's video below!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Tic Toc... Tik Tok... Tick Tock...Tick Tok...
So many variations of how to spell it... I don't even have a favorite.
Today, tonight and tomorrow we get a little "introduction" if you will, of living in an "empty nest" as Zach and his class are off to the State Capital tomorrow for a visit with the Senator and attend a session in the Senate Chambers. As a funny aside here - this is not Zach's first time to the Capital... and he was quick to point out to his teacher and classmates that he's more than happy to show them around and maybe text his pal, Secretary of State - Sam Reed (??? this was 6 years ago folks!) - whom he met 6 years ago when he won the Letters for Literature writing contest. He was on posters delivered to schools across the state... and when the boys all fight about who is a better writer (they all take after their mum as far as writing goes) - Zach lets them boast and brag and then pipes in with his trip to the State Capital and "Major WRITING Award". (Which is really a lot like the fra-geel-eh lamp in "The Christmas Story".)
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So The Dad and I went to the club this morning - check that. The Dad left before me to play raquetball and I stayed home to organize the office, work on a spreadsheet, file, pay bills and THEN went to work out. At Starbucks after working out he asked what I wanted to do today...
WOTY - "Wash Zach's sheets while he's gone, vacuum the stairs, finish the office, make the bed in the guest room up and get Ryan's room done... because he'll be home this week and Suzanne will come with him and...
GAGGY - <rolling eyes> <immediately slumps forward in chair and starts pouting>
WOTY - "What?"
GAGGY - "Zach's gone and we don't have to worry about meals or doing stuff like that."
WOTY - (Thinking to herself... "Right. YOU don't have to worry about stuff like that")
GAGGY - ...continues "So I thought we'd go and play today."
WOTY - "Well, I don't intend to come home at lunch every day and clean and race to get it all done and then do more when I get home from work - at least not more than I already do. But if you'd like an extremely bitchy wife each and every single night of this week, then by all means... let's 'go play'".
GAGGY - <pouting> "Well, I wish we would have done this YESterday."
WOTY - "Well... WE could have. WE (pointing to myself) don't always have to be the one to START the chores."
GAGGY - <rolling eyes>
Can I just tell you how much this makes me look forward to "empty nest" time?
As it is - we got home, I finished my organizing in the office, started Zach's sheets, ran to the store for packaging materials, and he managed to get the little list of chores done that I approved he could do. With about 18 breaks to stand at the wall and watch golf in between them and even DURING them. So you know the next time I give him that list he's going to roll his eyes and pout - thinking to himself that LAST TIME it took him 4 hours to get his list done. Which would be true. BUT, had he left the TV off - it would have taken him 47 minutes. A combative 22 year old, 19 year old and 18 year old are easier to take than that.
After Tiger almost won - we left to run to get Zach's watch fixed, get The Dad a new wallet and me an eyeliner. We went to "Precision Time" out at the Spokane Valley Mall - a place that had only weeks ago replaced the battery in my watch. We walked up - waited as the young man was working on another gentlemans' watch and when he got to a point where he could acknowledge us he asked if we were just needing a battery... I explained that no, my sons uber nice watch lost a link as he was standing in class (uh huh...) and I have a link, yada yada yada. He looked at it, pulled out the link, the pin, put those on and then asked if I had the other pin. "Uhhh noooo..." He shrugs it off, opens a little drawer and pulls out one pin, tries to put it in, doesn't go. Pulls it out and then gets in his little box again, another pin... taps it in. Wha lah! He hands the watch back and says thanks for coming by. Good wife that I am, wanting to freely spend The Dads money, I look at him and say "Well, what do I owe you?" He says "Nothin'".
WOTY - "Nothing? No. I'll pay you."
GAGGY - <kneeing me in the side>
KID - "Really, it's fine.
WOTY - "You sure?"
KID - "Yah, no problem."
I realize it took him no time and one little pin that would have cost us a dime and he could have charged us $18 for it... but no one does that anymore. Tell me the last time someone provided you a service (especially in a mall) for free.
So everyone... "watch" issues - take your business to "Precision Time". We've had quick, friendly experiences both "times".
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Overheard At Clinkerdaggers Last Night
We went to Clinks' for our 21st anniversary. We sat at the same table we sat at the last two years and we enjoyed the "usual" dinner that we order when we go there. Two things: 1) We don't go there enough. 2) We should really try something different. Not that our food was bad - if wasn't. Until around midnight when all of its amazing flavor and "richness" decided to settle in.
It appeared as though there were several celebrations going on - birthdays & anniversaries. Many tables with the celebratory "Congratulations" cards and little curls of ribbon about the table. While we chatted about work, the boys, spring, summer, there was a conversation going on nearby about age differences in couples. I should preface this with - we all noticed this old woman (I would like to say "older" to suggest she was just older than us, but no... she was OLD. She had brown hair, which is lucky for her she got good genes <wink wink> ...but she was "old" and nothing was more telling than the point when we saw her teeth start to come out and she quickly [which is a nice feature if you're old] caught them as they were coming out and semi-discreetly pushed them back into place.) and a man come in to sit at the table next to us. We conversed briefly about whether it was her son or husband and I went with "son". So there's that.
So back to the conversation about age differences in couples. The mans' comment was: "Would you date someone 10 years older than you?" And the following was the general conversation:
Woman: Ummm well, yah, I mean maybe...
Man: I just don't think I could.
Woman: Ya... hmmmm. I don't know.
Man: No. Not me.
Woman: Well, my dad is 10 years older than my step-mom...
Man: I know.
Woman: And my mom is 7 years older than my step-dad...
Man: I know... that's them. But could you sleep with a 52 year old man?
Woman: Well, if his name is George Clooney, then yes. Yes I could.
Man: Well if you put it that way... then I would go with Sandra Bullock.
Woman: Sandra is NOT 10 years older than you. She's my age. That doesn't count.
Man: Then I'd probably have to go with the Oscar winner.
Woman: Octavia?
Man: No... no... the other one.
Woman: <cackle!!!> You mean - Meryl Streep?
Man: Yah. She's hot.
Woman: She IS for her age. But now you've gone over the 10 year mark by an additional 10 years.
Let it be known I did my research today - and George Clooney is not 52. He will be 51 on May 6th. (Close enough) AND... ironically, Meryl Streep - shares a birthday with my mom. June 22nd. Just not the same year. Ballpark area though.
I like the womans' choice for an older man though.
Oh wait. That WAS us! Our anniversary dinner consisted of - essentially - a round of "Who Would You Do?"
Here's to 21 one more years. I might have to keep track of this list to see how the "selections" change as we get older.
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