Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Another October 3, On The Books

Today I'm 43.  Which isn't really any different than being 42.  In the grand scheme of things anyhow.
Started out the day with a workout - more of a warm up and then some work on my arms.  Home, cleaned up and then stoppef for my latte and away we go.
But then Beck had to bring in the lemon cake or cinnamon roles from Starbucks.  I chose lemon and while I don't usually eat much before lunch, I managed to gobble down all 43 calories of the nummy yellow cake. 
With no lunch plans and having done a project this morning that would set me back on "normal" work, I opted for a bag of sour cream and cheddar ruffles for "lunch".  After those 43 calories, I am wishing I had another half piece of the Starbucks lemon cake with the yummy tangy glaze frosting. 
I think I've picked up an additional 43 calories just thinking about it.
With an empty house tonight and the fact that I haven't been to the store in what feels like ages - with the boys all gone - my options for birthday dinner are few, and fortunately, there are no options for dessert. 
A debate on TV tonight likely means shows I normally would watch won't be on, so it looks like a quiet 43rd birthday at the Lloyd house. 
Empty nest sucks.  Birthdays aren't much better.

Oh but wait...  I just got this.


christalovesotto said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Yes Happy Belated Birthday! Same as my older sisters....she turned 5-0!! Aren't you glad you are WAY Younger?
