Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Alarm Went Off On Just Another Day

The alarm went off 11 years ago.  I rolled over to turn it off and remember the Breakfast Boys talking about a plane hitting one of the Twin Towers.  The Dad sort of hit me to hit the snooze button - which I did.  But what I did next was immediately crawl over him for the control for the TV we had in our bedroom.  He didn't awaken.  I turned on the t.v. and  nudged him.

I nudged him again. 

We sat and we watched.  The minutes dragged on... on on... I can't begin to imagine how slowly the seconds passed for those directly affected by the attack on our nation.

I'm not sure at what moment we realized this was going to be historic.  Awful historic.  But historic and thought the boys should watch... we pulled them into our room and we all watched.  But unlike us, sitting, watching, in shock and awe - the boys wanted their cheerios and to get ready for school.  Which they did.

I sat there for half of the day just watching the television.  The Dad left for work later than usual.  There seemed to be a sense of holding on to our nucleus.  Who knew what might happen next?

It's 11 years later...  there are 10 and 11 year olds without their dad.  Moms without their sons and daughters.  Fathers without sons and wives.  Wives and husbands without the loves of their lives.  Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends...  

My Zach Attack found this on youtube today and I think it's a good watch.  

The show must go on.  The show... that is "life".  

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